MSU LiveText HelpSheet
How to Create Folders for Reviews in your LiveText Account
This HelpSheet is specifically for folders used to store student work submitted to you for review and assessment. [Note: The marked rubric will remain linked within the assessed student document in whatever folder it is in.] Another HelpSheet explains how to create folders for documents you have created. (See Folders under Labels.doc.)
[Labels can be thought of as folders, since they provide locations where you can find your documents. These instructions will use the terms ‘label’ and ‘folder’ interchangeably.]
- Open your LiveText account.
- Click ‘edit labels’ on the left under Labels.
- Click the Create button.
- Choose Label (not Smart Label – its purpose will be described in another HelpSheet).
- Give a title for the folder that will appear under Labels. You may want to file them by semester, such as a ‘Spring 2008’ folder. You could also just put all of them into one folder called something like ‘Completed Reviews.’
- The Description is optional. Then click Save.
- The new folder appears on the left, alphabetically, under Labels. However, it will always appear empty when you click on it there, since documents from the Reviews section of LiveText can only be accessed under ‘Reviews.’ A later step will show how to see the documents you place in this folder.
- To move a document to your new folder, go to Reviews, just as if you were going to review a document submitted to you.
- Click in the box beside the name of a document you want to move to this particular folder.
- Click the Apply Label button above the list of documents. The drop-down menu will list all the labels you have created.
- Click the name of the folder (label) you want to move the document to. This applies the label to this document (puts it into this folder).
- You may mark more than one document and move several at once, if you want. You may also mark all the documents in your view by clicking the box in the bar beside the word ‘Title.’ Note: This will not select any documents on pages beyond what you can see in this one view. However, after you ‘move’ these, the next page of documents will appear.
- To see documents in the various Reviews folders you have created, use the pull-down menu at the top beside the title, ‘Filter by Label.’ Click on the title of any folder and it will open. Note: All the folders shown on the left under Labels will appear here in this menu. However, all will appear empty except ones in which you have placed documents from this Reviews area.
- If you made a mistake and put a document in the wrong folder, just open that folder and use Apply Label to move it to another folder. You also have a ‘Remove label’ option, which will send it back to its original folder.
- Note: the default (or main) folder for the Reviews area is called ‘My Reviews (not labeled].’
Last revised on 4/10/08 gp