Name: ______
Dianne M. Orbison Memorial Real Estate
Scholarship AwardAnnouncement
One (1) $5000 ScholarshipAward
Applicable to the 2017-18 Academic Year and payable in the Fall of 2017. Available to a female full-timegraduate student majoring in real estate or a female full-time undergraduate student majoring in real estate, who will be enrolled at UW Madison during the Fall 2017 semester.
About the Dianne M. Orbison Memorial Real Estate Scholarship Award
The Dianne M. Orbison Memorial Real Estate Scholarship Award fund was established by the Wisconsin Real Estate Alumni Association thanks to the generous contributions of her family and so many classmates and friends of Dianne’s who expressed strong wishes to honor her memory as a loving person, good friend and strong leader. Dianne is remembered for her collaborative approach in business and as a volunteer and advocate forthe University of Wisconsin, and as a person who was a barrier breaker.This scholarship award is intended to serve as an inspiration to undergraduates, graduate students and alumni of the real estate program as they pursue the fulfillment of their personal and career goals. The Wisconsin Real Estate Alumni Association is proud to continue the tradition of this important scholarship begun by Dianne, one of the many ways she found of "giving back".
Scholarship Award Criteria
Criteria to be considered in making this scholarship award will include community service, enterprise management skills, leadership, curiosity, love of learning, sense of humor, common sense, and ability to rise to a challenge. The scholarship will be awarded to a female graduate or undergraduate real estate student who will be enrolled at UW Madison for the Fall 2017 Semester.
Application Process
Scholarship application should include the following:
A. A completed scholarship application form
B. Resume
C. A two-page, double-spaced essay (please include your name at the top of each page)
The essay question is located on the last page of this document. Essay submissions should be double-spaced and should NOT exceed two pages in length using a 10-point minimum font size. Your name should be included on each page of this application. Please include your essay response and resume in the same document that contains your application. To apply for this scholarship, email the completed application packet (MS Word file or PDF file please) to the WREAA Office at .
Name: ______
Dianne M. Orbison Memorial Real EstateScholarship Award Application
Name: ______Date: ______
Address: ______Zip: ______
Telephone: ______Email: ______
Major:______Degree Expected: MBA______BBA______
Exp. Grad Date______
Undergrad School (if applicable) ______Major______Degree______Date______
Overall GPA: ______Major GPA: ______
Are you a Wisconsin Resident? Yes____ No____ If not, indicate state/country______
Name of High School: ______Public or Private: ______
Please provide the following information below:
- Paste a copy of your resume into this document following your essay response.
- Briefly describe an experience where you took a leadership role.
3.Briefly describe your most meaningful achievement.
4.Indicate any student volunteer activities relating to campus organizations.
5.Indicate any community service activities you are involved with.
6.Indicate the nature and amount of compensation from any current employment or internships and any other financial assistance in the form of scholarships, fellowships, etc.
7.Indicate the degree of dependence on family/others for financial support.
Dianne M. Orbison Memorial Real Estate Scholarship Award
Essay Question
Your essay response to the following questionshould follow below and should not exceed two pages, double spaced using at least a 10 pt. font. Please include your essay response, resume and application in the same PDFor Word document.
Understanding that there are many aspects to a successful life, please discuss those aspects that are most important to you in your life. How do you envision yourWisconsin degree as a tool inhelping you to achieve your personal and career goals?
(After completing your essay response, please create a new page in this document and paste a copy of your resume.)