Aberporth Village Hall and Recreation Grounds Committee
Newsletter No 2June 2014
Woodland Walk
The Committee decided to tackle the repairs themselves. A team, led by Dai Ogilvie and Mike Harwood, have been working on the path in their spare time. Repairs are well
underway and the path will be opened as soon as possible.
Wes McCreary has very kindly donated some bird boxes and installed them in the trees along the Safe Route to School.
Thank you Wes!
Banc y Dyffryn
The land adjoining Glanmordy has been sown with grass, wild flower and poppy seeds. In the Autumn, we intend to have a ‘Plant a Bulb’ day, when everyone will be welcome to join us in planting Spring bulbs in this area.
The long overdue clearing of the tree canopy has promoted the re-emergence of a wonderful display of bluebells and wild orchids.
New Hall – Developments.
An architect has been consulted about modifications to plans, drawn up several years ago, to meet our requirements and current building regulations. Before Planning Permission can be sought, a structural survey of the present hall and an ecology survey will have to be undertaken.
The Committee is reviewing all documentation to bring it up to date. As part of this process, we are considering changing our status to that of a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). This would still be registered with the Charity Commission, but not with Companies House. The advantage would be that the CIO would have a legal identity of its own, which means that property would be held in the name of the organisation, rather than in the name of specific trustees. Provided they have acted properly, the trustees would also benefit from limited liability. As a CIO, our accounts and a report would be sent to the Charity Commission annually, as is the case now.
Community Council News
The Chair is now Arthur Richards, tel. 811211, Vice Chair, Mike Harwood, 811217.
A new initiative for this year is to set up an Aberporth Volunteer Group. More details later.
To see what else is happening, visit:
What’s On In 2014
In the Village Hall
/ Tuesday 4 - 6pm / Mrs T. Hazelby 858976Brownies /
Monday 5 – 6.30pm to start in September
/ Mrs K. Wedgwood 814843Community Council / 3rd Tuesday of the month 6 pm / Mr A. Richards 811211
Country Market / Tuesday 8.45 – 12.00 am / Mrs A. Dore 851889
Flower Club / 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month 2 - 4pm / Mrs R. Ogilvie 810066
Food Co-operative /
Tuesday 9 – 11 am
/ Mrs A. McCreary 810475Guides / Monday 6.30 – 8pm / Mrs C. Oakes 811305
Hanes Aberporth / Last Wednesday of the month 7.30 - 9pm / Mrs A. Thomas 810612
Karate / Wednesday 7 - 9pm / Mr A. Chambers 654568
Keep Fit /
Friday 10.30 – 11.30 am
/ Mrs M. James 612166Merched y Waur / 3rd Thursday of the month 7 - 9pm / Mrs M Thomas 810219
Short Mat Bowls / Monday 4.30 – 9 pm
Thursday 4.30 – 9 pm / Mr J. Mathews 810597 Seniors
Mrs R.Williams 810697 Juniors
Table Tennis / Wednesday 2 - 4pm / Mr C. Straker 814851
WI / 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month 7.30 - 9.30pm / Mrs B. Grooms 814920
In the Village
June 13th, Friday /WI Curling Evening – all welcome
/ Village Hall, 7 pmJune 22nd, Sunday / Aberporth Rowing Club Longboat Regatta
July 3rd, Thursday /
Aberporth School Summer Fair
/ Aberporth School, 6 pmAugust 4th, Monday / Aberporth Community WW1 Drumhead Service / Village Hall 7 pm
August 7th, Thursday / Aberporth Carnival / Coronation Park
August 14th, Thursday / Dydd Iau Mawr (Stalls at Penrhodyn) / from 11 am
August 21st, Thursday /
Big Beach Fun Day
August 23rd, Saturday / Aberporth Horticultural Society Show / Village Hall 2pmSeptember 21st, Sunday / Battle of Britain Service / St Cynwyls Church 6 pm
November 22nd, Saturday / WW1 Theme Dance / Village Hall 7pm
December 15th, Monday / RAFA/RNA Carol Service / St Cynwyls Church 6.30 pm
If you are holding an event, between September and January, that you would like to be included
in the September newsletter, please contact Anne Straker on 814851 before the end of August.
In September’s Newsletter, we will have a feature on the Short Mat Bowls Club
The publication of this newsletter is kindly sponsored by: Penrhyn Pharmacy, Aberporth, 01239 810228