PRESENT: Steve Barratt;ClareWest;MichelleTointon;PatStooke;JulieKabouya;CaroleLister;DarylRyan;Simon Chiles.
2.MINUTES OF THE 2011 AGM read and proposed by S.Barratt seconded by P.Stooke.
3.MATTERSARISING:There had been several more Officials qualified in 2012, and several more training. Still need more.
The Club had changed from using the Corgi Results system to Sportsystem,as this was seen as much quicker, taking times from the Rankings.
4. a) Chairman’s Report. Steve Barratt presented his report, which praised the Club and Coaches for their achievements and continues success.
His report was adopted by Carole Lister. Seconded by Julie Kabouya.
b) Treasurers Report-Pat told us that figures were similar to last year, with a small profit although Squad fees income had risen with more swimmers, Pool Hire continued to rise. Expenses were being kept to a minimum but with possibly no more money due from the Council we would start eating into our Reserves. There was a chance there could be a small amount due from Council.
The Club required aminimum of one hundred thousand pounds a year to run, with Coaches’ salaries and Pool hire. It was essential that the Open meets continued and made as much profit as possible. The Cost of Hire at DMU was the same as Cossington St and Desford combined. Alex had shown prudence in getting some sponsorship. Some monies he will receive from Leicester Uni for Coaching would be re-invested back into the Club, to cover Coaching when he was away. We really did require a sustainable income /sponsorship.
Report was Adopted by Julie Kabouya & seconded by Michelle Tointon.
c) Head Coaches Report. Alex presented his report in detail for the Olympic Yearjust finishing. Many awards were won at the Mercury Awards,and at Local sports Awards around the County.There was success in all Competitions
Many swimmers made the Development Programmes at all Levels.
His report was adopted by JulieKabouya and seconded by Clare West.
5. Thanks were expressed to Ian Mills who had resigned from the Committee.
7. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2013. It was agreed unanimously that all nominations be accepted En Bloc.Adopted Steve Barratt seconded by Carole Lister
Officers: Chair Steve Barratt. Treasurer Pat Stooke; Secretary Carole Lister.
Committee:Julie Kabouya (Welfare Officer) Michelle Tointon. Clare West.
Two new members were welcomed to the Committee Simon Chiles and Daryl Ryan.
8.AOB. Daryl expressed concerns about swimmers dropping out of events at Open Meets, usually when they made a Final, they would drop out of a subsequent event, leaving many empty lanes. Perhaps bring back a ruling they would not be allowed to compete again if they did not inform the Organisers. Session timing to be looked at to comply with Licencing regulations.
Pat was concerned about 2 e-mails sent out by Braunstone’s Welfare Officer to all her members which implied guilt of COLSC swimmers over recent Incidents at the Pool. A letter would go out to the Braunstone Club.
The next Committee Meeting would be on Thursday Jan 31st at 7.30pm
The Meeting closed at 8.45pm.