Project-Based Learning UNIT PLAN Graduate Credit

Name of PBL: Using Theater to Share a Messagefor the Possibilities Course

Grade Level of Students: Middle School grades 6-8(mixed grades)

Subject: Design, Engineer, and Create (Possibilities) Script Writing

Standards: Theatre Arts Standards of Learning for grades six through eight: 6.1 - 6.14, 6.20 - 6.22; 7.1 - 7.10, 7.15, 7.16, 7.22, 7.23; and 8.1 - 8.23,

PROJECT OVERVIEW: students present/persuade others that their idea of a script of a particular challenge area suits the needs of their traveling theater and then the team writes and produces the agreed upon play. The time frame for the play is only about five minutes in length.

CONTENT: visualize, persuade and then write a five minute play that will meet the needs of the challenge your group chose (science, engineering, technical, mechanical, service or theater)

Occupations: novelist, poet, screen writer, journalist, artist, actor/actress, makeup artist, costume designer, audience, director and producer

Students will be able to: continue to build upon their teamwork skills (collaboration, reflection, revision), learn to develop characters, determine and build settings/scenes, and generate a plot that holds the viewer’s attention. Students will also practice their presentation skills to several authentic audiences.

Cross curriculum: science, design, language arts (research and presentation), and arts (design, theater production, acting and stage crew responsibilities).

DRIVING QUESTION: Could you as a writer develop an engaging play that will bring about an emotional connection with your audience in five minutes that is related to your particular challenge (science, engineer, technical, mechanical, service, or theater)?


Communication is the focus of the portrait of a graduate skills for this project; however, creativity and collaboration are equally important skills students will utilize throughout the process.

Gallery Walk: students will create an initial story board and the class will use the gallery walk as an initial opportunity to critique each others work and then reflect and revise as desired.

Critical friends: Students will work within their chosen group and present their idea and revised story board and make any revisions based upon their peers suggestions and upon their own reflection.

PMI: students will read each other storyboards and outlines and critique (P: plus, M: minus, and I: interesting) their work. Our SMART boards were upgraded last week and they have a feature called Shout Out that reminds me of the app Padlet; however, all comments remain on the school’s server and not open to the public. I plan to use Shout Out for this.


How will they be grouped? between four and eight members and by student interests (engineering, mechanical, structural, scientific theater, and service). After several weeks of working on various assignments, students will commit to working with a particular group for the next four months based on the above interests.

What roles will students have in groups? director, actors/actress, costume designer, prop designer, and stage manager. Each student will assist in all aspects of creating materials needed for the play.


Theater is about a relationship, an exchange of emotions leaving the audience connected with the story. This video has made an emotional impact on my former students and I thought it would really inspire the students.

This video moved quite a few adults in our PBL course and I hope it will move the students to make a connection in their scripts.

This is a possibilities class and we will be putting ourselves and our school out there in the public for a number of competitions both locally and nationally demonstrating that all of us utilize 21st Century Skills. A few of these competitions require some theatrical performances that incorporates a particular skill.


What special supplies will be needed? Additional Resources: Upper School production class and theater director to explain theater and stage crew requirements, as well as, MS Drama students to aid in voice projection and engaging audience. Students’ individual iPADs for online research, storyboard, and script writing (book creator app). Additional outside guests to guide the students: (alumni, parents, outside resources)

What technology will be needed?


How many sessions will the project take to complete? (29) 40 minute class periods

Storyboard creation and presentation:

(3) 40 minute class periods for introduction, research, and guest lectures/explanations: students will have time to work through questions (reflect and revise) after guest speaks (guest will also stay for entire bell to offer additional assistance)

(2) 40 minute class periods for each student to create a storyboard for their script

(1) 40 minute class period for a gallery walk of the story board, reflect and revise

(2) 40 minute class periods for critical friends for storyboard and reflect and revise

(1) 40 minute class period for authentic presentations of storyboard, Q&A and personal reflection

(1) 40 minute class period for outlining a script

Script Writing:

(1) 40 minute class period for teams to collaborate and decide on which storyboard and outline they want to proceed with and what role each will take on

(3) 40 minute class periods to write a draft script based on original outline and additional ideas group collaborated on together for a five minute play

students need to divide the script writing into smaller groups and regroup at least twice within the class period to keep the writing unified

(5) 40 minute class periods to practice, reflect and revise

(1) 40 minute class period to act out script for class, reflect and revise


(1) 40 minute class period to continue revision and decide on props/setting and costumes

(5) 40 minute class periods to create props and costumes (anything else needed)

(2) 40 minute class periods to practice before presenting to entire Middle School during School Meeting

(1) 40 minute class period for personal reflection

What do you have to do before to make this fit into your class time?

