Garfield Voluntary Stewardship Program

VSP Work Group Coordination Meeting


Date: February 25, 2016 Location: Pomeroy Grain Growers, Pomeroy

Time: 3:30 PMPurpose: VSP Work Group Kick-Off Meeting

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  1. Housekeeping Items and Agenda Review
  • Evan Sheffels – WA St. Farm Bureau – VSP History - Call-in-Number 509-843-5028
  • Review Proposed DRAFTGround Rules – Approve Final Language
  • List of Work Members - What Contact Info do Group Members want on List?
  • Identify Work Group Chair
  1. Around-the-Room Discussion – Difference between VSP and GMA! What do you want from this planning effort? How do you prefer to receive materials? Concerns?
  1. Review Framework for Development of Work Plan
  • Five Critical Areas: 1) Wetlands; 2) Frequently Flooded Areas; 3) Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas; 4) Geologically Hazardous Areas; and 5) Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas (emphasis on andromous fish)
  • Work Plan Must Include: 1) Identify Critical Areas and Ag Activities; 2) Identify outreach Plan to Contact Landowners; 3) Identify Entity to Provide Landowner Assistance; and 4) Identify Measureable Goals and Benchmarks
  • Statutory Elements A – L: Handout for Discussion
  • VSP Outline: Handout for Discussion
  • Pomeroy CD and Asotin PUD Projects Completed: Duane has excel spreadsheet from 1996 of completed projects. Need to work with NRCS and FSA to get programs completed by watershed since 2011
  1. Next Meeting –Shoot for 1 pm Start Time in Mid March?
  • Critical Area Locations, Previous Projects Completed and Future Unique Project Ideas



  • Agenda
  • Work Group VSP Ground Rules - DRAFT
  • Work Group Member List - DRAFT
  • Statutory Elements A – L
  • VSP Outline – DRAFT
  • Voluntary Stewardship Program – 36.70A.700 Purpose – Intent thru 36.70A.904

Garfield VSP Work Group Kick-Off Meeting 1

February 25, 2016