Daybreak Elementary

Community Council MINUTES

September 21, 2016 at 9 amPage 1 of 2


Doree Strauss, Dianna Karren, Nancy Kertamus, Christie Despain, Leilani Brecht

Ann Wilson, Katherine Harbaugh, Andrea Sam, Delani Mason

Jordan School District Bond: Doree

Not many attendees at bond meeting, but this is encouraging, probably due to no opposition

Ann asked about going to a traditional schedule with new schools built. Doree said that it will most likely be an extended traditional schedule because of the uniqueness of our school space

Anticipate a district boundaries meeting in November/December. After bond is approved.

Andrea pointed out that those that would vote against the bond are most likely charter or home school parents or those with no kids.

The District has done a good job this time educating the public, and presenting a more detailed bond

Also received support of local city mayors and listened to public concerns after last bond failed to pass

Everyone is confident the bond will pass

School Community Council Meeting Dates have changed from Thursday’s to Wednesdays

Next meeting will be November 16th at 9 am

Council will review the Land Trust Plan that was approved last year

Fundraiser Report

The new Wasatch Books are earning just as much as the Happenings books used to bring in

More books are being sold then individual donations, some families have donated directly to the school in addition to buying a coupon book

The money from the books is used to fund prizes for student recognition and technology. Doree has to buy nonfood prizes that are more expensive than candy. Razz Kids price has gone up but everyone loves it.

Budget will be presented to committee at the next meeting which will show what last year funds were specifically used for

Zupas Night Next Tuesday

Free face painting for 2 hours, Ann will bring 2 chairs for volunteer

Other dates are PTA fundraiser nights but this one is specifically for school

Harmons Day

There has been come confusion in the past in coordinating with Harmons due to management changes

  • Tawna Pipin will check to make sure PTA is involved with Harmon’s Day this year

The new Smith’s will be matching a $2,500 donation which the school will be using for a new Chromebook Lab

Live Daybreak will be donating $3,000 per year. This year the money was used for Z Space technology.

September 21, 2016Page 2 of 2


Katherine asked how they are going this year.

Teachers have been given 45 minutes, 4 days per week to work with kids who are struggling and or that need additional enrichment activities for STEM and all other subject area’s

Nancy said this year it’s a smoother process, some teachers are even doing music

Our model has been implemented at 10 more schools who have visited Daybreak

Overall School Grade was changed from an A to a B due to State Legislation and politics

Our test scores are awesome and we have proof that our students have overall improved

Math Tournament – Held Thursday before the week of Spring Break, April

Katherine needs help with getting restaurant certificates and snack donations or we will have to charge schools more $$ to participate

  • Question as to whether or not the certificates have been given to participants – Artic Circle & Village Inn
  • PTA will help with snacks and certificates, McDonalds donated apples and Chick-fil-a crackers

Katherine will verify that Chris Merrill will be helping this year

Katherine has already sent information to individual classes

A request will be sent to the community to encourage more members to participate in SCC at Daybreak

Adjourn until next meeting, November 16th