Students will work for eight weeks prior to this project forming, storming, and norming their team using Exploravision (sponsored by Toshiba and promoted by the National Science Teacher Association), the American Water Works Water Tower Competition held at Old Dominion University and Portable Backdrop PBL


How will students share? Students will share their story ideas (storyboards) with their classmates first with a gallery walk, followed by critical friends before sharing with some writers and actors from a local theater group. Students can decide how they plan to share their storyboard with the local theater group (book creator, PowerPoint, iMovie etc). Once a script idea is decided upon, the students will act out their five minute plays for the entire Middle School, parents, and community members.

Who will students present to (real-world connection)? members of the theater production class, theater director, various teachers, parents, and community members (local theater group) and members of their class.

What do you have to schedule in advance? time and location of presentation possibly board room, classroom, or explore room (class size dependent), Makerspace for creation of props and costumes

What will other students do during presentations? they will reflect upon their classmates presentations and their own work.


Developing / Proficient / Exemplary
Research / Student is engaged in research / Student is engaged in research and provided MLA citation / Student is engaged in research and has created an annotative bibliography
Guest Lecturers / Student treated guest with respect and was attentive / Student treated guest with respect, was attentive and asked knowledge based questions / Student treated guest with respect, was attentive and asked application questions
Storyboard / Student generated at least a three panel storyboard that was neat and legible / Student generated at least a four panel storyboard that was neat and legible / Student generated at least a five panel storyboard that was neat and legible
Gallery Walk / Student participated in gallery walk / Student participated in gallery walk and explained why they did or did not make revisions based on peer input / Student participated in gallery walk and took notes and explained why they did or did not make revisions based on peer input
Critical Friends / Student commented on whether or not revisions were made / Student explains why they either made revisions or did not make revisions based on peer questions or observations, or suggestions / Student makes notes of peer reflection and explains why they either made revisions or not based on peer questions, observations, and suggestions
Presentation / Student mentioned storyboard, made eye contact with panel, and had appropriate diction and volume (could be heard and understood) / Student explained storyboard, made eye contact with panel, and had appropriate diction and volume (could be heard and understood) / Student explained storyboard using appropriate vocabulary, made eye contact with panel, and had appropriate diction and volume (could be heard and understood)
Reflect/Revise / Student commented about whether or not they made changes / Student explains why they they did or did not make revisions based on peer and expert input / Student made notes about audience feed back and explains why they they did or did not make revisions based on peer and expert input
Outline / Student had major headings for each storyboard panel / Student had major headings and at least one sub heading for each storyboard panel / Student had major headings and at least three sub headings for each storyboard panel

Storyboard Creation and Presentation:

Script Writing:

Developing / Proficient / Exemplary
Communication / Student communicated within their peer group and accepted a role in writing a script and performing the play / Student cooperated with their peer group, and accepted a role in writing a script and performing the play / Student collaborated within their peer group, remained focused, on task, and accepted a role in writing a script and performing the play
Creative Writing / Student communicated within their peer group, and assisted i on the task of script writing / Student communicated within their peer group, and remained focused, on the task of script writing / Student collaborated within their peer group, and remained focused, on the task of script writing
Presentation / Student performed their assigned role / Student was engaged in their assigned role and connected with the audience / Student was fully engaged in their assigned role and connected with the audience completely
Practice and Reflection / Student mentions classmates suggestions, but did not reflect upon them / Student reflected on classmates suggestions / Student reflected on classmates suggestions and explained why or why not they made changes to their script/role in their responses


Developing / Proficient / Exemplary
Collaboration / Student respects others suggestions for improvement of script and setting/props / Student respects others suggestions for improvement of script and setting/props and offers their own suggestions / Student collaborates with others suggestions for improvement of script and setting/props
Accessorizing / Student works with team members to create materials needed for script / Student works cooperatively with team members to create materials needed for script / Student works diligently and cooperatively with team members to create the materials the team chose to enhance script
Practice / Student practices with team for final presentation / Student practices and assists peers for final presentation / Student remains focused during practices and keeps peers focused as well. Student also assist peers.
Reflection / Student reflects on prior reflections / Student reflects on prior reflections and explains mentions any changes they made during their learning adventure / Student reflects on prior reflections and explains why or why not they made changes during their learning adventure