
Wednesday, May 22ndfrom 4:15 – 6:00 at RBMS Main Gym

Thursday, May 23rdfrom 4:15 – 6:00 at RBMS Main Gym

Friday, May 24thfrom 4:15 – 6:30 at RBMS Main Gym (time may be change due to number of candidates)

Friday, May 25thfollowing final tryouts, Selections announced by 8 pm outside gym doors


Tryout Permission form

Completed application form

Signed Guideline/Demerit Agreement form by dancer and parent/guardian

Signed Eligibility Rules form

Two Recommendation Forms (by any adult not related to you)

Grade Check form


Please adhere to the following:

You are required to attend all three days of the tryout process.

It is important to be on time and ready to warm up.

Candidates need to wear appropriate workout/dancewear to all sessions. No baggy clothes, midriffs, or sports bras being used as a top.

Acceptable attire includes leotards, sports tops, t-shirts, jazz pants, shorts, etc.

Tennis shoes, dance sneakers, or jazz shoes are required at all times. You may not just dance in socks, for safety reasons.

Hair must be pulled back in a ponytail or bun at all times.

No chewing gum and no food or drinks will be allowed in the gym. Only water bottles and a light snack if needed. Try to avoid soda and sweets.

All practices and tryouts are closed. No spectators will be allowed to observe.

No jewelry during tryouts.

Bring a positive attitude and a strong work ethic! These ideas, along with prompt attendance, are also a part of the judging process.


After reviewing the results, the coach will post a list of those candidates who made the dance team outside of the River Bend MS gym door at the close of the last day of tryouts. Please allow for some time to come up with a final list.

Criteria for Judging:

Although dance experience is preferred and recommended, it is not necessary. Judges will look for your ability to perform the audition routine. In addition, the technique audition requirements are listed below. You will be judged on your overall experience, poise, and projection. The coach will be present at auditions to evaluate your performance, not to judge. The judges will be using the scoring rubric to score your individual performance. No spots are ever guaranteed, and the decision of the judges is final.

Audition Requirements

-Toe Touch

-Grand Jete (Leap)

-Double Pirouette

-Fouette Turns (8 Count) OR Alsicone Turns (8 count)


-C Jump

-Right and Left Leg Splits

-Hip Hop Routine- short routine (about 1:30)

-Jazz Routine- short routine (about 1:30)-elements may included: turns, switch leaps, switch open, or open leaps

**The captains that are teaching you the dances will also help you to learn these technique requirements. **

Panther Dancer Tryouts Sample Form

Audition # : ______Judge # ______

1. Skills (35 points)

Toe Touch12345

-Legs straight and toes pointed

-Good height from the floor

-Clean landing

Grand Jete (Leap)12345

-Legs straight and toes pointed

-Good height from the floor

-Clean take-off and landing

Double Pirouette12345

-Turn is controlled

-Rotation is complete

-Clean landing coming out of turn

Fouette Turns (8 Count) OR Alsicone Turns12345

-Turn is controlled, including arm placement

-Extended leg is parallel and opens to the front, toes pointed

-Leg is in posse when not extended out (Fouette only)

-Rotation is complete

Calypso (Turning Leap) 12345

-Turn is controlled, including arm placement

-Front leg is extended, toes pointed

-Rear leg is bent, parallel to the floor

-Rotation is complete

C Jump12345

Right Leg Split12345

Left Leg Split12345

Total: ______

2. Jazz Routine (25 points)

-Moves are clean and sharp12345

-Movements are big and definite12345

-Remembers choreography12345

-Has good rhythm12345

-Maintains energy throughout dance12345

Total: ______

3. Hip Hop Routine (25 points)

-Moves are clean and sharp12345

-Movements are big and definite12345

-Remembers choreography12345

-Has good rhythm12345

-Maintains energy throughout dance12345

Total: ______

4. Facial Expressions (10 points)

-Smiling at the beginning and throughout the dance12345

-Appears confident while performing12345

Total: ______

5. Style (5 points)12345

-Overall style as a performer

Total: ______

GRAND TOTAL: ______/100

Would you include this candidate on the team? YES NO

Comments: ______



Please write clearly.

Name: ______Present Grade: ______

Address: ______Home Phone: ______

Cell Phone: ______

Student’s Email: ______

Parent(s) Name: ______

1. List previous dance experience. Include location, years involved, and type of dance:


2. Will you be involved in dancing with a studio next year?____ If yes, please tell where and what type(s) of dance: ______


3. Please list other activities and interests. Be sure to include those you anticipate being involved with next school year. ______


4. List qualities that you think are necessary to produce a top-notch dance team:



5. Please tell why you would like to audition and be on the PFHS Dance Team:



My student, ______has my permission to try-out for the Panther Dance Team at Potomac Falls High School. I understand that practices will be held from May 22nd – 24th, all of which will take place at River Bend Middle School from 4:15 – 6:00 (6:30 or later on the day of auditions, the 24th, and I will be providing my student transportation home.

