Music Lesson Plan
Kim Baker
Title: Hi, My Name Is Joe Grade Level: 2nd
Materials needed:
Willing, able, and excited students!
Have students sit in a circle so everyone can be seen and they won't be crowding you or each other.
Ask students:
What's a button?
How do we use a button?
What else can we use to press a button besides our hands?
Tell the students that they will be learning a song about a guy named Joe who worked in a button factory and had to press lots of buttons all at once!
Teaching Song:
1. Sing one verse to the students all the way through.
2. Sing one line and have students repeat the same line back to you.
3. Repeat until an entire verse is learned.
4. Add movement.
5. Sing entire song from beginning.
Song Lyrics:
1. Hi my name is Joe,
and I work in a button factory.
I’ve got a wife and three kids.
One day, my boss came to me
he said, “Joe, are you busy?"
I said, "No".
He said "Push the button with your
right hand."
3. Hi my name is Joe,
and I work in a button factory.
I’ve got a wife and three kids.
One day, my boss came to me
he said, “Joe, are you busy?"
I said, "No".
He said "Push the button with your
right foot.”
4. Hi my name is Joe,
and I work in a button factory.
I’ve got a wife and three kids.
One day, my boss came to me
he said, “Joe, are you busy?"
I said, "No".
He said "Push the button with your
left hand.”
5. Hi my name is Joe,
and I work in a button factory.
I’ve got a wife and three kids.
One day, my boss came to me
he said, “Joe, are you busy?"
I said, "No".
He said "Push the button with your
left foot.”
6. Hi my name is Joe,
and I work in a button factory.
I’ve got a wife and three kids.
One day, my boss came to me
he said, “Joe, are you busy?"
I said, "No".
He said "Push the button with your
8. Hi my name is Joe,
and I work in a button factory.
I’ve got a wife and three kids.
One day, my boss came to me
he said, “Joe, are you busy?"
I said, “Yes!!!”
7. Hi my name is Joe,
and I work in a button factory.
I’ve got a wife and three kids.
One day, my boss came to me
he said, “Joe, are you busy?"
I said, "No".
He said "Push the button with your
Each time a body part is added on at the end of the verse, move it up and down to imitate pressing a button. Continue this movement to the end of the song. During the last verse, students should be bobbing their hands and head, stomping their feet, and singing with their tongue sticking out.
Ask Students:
What kinds of objects use buttons?
Social / Cognitive / Physical / Musical / Other Subjectsl Singing and moving with peers.
l Responding to questions and comments made by teacher and peers. / l Memorizing the lyrics, tune, and movements of the song.
l Relating song to self. / l Moving appropriately with the song. / l Singing
l Listening
l Evaluating / l Physical Education
l Visual and Performing Arts