Minutes of the November 10, 2014 Regular Council Meeting

President Adams called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members of the Council present: Erine Adams, Linda Mesler, Diane Lippert, Marc McKee and Jesse Carlson. Absent: Mark Larsen and Bev Luther. Also present: Clerk Dawn Dodge, Krista Tacey-Cater, Chris Fishell, Nicole Crespo, Harold Scott, Nilah Mason, Kathy Murphy, Connie Allen, Dave Linderman, Shelly Linderman, Bruce Yannatta, Carol Garlo, John Rosczyk, Pam Miller and Sergeant Laurie Beck. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and an Invocation given by Jesse Carlson.


No one was present from the Sheriff’s Department at the time this item came up on the agenda.


Moved by McKee, seconded by Lippert, to approve the Consent Agenda, including bills to be paid, in the amount of $16,648.76. Ayes: McKee, Mesler, Carlson, Adams and Lippert. Nays: None. Absent: Larsen and Luther. The motion carried.


Sergeant Beck gave the Sheriff Department’s Report.


Moved by Carlson, seconded by McKee, to accept the Regular Agenda. All in favor. The motion carried.


There was a written report in the agenda.


President Adams introduced and welcomed the new Village Manager, Bill Bohlen, and the new Village Treasurer, Shelly Linderman.


-Second Street Project

Doug Coates of Gosling Czubak spoke and answered questions regarding the change order and final bill from CJ Excavating. Manager Bohlen is going to do a forensic review of the project.

Moved by Mesler, seconded by Lippert, to approve Change Order #2 and pay the balance of $198,599 contingent upon the Manager’s review of the bill. Ayes: Carlson, Lippert, Adams, Mesler. Nays: McKee. Absent: Luther and Larsen. The motion carried.

-Excess Equipment (motor bid)

One bid was received and opened. The bid was received from Mike Looney for $1 above the highest bid. There was a motion made to accept the bid with no second. Manager Bohlen would like the opportunity to look into an excess equipment policy.

-Tractor Bid

No bids were received.

-Snowmobile Trail

Bruce Yannatta, chairman of the Recreation Committee, gave an update on the history of the Recreation Committee. Connie Allen spoke regarding the map.

Moved by Lippert, seconded by McKee, to approve the Resolution for the snowmobile/ATV trail system for Roscommon. Ayes: Carlson, Lippert, Adams, Mesler and McKee. Nays: None. Absent: Larsen and Luther. The motion carried.


-Bonus Request

Nicole Crespo requested a bonus due to her additional duties performed while being without a manager.

Moved by McKee, seconded by Lippert, to authorize a $1,500 bonus for Nicole for doing the duties of the village manager as requested. Ayes: Adams, Mesler, Lippert, McKee and Carlson. Nays: None. Absent: Larsen and Luther. The motion carried.

-MML Conference Report (Marc McKee)

Trustee McKee gave a report of the MML conference in Marquette.

-Water Bill Review

Fred VonHinken received an exceptionally high water bill and is requesting relief available through the Excessive Water Use Policy. There was no explanation for the water use as Mr. VonHinken was not living in the residence. Dave Linderman of the DPW said there was no evidence of erosion or flooding. The water is now shut off.

Moved by Lippert, seconded by Carlson, to impose the Excessive Water Use Policy for Mr. VonHinken. Ayes: McKee, Carlson, Adams and Lippert. Nays: Mesler. Absent: Larsen and Luther. The motion carried.

-BS&A Software Training

There was discussion regarding training for the new treasurer and manager.

Moved by Mesler, seconded by McKee, to authorize two-day in-house training from BS&A in the amount of $2,168. Ayes: Adams, Mesler, Lippert, McKee and Carlson. Nays: None. Absent: Larsen and Luther. The motion carried.


Bruce Yannatta: Wanted to correct a statement that was being circulated in town and say that he was very proud to serve on council and the paper being circulated is not true.

Connie Allen: Welcomed the new manager.

Nicole Crespo: Thanked the council for her bonus and for checking in on the office while we have been without a manager.

John Roscyck: The Building Committee will meet next Friday. There was a discussion with a River Center member who gave an update on their meetings. Welcomed the new manager. Congratulated Erine on a job well done.

Pam Miller: Thanked Erine for her service.


Trustee Lippert: Thanked Erine. Welcomed Bill. Thanked Nicole, Dawn and Janae for putting in the extra work while being without a manager. Thanked everyone working on different committees, organizations, service groups and is hoping everyone will focus on the positive.

President Adams: Welcomed Bill. Thanked everyone for their well wishes and she will continue to work hard.

Trustee McKee: Concerns regarding garbage that was blowing around town for four days. Thanked Erine.

Trustee Carlson: Thanked Erine. Welcomed Bill.


Manager has a list.

Manager Bohlen: Would like to schedule a special meeting November 18 at 7 pm for budget review.

Moved by Carlson, seconded by McKee, to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 PM. All in favor. Hearing no objections, the motion carried.

Erine Adams Dawn Dodge

Village President Village Clerk