Module: Abstracting
What goes to the Chart
- Attestation Statement
- Patient Abstract
- Utilization Worksheet/Review
Dictionaries/Parameters involved
MIS MRF Form Source Dictionary (Toolbox systems dictionary)
There are three form types generated by the Form Initialize routine and available for use in Abstracting. They are:
Form Source Description______
ABS.ATT ABS Attestation Report
MIS Medical Records Form Dictionary
At least one form has to be created for each of the three types of Abstracting reports in this dictionary. The “Form Source” will need to be populated with one of the MRF Form Source entries that were created in the toolbox initialize routine.
Once the MIS Medical Records Forms entries are created, they can be added in the ABS Form dictionary for the 3 type of forms. These are put into the “MIS MR Form” field.
Process that gets the forms to the Chart
As these forms are printed in ABS, they will be put on a queue for the Scanning and Arching module to later pick up. Once the patient has reached the delay days setup in the “Auto Build ____ Days After DIS/SVC” field entered in the Chart Order dictionary in MRI, the MRM Forms Queue Background Job will read the queue entry and create the archive document to be put in the appropriate patient’s Electronic Chart. The form can also be manually queued prior to the delay days by clicking on the compile button in the chart for a patient who has not yet reached the delay days.
Module: Admissions
What goes to the Chart
- Admissions Forms
Dictionaries/Parameters involved
MIS MRF Form Source Dictionary (Toolbox systems dictionary)
There is one form type generated by the initialize routine and available for use in Admissions. It is:
Form Source Description__
MIS Medical Records Form Dictionary
At least one form has to be created for ADM in this dictionary. The “Form Source” will need to be populated with the “ADM.FORM” MIS MRF Form Source that was created in the toolbox initialize routine.
Customer Defined Parameters
All forms to be included in the electronic chart will need to be defined in the ADM Customer Defined Parameters, Forms and Embossing page, for each patient status. * The forms will need to be associated to a Medical Record Form, from the MIS Medical Records Forms Dictionary.
Process that gets the forms to the Chart
Whenever the forms defined in the parameters are printed or reprinted, a program will be called to put an entry on the queue for MRM to read. Once the patient has reached the delay days setup in the “Auto Build ____ Days After DIS/SVC” field entered in the Chart Order dictionary in MRI, the MRM Forms Queue Background Job will read the queued entry and create the archive document to be put in the appropriate patient’s Chart. The form can also be manually queued prior to the delay days by clicking on the compile button in the chart for a patient who has not yet reached the delay days.
Module: Emergency Department Management
What goes to the Chart
- Patient Audit
Dictionaries/Parameters involved
MIS MRF Form Source Dictionary (Toolbox systems dictionary)
There is one form type generated by the initialize routine and available for use in the Emergency Department Module. It is:
Form Source Description______
EDM.AUDIT Patient Audit Report
MIS Medical Records Form Dictionary
At least one form has to be created for the EDM report in this dictionary. The “Form Source” will need to be populated with one of the MRF Form Source entries that were created in the toolbox initialize routine.
Your MEDITECH SCA specialist will link the form in the EDMTB.
Process that gets the forms to the Chart
Any form that is assigned one of the form source above will be put on the queue for the Scanning and Archiving module at the time of Registration and then again at the time of Final Status Event (removal from the EDM List). Once the patient has reached the delay days setup in the “Auto Build ____ Days After DIS/SVC” field entered in the Chart Order dictionary in MRI, the MRM Forms Queue Background Job will read the queue entry and create the archive document to be put in the appropriate Patient’s Chart. The form can also be manually queued prior to the delay days by clicking on the compile button in the chart for a patient who has not yet reached the delay days.
Module: Imaging and Therapeutic Services
What goes to the Chart
- Reports
- Orders
Dictionaries/Parameters involved
MIS MRF Form Source Dictionary (Toolbox systems dictionary)
There are two form types generated by the initialize routine and available for use in ITS. They are:
Form Source Description______
RAD.ORDER Radiology Orders
RAD.REPORT Radiology Report
MIS Medical Records Form Dictionary
At least one form has to be created for both of the types of ITS forms in this dictionary for each distinct department who will have their data located in a distinct section of the chart. The “Form Source” will need to be populated with the appropriate MRF Form Source entry that was created in the toolbox initialize routine.
Report Dictionary
Once the MIS Medical Records Forms entries are created, the appropriate entry can be added into this dictionary. These are put into the “Med Rec Form” section. The value of the Med Rec Form in the report dictionary will be saved to a report when one is filed. The Medical Records Form that is attached to the report dictionary will determine where the report will be located in the Electronic Chart. Therefore, separate Medical Records forms with the RAD.REPORT form type will need to be created for the Reports associated with these various departments.
Category Dictionary
A new Med Rec Form prompt has been added to the Category and Procedure dictionaries. The value of the Med Rec Form in the procedure dictionary will be saved to an order when one is filed. If this value does not exist, the value of the Med Rec Form in the category dictionary will be saved to the order. This will give you the flexibility of being able to have specific Orders from different departments appear in different sections of the Electronic Chart.
Procedure Dictionary
Process that gets the forms to the Chart
As orders are placed, the appropriate entry for the Medical Record Form in the Category or Procedure that was ordered will be indexed for the Electronic Chart. In addition, as reports are entered for a patient, the Medical Records Form assigned in the Report Dictionary will be indexed for the patient for the Electronic Chart. Once the patient has reached the delay days setup in the “Auto Build ____ Days DIS/SVC” field entered in the Chart Order dictionary in MRI, the MRM Forms Queue Background Job will read the queue entry and create the archive document to be put in the appropriate Patient’s Chart. The form can also be manually queued prior to the delay days by clicking on the compile button in the chart for a patient who has not yet reached the delay days.
