Red Badge of Courage Work/Activity Packet
Chapters 1-2
1) What do you “see” in your mind’s eye as you read the first page of the story? List the colors and color images that Crane uses to describe the scene.
2) Who is Henry? Why did he join the army? At the time he joined, what was his opinion of the war?
3) What do you learn about Henry’s mother from the flashback? Why do you think Crane used the scene in a flashback rather than opening the book with it?
4) What are your impressions of the tall soldier? How does his attitude contrast with that of Henry and the tall soldier?
Chapters 3-4
1) The narrator tells us, “…he had never wished to come to the war. He had not enlisted of his free will…” Is this true? Whose ideas were these? Is Henry realistic?
2) What would Henry have said if he had followed his impulse to break away and “harangue” his fellow soldiers? Why does he stifle his impulse?
3) What different feelings does Henry have as the company moves closer to the scene of battle? List at least THREE.
4) What does the loud soldier give Henry? Why? What does this show you about how the loud soldier hides his fears? How does Henry react?
5) Why doesn’t the youth run away when he sees the retreating men?
6) What is the “composite monster” and why does Henry want to see it?
WRITING ASSIGNMENT- Write about a time when you experienced morbid curiosity- a desire to see something that you found repulsive or frightening. (7-10 sentences)
Chapters 5-6
1) Explain what Henry is going through when he begins firing and becomes “not a man but a member.” Why doesn’t he run right away?
2) How would you evaluate the descriptions of battle? Realistic? Sensationalistic? Do you think the fact that Crane never actually “saw” battle shows here? How does his treatment of violence contrast with the way violence is shown on television and in films?
3) At the end of Chapter 5, what does the description of Nature show about Henry? How is Nature’s “attitude” toward the battles being waged?
4) When people avoid something that frightens them, the avoidance is sometimes planned, and sometimes a matter of impulse. Which of the two better describes Henry’s action when he finally runs from battle? Do you think Henry would have run if the others had not?
5) As Henry runs away, he reflects that “it is better to view the appalling than merely to be within hearing.” What does he mean? Do you agree?
6) At the end of Chapter 6, what is Henry’s impression of the general and the officers? What do you think is the author’s opinion of them?
EXTRA CREDIT- Write about a time when you “ran away” (either literally or figuratively) from something that truly frightened you.
Chapters 7-9
1) “…he began to pity himself acutely…” Why? What is Henry’s opinion of himself? At this point, do you like him? Does the author?
2) “He conceived nature to be a woman with a deep aversion to tragedy.” What is Henry thinking?
3) Why do you think the author includes the detail about the squirrel? How does Henry interpret the squirrel’s behavior? Why does this reassure him? Should it?
4) How does the corpse sitting against the tree affect Henry? Is that the reaction you would have? Why do you suppose the author refers to the body repeatedly as “the thing?”
5) What is the tattered man like? Why does Henry turn away from him so quickly?
6) Why does Henry wish he had a wound? Would you feel the same way, in his situation (as one of the few uninjured?) Where do you first find the phrase “red badge of courage,” and what does it mean here?
7) Who is the “spectral soldier?” Why doesn’t Henry recognize Jim at first? Does Jim know he is dying? How does he act?
8) After Jim died, the “red sun was pasted in the sky like a wafer.” What does this image suggest? (think in terms of wafers, as they are used in the Catholic religion.)
Chapters 10-12
1) How does Henry react when the tattered soldier starts feeling “pretty bad”? What does this show you about Henry?
2) Who is Tom Jamison? Why does the tattered man start to call Henry “Tom Jamison?”
3) Explain the line, “His companions seemed ever to play the intolerable parts.” Why does Henry leave the tattered soldier? What do you suppose happens to the tattered soldier?
4) Why does it give Henry pleasure to watch the men retreat?
5) As he stays in the vicinity of the battle, why does Henry hope that his army is defeated?
6) How does Henry imagine it will be like when he returns to his regiment? How does he prepare? What would you do if you were in his position?
7) How does Henry get wounded?
EXTRA CREDIT- Have you ever met someone like the cheery soldier- a stranger who helped you through a momentarily difficult time without seeming to expect anything from you? Describe the stranger.
Chapters 13-15
1) How does Wilson treat Henry? How has Wilson’s attitude changed? How does Henry notice the change?
2) When Henry wakes up the morning after returning to his regiment, there is a fight among the soldiers. What is it about? Why do you think Crane included this detail?
3) Why does Henry think twice about returning the packet to Wilson? Is he wrong to keep it? Would you?
4) How does Henry become “pompous and veteranlike?” At first, he felt justified in running from battle- then ashamed. How does he reinterpret his past actions and rebellious thoughts now?
5) Now that he is back in his regiment, how does Henry feel about himself? Why doesn’t he feel ashamed of the way he is deceiving the others about his own actions?
6) What does Henry plan to do when he goes home? Explain the last line of Chapter 15.
EXTRA CREDIT- Have you ever been in a situation where you were tempted to embarrass someone, but didn’t? Have you ever been the sole possessor of secret knowledge about someone- and held a degree of power over that person, because of your knowledge? Write about your experience and explain why you did or did not take advantage of what you know. (If you answer is “no,” create a story that satisfies the requirements of this question.)
Chapters 16-18
1) How does Henry feel about the enemy today? How have his feelings changed since yesterday?
2) When Henry and his friend leave the regiment to get water, what do they overhear? What does this show you about the general and the officer?
3) How are Henry and his friend affected by what they hear? What do they decide to do?
WRITING ASSIGNMENT- Have you ever overheard someone insult you or your group (gender, race, age group, etc), yet decided to keep quiet about it? How did you feel? How did you act, as a consequence? Write about your experience.
Chapters 19-20
1) As the final battle begins, “It seemed to the youth that he saw everything. Each blade of green grass was bold and clear.” What is happening? Have you ever experienced such a heightening of perception?
2) Why was it so important to Henry and his friend to get the flag?
3) Why does Henry hate the officer so much? Henry had wanted to “taunt in answer,” but now he cannot. Why not?
4) How does Henry feel when he sees the faces of the enemy?
5) Who wins the battle? Explain the last line of Chapter 20.
Chapter 21-22
1) What kind of reception does the regiment get as the men return to their own lines? Why?
2) Why is the general angry? How do the men react when they hear about his attitude?
3) Why do Henry and his friend feel so grateful toward the colonel and the youthful lieutenant?
EXTRA CREDIT- Elaborate on the vague plan Henry had for his own death to be a “final retaliation” against the officer. Describe the scene in which the officer comes upon Henry’s body- as Henry imagines it. Include the officer’s thoughts and actions.
Chapters 23-24
1) Why does Henry change his mind and decide to move forward against the enemy? How do his wear companions react?
2) How does the moment of contact between the two sides differ from what Henry expects?
3) Why does it become so important for Henry to get the enemy flag? Does he feel sorry for the dying man from who the flag is wrenched?
4) What is the image that leaves Henry feeling so guilty?
5) As Henry thinks about his own performance, and that of his regiment, how does he judge both?
6) Explain the last lines, “He had been an animal blistered and sweating in the heat and pain of war.” What does Henry think of his own behavior? To what does he attribute the way he acted?