RESULTS Fundraiser Checklist

Dear event planners,

Thank you for fundraising for RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund! This document represents some best practices we’ve found for planning our events. It includes information on choosing your leaders, a timeline, and a checklist of details. Customize it for your needs for each event.Depending on the specifics of your event, you may not need certain roles or tasks.Make it your own!

As you review this, think about how you can get the most impact out of your event.Within a fundraiser, can you think of ways to also include outreach, education, and even lobbying?Will your member of Congress speak for you?Can you highlight one of RESULTS’ current campaigns?

Here are five tips to get the most out of your event:

1. Throw the kind of event that you’d want to attend yourself – it makes it more fun.

2. Do your planning as early as possible – it makes it easy to follow a plan.

3. If you’re fortunate to have both global and domestic groups in town, work together on events – it makes you stronger.

4. Invite everyone you know, not just your regular crowd of supporters – it makes for great outreach.

5. Remember to invite your member of Congress and their staff – you never know when they might come literally knocking on your door!

Thank you, good luck, and have fun!

ChoosingYour Event Leaders

Remember,if your event or group is not very big, one person canfill more than one role.

Event Coordinator:Works closely with staff and takes the lead on holding the vision for the team, setting goals, and working to ensure that all the separate pieces of the event are managed.Coordinates the team. Facilitates meetings and conference calls.

Inviting Team Lead:Working with a development staff member, supports and coaches the inviting team to fill the room and ensure a successful event.Tracks the guests that are coming. Oversees publicity, invitations, and event website.

Program Lead:Organizes the program for the night and makes sure the program goes smoothly.Looksthe over agenda with partners and decides who will do each part.Creates a timeline for the event and keeps the event on track.Makes sure speaker(s) has been given talking points and any information they may need.Ensures that all RESULTS speakers have practiced and gotten feedback on their speaking.

Logistics Lead:In charge oflogistics, including chairs, music, microphones, DVD projection, silent auction tables, etc.Requests materials from the RESULTS office such as donor envelopes and brochures.

Solicitation Lead: Sends out requests to local businesses or other donors for sponsorship of your event and/or in-kind donations such as coffee, refreshments, raffle prizes, silent auction prizes, advertisement space, etc.

Administrative Lead: Reads over and learns the instructions for processing expenses and contributions.Submits contributions and expenses with proper forms to RESULTS following the event (forms can be found in the Fundraising Event Toolkit at all donor data goes into a local database for group reference.May work with inviting team to track the guests that are coming.

Follow-up Coordinator: Sets up a structure to support volunteers to call guests and thank them for coming to the event and for their gifts.This is a very important role that ensures donors feel good about giving to RESULTS (and hopefully will again!).Working with the administrative team is critical.Ensures that interested guests are invited to future events.

Note: To be a leader means that you will be the “driver,” not necessarily the person who does it all.If you take on one of these areas, you are ensuring that no ball is dropped and that support is given to the people helping out.


Having a timeline is especially helpful for a smooth event. Insert your actual dates (ex., “Saturday, Nov 3” next to “8 weeks before event”) to keep your team clear on deadlines. Sticking to them does help, but don’t panic if you miss by a little bit. You can still have a completely successful and powerful event!

Insert Date Here (At least 10 weeks before the event)

  • Have an meeting in-person with all partners to decide on the vision, etc.
  • Decide on your vision of the event. What issues will you highlight? What is the main focus?
  • Choose leaders.
  • Set date and location.
  • Decide on your target number of guests.
  • Brainstorm invite list together as a group (think groups of people – your book club, your worship community, your classmates, etc.– as well as individuals).
  • Set goals for each partner for how many guests to bring.
  • Decide how you will you collect money (Only direct financial appeal? Silent Auction? Raffle?)
  • Decide whether you need an outside speaker.
  • Event Coordinator – Have a support call with RESULTS development staff to tell them about the event and ask forhelp with finding speakers, ideas for supporting inviters, etc.
  • Admin leader – Review RESULTS’ accounting procedures with RESULTS development staff.
  • Solicitation leader – Start asking for donations and sponsorships as soon as you decide what you need.Some businesses require up to three months lead time for donations.

Insert Date Here (9 weeks before event)

  • All leaders – Complete event checklist (see below) and start assigning individuals to each task
  • Inviting leader – Save the date (emails/postcard) should be ready to go. If you are sending print invitations (for large events), begin process now (check in within RESULTS development staff for support).
  • Event Coordinator – Check in with RESULTS development staff about state fundraising requirements for your state.

Insert Date Here (8 weeks before event)

  • Have an in-person or phone meeting with team.
  • Program leader – Speakers should be set.
  • Admin leader – Event web page operational (Facebook, etc) if using one.
  • Inviting leader – Save the Date emails/postcards should be distributed now.Full invitation text should be complete. An email version of invite is ready to distribute.

Insert Date Here (7 weeks before the event)

  • Inviting leader – Everyone should have distributed all of their email invites already.Flyers and mailed invitations should be ready to distribute. Online ticketing should be operational (if using).

Insert Date Here (6 weeks before the event)

  • Have an in-person or phone meeting with team.
  • Inviting leader – Mailed invites should have gone out.Invite the media and post on community calendars and community web pages. Post flyers and posters in prominent locations.
  • Logistics Lead – Request any materials you need from RESULTS including donor envelopes and brochures.
  • Event Coordinator – Check in with RESULTS development staff.

