January 10, 2012 @ 8:30 AM
Present:NickCheng, Susan Payment,Rosalyn Manthorpe, Leanne Martyniuk, Kelly McAuley, Dave Lee, Yolanda Benoit
Regrets: Del Friday
- Call to Order / Confirmation of Agenda
The meeting was called to order by Nick Cheng at 8:40 am.
Changes were made to the agenda. Nick added Laurie Daschuk to the agenda, as she will be calling in with an update, as well as a discussion of the “next meeting of the Board”, under New Business.
- Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 8, 2011 was made by Rosalyn Manthorpe. Dave Lee seconded the motion. All in favour. Motion carried.
- President’s Report (Nick Cheng)
Next Week’s Speaker
Due to a conflict, David Bentall has rescheduled his talk to our membership and will not be able to speak on January 17th. Nick announced that next week’s speaker will be Bruce Benoit, from CareerPath Learning. The topic will be, “Creating Stronger, More Effective Relationships with your Clients – Understanding yourself and others’ styles to develop trust and credibility “
Other speakers were suggested for future meetings.
Nick will confirm Faye Wightman, our speaker for March.
- Vice President’s Report (Susan Payment)
Susan will purchase more gifts for speakers.
- Treasurer’s Report (KellyMcAuley)
Financial Update
Kelly updated the Board as to the Financials:
There is more than $10,000 in the bank. By the end of the 2011 – 2012 year, it was projected that we will end up with a bank balance of $3,000.
It was agreed to re-visit the early bird membership pricing and the dinner meeting costs early (in August / September).
- Program Committee Report (Del Friday)
Del sent her regrets and was not able to make the meeting.
Rosalyn Manthorpe agreed to introduce the speaker at next week’s meeting. Susan Payment will thank our speaker.
Yolanda will e-mail information on the speaker to Rosalyn for the introduction.
Dave Bentall has been rescheduled for May 15, 2012. Tara Britnell is postponed until the 2012 – 2013 schedule.
*7. Update with Laurie Daschuk
Updating the FVEPC Website
Laurie spoke to a company, SiteBuilder1, that builds websites. They use WordPress. It is a template, thus less expensive to create. It would also be easy for Laurie to update.
Laurie informed the Board that this company also does “Branding” and could create a logo for our group.
She also suggested SiteBuilder1 and Cityline Hosting to host our new site. Both are less expensive than the host we are currently with.
Laurie made some suggestions for the new website:
a)Have the “Upcoming Speaker” on the front page
b)For the Members’ Profiles, have a link to their “Linked In” page
c)Add more pictures
d)Have information about past speakers
Other suggestions for the website were as follows:
i)List all the past speakers
ii)List all the past Presidents of the FVEPC
iii)Post only current and last year’s minutes (Sept. – May)
Dave Lee motioned that we move forward with the new website.
Susan Payment seconded the motion.
All in favour. Motion passed.
Laurie also recommended a new Mail Service provider, “Mail Chimp.” It provides the same services but is less expensive.
Dave Lee made a motion to change our Mail Service provider to “Mail Chimp.”
Rosalyn Manthorpe seconded the motion. All in favour. Motion carried.
The Board thanked Laurie for being pro-active.
- Public Affairs (Dave Lee)
A discussion regarding a FVEPC logo took place. It was decided to have it done professionally.
Kelly McAuley to inform Laurie about our decision to get the Logo made professionally.
Dave volunteered to work on the new website. Yolanda offered to assist.
- Membership (Leanne Martyniuk)
New Member Applicants
The Board reviewed the new applications for membership. When considering new applicants, it was stressed that the reviews should be consistent. Applicants should have one of the professional designations listed in the bylaws. Applicants who don’t have any required designation may apply for membership with at least two sponsoring members. The application will be reviewed by the Board and the decision of membership will be communicated to the applicant by the Membership Director.
The Board is focusing on growing the organization. There are currently no restrictions as to the number of members allowed in any category.
Nick and Leanne will follow up with the applicants.
Charlene Taylor
As a token of the membership’s appreciation for her service on the Board, a plaque of appreciation was made for Charlene Taylor. Susan Payment will present it to Charlene at next week’s meeting, if Charlene is in attendance.
Name Tags
Leanne updated the Board as to her research on name tags. It was decided to have the materials shipped directly to Laurie Daschuk.
The name tags will not be produced until we have a Logo. Name tags will be ordered in September when we have the logo and cash flow.
Should a member lose their name tag, there will be a $10 replacement fee.
Exit Survey
It was discussed that an “exit survey” should be done and sent to non-returning members. Dave suggested also doing a year end survey to our membership.
Leanne will talk to Laurie about creating such surveys.
CE Certificates
Leanne will talk to Laurie about sending out electronic certificates to the members that attend meetings. Leanne will keep track of those who do not show up to the meetings, thus do not require a certificate.
- New Business (All)
Next Meeting of the Board
Nick has a scheduling conflict with the next Board meeting date. It was discussed and agreed that the next Board meeting would take place on March 6, 2012.
- Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:40 am.
Next Council Meeting: March 6, 2012
Next Dinner Meeting: March 20, 2012
Speaker – Faye Wightman, President and C.E.O., Vancouver Foundation