Module: Laboratory
What goes to the Chart
· LIS Patient Summary
· Pathology Specimen Report (one per specimen)
· Blood Bank Transfusion Reaction Report
The pathology specimen reports might be MS Word reports or Rich Text reports for CS.
Dictionaries/Parameters involved
MIS MRF Form Source Dictionary (Toolbox systems dictionary)
There are three form types generated by the initialize routine and available for use in LAB. They are:
Form Source Description______
LAB.DIS.SUM LAB Discharge Summary
LAB.PTH.REPORT LAB Pathology Report
MIS Medical Records Form Dictionary
At least one form has to be created for each of the types of LAB. The “Form Source” will need to be populated with the appropriate MRF Form Source entry that was created in the toolbox initialize routine.
Three forms are defined in the Customer-Defined Parameters. For the Summary and Pathology reports, you must also define an LIS Report Format to be used. This gives customers the capability of customizing the output. For the BBK Transfusion Reactions form, a hard-coded report is used.
Process that gets the forms to the Chart
Whenever a specimen has activity or a blood bank transfusion reaction occurs, LAB queues entries for the EChart. The EChart software later asks Lab to produce the reports for the queued forms.
Module: Health Information Management
What goes to the Chart
- Correspondence Letters
- Accounting of Disclosures report
Dictionaries/Parameters involved
MIS MRF Form Source Dictionary (Systems toolbox dictionary)
There is one Form Type generated by the initialize routine and available for use in Medical Records. It is
Form Source Description______
ROILTR HIM Correspondence Letter
HIMAod HIM AOD report
This form type should be used for the Medical Record Forms for Correspondence Letters.
MIS Medical Records Form Dictionary
Letters: At least one form needs to be created for use for Correspondence Letters. The Form Source will need to be populated with HIM.LTR.
AOD Report: At least one form needs to be created for use for the Accounting of Disclosures report. The "Form Source" will need to be blank, as the AOD Report will generate immediately.
MIS Letter dictionary
Within MIS, each letter with a Type of Correspondence may be defined with a Medical Record Form. The form created for letters should be added into the Med Rec Form prompt. See the example below:
For the Accounting of Disclosures report, the following new prompt will need the Medical Record Form attached for the AOD report. This is defined in the Enter Edit User Parameters.
Process that gets the forms to the Chart
Correspondence Letters
When a Correspondence Letter is printed that is attached to a Medical Record Form, it is immediately put on a queue and generates an image for the Chart.
Accounting of Disclosures Report
When an Accounting of Disclosures Report is printed for a patient, and a Med Rec Form has been identified in the User Definable Parameters, an AOD form will be immediately put on a queue and generates an image for the Chart.
Module: PCS
What goes to the Chart
Sites have the ability to create any format in PCS and archive it to the Electronic Record.
Dictionaries/Parameters involved
MIS MRF Form Source Dictionary (Toolbox systems dictionary)
There is one form source that would be linked to any PCS report that is being archived.
Form Source Description______
PCS.PAT.RPT PCS Patient Report
MIS Medical Records Form Dictionary
At least one form has to be created for each of the reports site would archive.
The setup to link the form to the application is in a toolbox and must be completed by Meditech application specialist.
Process that gets the forms to the Chart
The Nursing filer programs now set up an entry on the archive queue whenever something new is created, or an edit is made to data that should appear on one of the archive report. For example, a new care plan or path is added to a patient, a note is added to the patient's record, an intervention, goal or diagnosis's status, text or frequency is edited, an MDS Assessment is filed, et cetera. Once the patient has reached the delay days in the Chart Order dictionary, the MRM Background job will process the patient entry from the NUR Archive Queue.
Module: Order Management
What goes to the Chart
- Discharge Summary
Dictionaries/Parameters involved
MIS MRF Form Source Dictionary (Toolbox systems dictionary)
There is one form type generated by the initialize routine and available for use in ORM:
Form Source Description______
OM.PAT.SUM OM Patient Order Summary
MIS Medical Records Form Dictionary
A form for the Order Summary has to be created. The “Form Source” OM.PAT.SUM, created in the toolbox initialize routine, will need to be added to this form. The 'Electronic Chart Form?' prompt should be set to "Y" to include this form in a patient chart.
OM Toolbox Parameters
Process that gets the forms to the Chart
An entry on the MRM Form queue will be created when the first order is placed on a patient and whenever an order is edited after patient discharge. Once the patient has reached the delay days setup in the “Auto Build ____ Days After DIS/SVC” field entered in the Chart Order dictionary in MRI, the MRM Forms Queue Background Job will read the queue entry and create the archive document to be put in the appropriate Patient’s Chart. The form can also be manually queued prior to the delay days by clicking on the compile button in the chart for a patient who has not yet reached the delay days.
Module: OR Management
What goes to the Chart
- Surgical Profile
Dictionaries/Parameters involved
MIS MRF Form Source Dictionary (Toolbox systems dictionary)
There is one form type generated by the initialize routine and available for use in ORM:
Form Source Description______
ORM.PROFILE ORM Surgical Profile
MIS Medical Records Form Dictionary
A form for the surgical profile has to be created. The “Form Source” ORM.PROFILE created in the toolbox initialize routine will need to added to this form. The 'Electronic Chart Form?' prompt should be set to "Y" to include this form in a patient chart.
ORM Toolbox Parameters