Insert Date Here (3 weeks before the event)

  • Ask RESULTS development staff to send print materials and donor envelopes.
  • Have in-person meeting with partners and other volunteers. Conference people in if it is not possible for them to be in the room.
  • Start blogging about the event and talk it up in on social medianetworks (Facebook, Twitter).
  • Check in to be sure you are on track in each area:
  • Inviting leader – 1/3 of your guests should be confirmed. If not, by the next week start having 2 meetings per week.
  • Production leader – A plan for the logistics should be made:Who will pick up food? Who will drive the speaker or guests? Etc.
  • Admin leader – Should have a list started of the confirmed guests with names, addresses, and contact info.
  • Event Coordinator – Check in with RESULTS development staff with any questions or coaching on asking your attendees for money.

Insert Date Here (2 weeks before event)

  • Have a phone meeting with team.
  • Inviting leader – ½ of your guests should be confirmed.If not, start having daily phone meetings with the inviters.
  • Program leader – Review program flow with team.
  • Production leader - Have volunteers assigned for the day of the event.
  • Admin leader – Should have a list started of confirmed guests.Check in with Inviting Team Leader on a regular basis to be sure you have the same list.

Insert Date Here(1 week before event)

  • Meet with entire team by phone to make sure that everyone is clear on their roles.
  • Inviting leader – ¾ of your guests should be confirmed. If not, you should be having daily phone meetings with inviters.
  • Program leader – Handle any details that are not taken care of by now. Check in with speakers to make sure they are prepared.
  • Production leader – A plan for the logistics should be confirmed and volunteers clear about roles.
  • Admin leader – Should have a clean list of confirmed guestsfrom Inviting Team Leader.
  • Follow-up leader – Meets with Administrative team to create a contact list adequate for follow-up calls.Sets a meeting for the team two days after the event to divide up the names of guests with their gifts listed and phone numbers so that follow-up calls get done well.

Insert Date Here(3 days before the event)

  • The event coordinator should check in with each of the area leaders.
  • Inviting leader – 100% of your guests should be confirmed. The inviters should be calling and confirming attendance of people who said yes (not just sending emails).Sample call script: “I’m so glad that you will be coming. I just wanted to remind you that we’ll be starting at 4PM sharp.It’s going to be lots of fun.Can’t wait to see you!”
  • Program leader –Go over speaking roles with each speaker. Encourage them to practice with you. Take care of all other last minute details.
  • Production leader – Are all the last minute details handled?
  • Administrative leader – Should be ready with a cash box, pens, paperclips, stapler, markers, tape, and other basic office supplies that might be needed at the last minute.

Insert Date Here(Day of the Event)

  • The entire team (including inviters) should arrive about an hour before the event.Some production volunteers may want to arrive earlier.The Event Coordinator should rally the entire group.(“You made it!! Great job. Let’s make this celebration be absolutely inspiring and exciting.”)
  • Inviting Leader – Meet with inviters. Be sure they have touched base with their guests.
  • Program leader – Support any speakers in being all set.
  • Production leader – Working with volunteers an hour or more ahead of the event getting DVD, tables, etc., all set up.
  • Admin leader –Set up a table in the back of the room where people can go with questions about RESULTS or make more RESULTS contributions.

Insert Date Here (1 day AFTER event)

  • Admin leader – Donor contributions should be processed and sent to RESULTS. Be sure to follow the instructions in the Fundraising Toolkit. Talk to RESULTS development staff if you have any questions.

Insert Date Here(2 days AFTER event)

  • Have a team celebration. This is best done in person! Be sure that everyone understands what a great job they did! Pat yourselves on the back.
  • Admin leader – Provide the list for the inviters to call their guests (or each other’s guests) to get their feedback on the party. Include the gift size, the donor name, and contact info.
  • Inviting leader – Support the team in calling and thanking their guests this week. Even if someone doesn’t give, they should be called and thanked. Remember that whatever they gave or didn’t give was perfect! Their presence was as important as their gift.

Insert Date Here(1 week after event)

  • From the follow-up calls, there are likely some contacts that are interested in getting involved with your group.Support each other in bringing these folks into your circle. Your group may have to re-evaluate how to work with volunteers as there may be a number of people who want to participate.
  • Toot your own horn!Blog about the experience and tell everyone in your social networks.Tell your regional coordinator all about it.RESULTS may want to share your successes on their blog or on the national call to help inspire other grassroots groups.

Insert Date Here (5 to 6 months after event)

  • We strongly recommend doing some sort of free event where you DO NOT ask for any money at another time of the year.It could be that your group simply does a thank-a-thon and calls the donors from your event.Better yet, invite them to some sort of public forum where they see RESULTS in action.

Checklist of Details

Person ResponsibleTask


Save the Date email or post card


Email invite

Print invite

Social Networking and Blogs

Make poster/flyer

Distribute poster/flyer




A/V: DVD/TV, podium, mike, projector, screen, etc.

Clipboard/sign-in list




Raffle donations

RESULTS handouts and donation forms



RESULTS display board

Raffle/Silent Auction item signage (description, location)

Cash box and change

RESULTS banners

Raffle tickets

Camera (set for highestresolution size)

Day of Event Volunteers


Food/Beverage setup

Chair setup

Registration table setup

Registration table volunteer

RESULTS info table set up (literature, display board)

RESULTS info table volunteer

Raffle setup

Raffle drawing, calling out the numbers

Silent auction setup

Silent auction volunteer to monitor and gather bid sheets


Intro for RESULTS

Introduce speaker

Main speaker

Make financial ask

Clean up

Photographer (Take high resolution picturesfor RESULTS)




Air travel arrangements

Lodging arrangements

Room details (chairs, tables, etc.)

Interface with Other Organizations

Member of Congress office

Org #1

Org #2

Invite MOC’s and Staff

Invite U.S. representatives

Invite state reps/senator

After-Event Tasks

Recording/Processing RESULTS Donations

Processing (and sharing) RESULTS mailing list

Thank yous to Donors

Host Committee

EVERYBODYInvite people!!!