My name is:
This is picture of me
when I was a baby
This is me now
My birthday is:
Day / Date / YearI live at:
Address:My telephone number is:
Number: / 028Mobile:
I live with my family
Here they are
This is my handprint or outline
This is my footprint or outline
My pre-school teacher is:
Name:Tel No:
My speech therapist is:
Name:Tel No:
My occupational therapist is:
Name:Tel No:
My physiotherapist is:
Name:Tel No:
I go to playgroup at:
Tel No:
My Doctor is:
Tel No:
The other doctors that I go to are:
My medical needs are:
I need: (please tick)
Help / Yes / NoStanding frame / Yes / No
Hearing aid / Yes / No
(please tick)
Glasses / Yes / NoOther
(please specify) / Yes / No
(please specify) / Yes / No
Things I like to eat
Things I don’t like to eat
Places that I like to go
Toys that I like to play with
My favourite books are
My favourite TV programmes and videos are
My Communication
(please tick)
I am learning MakatonI am learning PECS
I like pointing out pictures and photographs
I like songs and rhymes
My favourite songs are
I can say some words/phrases
My Self-Help Skills
I wear a nappyI can sit on my potty
I can ask to use my potty
I can go to the toilet by myself
(please tick)
I can wash my handsI can wash my face
I like a bath
Eating & Drinking
I need help to eatI can finger feed
I can use a lidded cup
I can use a trainer beaker
I can use a knife
I can use a fork
I can use a spoon
I can use a straw
I can drink from a glass or a cup
I can help take my clothes offI can help with putting my clothes on
I can undress myself
I can put my socks on
I can put my shoes on
I can put my coat on
I can dress myself with a little help
Other things about me
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