CFU The Judicial Branch

1)A chief responsibility of the Judicial Branch of government is…

a. Making federal laws

b. Enforcing federal laws

c. Reviewing the constitutionality of federal laws

d. Vetoing federal laws

2)There are how many justices on the Supreme Court?

a. Five

b. Seven

c. Nine

d. Twelve

3)The title of the person holding the top post in the Judicial Branch is…

a. Chief Justice

b. Supreme Justice

c. Chief Associate Justice

d. Attorney General of the United States

4)The responsibility of the Judicial Branch of government is to…

a. Write the laws.

b. Enforce the laws.

c. Apply and interpret laws.

d. all of the above

5)The responsibilities of the Judicial Branch are outlined in the Constitution in…

a. Article One

b. Article Two

c. Article Three

d. Article Four

6)In Federalist 78, Hamilton argued:

a. that the Judicial is the weakest branch

b. judiciary has neither force nor will, only judgment

c. a tenure of office that is as long as the judge has good behavior will keep it independent

d all of the above

7)The decision in Plessy v. Fergeson established:

a) the concept of judicial review

b) the concept of “separate but equal”

c) the concept of stare decisis

d) the concept of corporations as people

8)Marbury v. Madison established:

a. Dominance of the federal government over the

states in interstate commerce

b. The principle of judicial review

c. Dominance of Maryland over the federal government in matters affecting Maryland taxes

d. The status of slaves as non-citizens

9)Supreme Court justices must be…

a. Nominated by the House and confirmed by the Senate

b. Nominated by the Senate and confirmed by the Supreme Court

c. Nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate

d. Affiliated with the same political party as that of the President

10)The Supreme Court hears most cases:

a. on original jurisdiction

b. on appellate jurisdiction

c. on capital crimes

d. in the White House

11)Brown v Board of Education:

a. changed campaign laws

b. established judicial review

c. said abortion was legal

d. ordered desegregation of schools

12)Roe v. Wade said that:

a. abortion cannot be limited by states in he first trimester of a pregnancy

b) the concept of “separate but equal”

c) the concept of stare decisis

d) the concept of corporations as people

13)Oliver Wendall Holmes, Jr.’s famous “clear and present danger” test for freedom of speech was advanced in what case?

a. McCulloch v. Maryland

b. Schenk v. U.S.

c. Gitlow v. New York

d. Baker v. Carr

14)What is issued if he Supreme Court decides to hear a case on appeal?

a. stare decisis

b. writ of habeas corpus

c. writ of certiorari

d. an arrest warrant

15)The Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona…

a. Applied the “one man-one vote” rule

b. Ruled that slaves cannot bring suit in court

c. Prohibits yelling “fire” in a crowded theater

d.Requires police to inform a person being arrested of his/her rights

16)A Supreme Court justice can only be removed:

a. by impeachment

b. at the end of his term

c. at the end of the Presidents term

d. when he is voted out

17)The only Supreme Court Justice to be impeached was:

a. William Howard Taft

b. Thurgood Marshall

c. Samuel Chase

d. Sandra Day O’Connor

18)Which court case allowed corporations to fund political views as if they were individual people?

a. Roe v. Wade

b. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

c. Plessy v. Ferguson

d. Brown v. Board of Education

19)The first woman appointed to the Supreme Court, breaking a 192 year men-only

tradition, was…

a. Sandra Day O’Connor

b. Ruth Bader Ginsburg

c. Charlotte Evans Hughes

d. Lois Brandeis

20)Stare Decisis means:…

a. present the corps

b. truth and justice

c. let the decision stand

d. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.