Equitable Basic Facts Fluency
with a Focus on Properties of Operations
Jody Guarino, OCDE ()
Kristy Guerrero, SBCEO ()
Valerie Henry, UCI and Ellipsis Math () /

If your teachers are concerned that math facts fluency is a major obstacle

to math confidence and proficiency in their classrooms:

●Instructional paradigm shifts

○Daily short sessions of instruction

○Focused instruction and reflective practice -- Concrete - Representational

○Assessment following instruction, rather than in place of instruction

●Research-based resources

●Training Teachers

●School/Principal Support

●Fluency Curriculum Pacing

●Ongoing Support for Teachers and Schools

●Assessments and Report Cards

●Parent Communication

Developing Facts Fluency with Strategies

Valerie Henry, Ed.D.

link to samples, but not all resources

Facts Fluency
●Accurate with small problems up to
10+10, 20-10, 10x10, 100÷10
●Within 3 seconds
●Without counting
Why FactsWise
  1. Too many students in upper elementary and beyond are crippled without number sense, facts fluency and flexible mental math
  2. Traditional approaches cause anxiety or just don’t work for too many students
  3. FactsWise follows the lead of many other countries where students learn their facts fluently by moving beyond counting to flexible strategies and then towards memorization
  4. FactsWise follows the same research base as Common Core and has proven results
/ FactsWise Results

Effect Size (English-only students): 1.01**
Effect Size (Spanish-speaking students): 1.53**
[a “large” effect size is .80 or higher]
** Statistically significant at p<.01
based on independent samples t-test
Research-Based Principles
●5-10 minutes every day
oSame set of facts every day until mastered

●Elaborative Rehearsal & Immediate Feedback
●Interweave + and – for each new set of facts
●Valid Assessments (observation, one-on-one)
oNO timed tests / Instructional Shifts
●Pressing students to move beyond counting
●Teaching facts before testing
●Daily mini-lessons and/or practice, focusing on the same goal for several days/weeks in a row
●Starting each new goal with hands-on activities, then moving to patterns and strategies with diagrams, then to abstract practice
●Using immediate-feedback activities for practice (e.g., games, tents, choral) instead of worksheets
●Using formative and one-on-one assessment, rather than timed tests
Addition/Subtraction C-R-A
/ Multiplication/Division C-R-A

Addition/Subtraction / Multiplication/Division
Mastering 5’s and 10’s First
•Goal 1: Within 4s and 5s
•Goal 2: With 5s (up to 5+5)
•Goal 3: Within 10s
•Goal 4 With 10s
Focusing on Strategies for Over 10s
•Goal 5: With 5s (5+6 to 5+10)
•Goal 6: Doubles
•Goal 8: With 9s
•Goal 9: With 8s and 7s / Goals Build Logic and Connections
•Goal 1: 10s
•Goal 2: 5s
•Goal 3: 2s
•Goal 4: 4s
•Goal 5: 8s
•Goal 6: 3s
•Goal 7: 6s
•Goal 8: 9s & 7x7
Strategies Based on Properties of Operations
/ Strategies Based on Properties of Operations

Pattern Investigations / Pattern Investigations
/ 1x8 = 0 tens + 8
2x8 = 1 ten + 6
3x8 = 2 tens + 4
4x8 = 3 tens + 2 5x8 = 4 tens
6x8 = 4 tens + 8
7x8 = 5 tens + 6
8x8 = 6 tens + 4
9x8 = 7 tens + 2 10x8=8 tens