Parent/Guardian Signature:______

Parent/Guardian (Print Name):______

Phone Number: ______Date: ______

This form must be signed and returned to Miss Nicole Jordan (RBMS) or Mrs. Jessica Ewald (PFHS) in order to audition for the team.


I, ______(dancer name), have carefully read all sections of the 2013-2014 PFHS Dance Team Guidelines and Demerit System. I understand what is expected of me as a team member, and if I fail to follow these rules and regulations, the appropriate consequence will be enforced by the coach.

Dancer Signature: ______Date:______

I, ______, as the parent/guardian, have carefully read all sections of the 2013-2014 PFHS Dance Team Guidelines and Demerit System. I understand what is expected of my daughter as a member, and agree to address any concerns directly with the coach in a scheduled meeting.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Please detach, sign, and return this form to Mrs. Ewaldor Ms. Jordan by

MAY 22nd, 2013

Panther Dancer Eligibility Rules

At the beginning of each school year, the dancer must have an accumulative 2.0 GPA. After each nine weeks, the coach will check grades. If a dancer’s GPA has fallen below a 2.0, then at that time the dancer will be places on a nine-week suspension period from dancing and the parents will be notified. In order for the dancer to remain on the team, the dancer must attend class and all Panther Dancer functions during this suspension time. If at the following nine week grading period the dancer has not pulled up his/her average up to a 2.0, then at that time the dancer will be dismissed from the team and the parents will be notified.

Please sign below, verifying that you have read and agreed to the above eligibility rules.


Coach:______Dancer: ______



Teachers, please fill out this form for ______. If you have any issues or concerns that you would personally like me to know about, please email me as soon as possible!

Thank you,

Coach Ewald




Tryouts for the 2013-2014 PFHS Dance Team will be held May 22nd – 24th, 2012. In order to facilitate choosing the best possible candidates, I ask your help in evaluating the behavior of


These sheets are CONFIDENTIAL and will not be seen by the candidate. Please detach and return this form to the mailboxes of either Jessica Ewald (PFHS) or Nicole Jordan (RBMS) by

Due Monday, May 20th

Evaluator______Relationship to candidate ______


Please rate the student on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest performance rating.

  1. Dependability/Responsibility______
  1. Sociability/Attitude Toward Peers______
  1. Leadership______
  1. Representative of the School______
  1. Attendance and Promptness______

CIRCLE ONE: I do recommend/do not recommend/recommend with reservation for this

student to try-out for the 2013-2014 PFHS Dance Team.

Additional Comments:


Evaluator’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Thank you for your response! 



Tryouts for the 2013-2014 PFHS Dance Team will be held May 22nd – 24th, 2012. In order to facilitate choosing the best possible candidates, I ask your help in evaluating the behavior of


These sheets are CONFIDENTIAL and will not be seen by the candidate. Please detach and return this form to the mailboxes of either Jessica Ewald (PFHS) or Nicole Jordan (RBMS) by

Due Monday, May 20th

Evaluator______Relationship to candidate ______


Please rate the student on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest performance rating.

  1. Dependability/Responsibility______
  1. Sociability/Attitude Toward Peers______
  1. Leadership______
  1. Representative of the School______
  1. Attendance and Promptness______

CIRCLE ONE: I do recommend/do not recommend/recommend with reservation for this

student to try-out for the 2013-2014 PFHS Dance Team.

Additional Comments:


Evaluator’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Thank you for your response! 

Dear Panther Dancers and Parents,

Welcome to the 2013-2014 Panther Dance Team! I am thrilled to go into my third year of coaching with Ms. Jordan, and many exciting changes are being made each year. Both Ms. Jordan and I have utilized these recent changes to its fullest extent, and we believe we have come up with a system that makes for an amazing experience for your child.

I have had much personal experience with dance teams, including all four years in high school being squad leader, co-captain, and captain respectively. My dance team was a then 50-year, very well established team within the community, and it was considered to be a great honor to be a part of a team that seeped with tradition. With that being said, I personally felt what it was like to be a part of such an organized and respected team, so my plan is to implement many of their traditions and team unity. Change can be difficult in the beginning, but I firmly believe that everything we will continue to put into action will be in the best interest of the team.

The first item of discussion, and possibly the most important aspect, concerns team camaraderie. As I’ve seen in previous years, the team does have a wonderful time together and generally gets along, even in stressful situations. Two years ago, we had expanded on this concept by starting the “Big Sister/Big Brother, Little Sister/Little Brother” program, where each younger/newer dancer was paired with an older/experienced dancer. They were responsible for each other in many ways, including preparing individualized gifts and offering constant, positive support. The sisters/brothers will change each year as they age and become more experienced, in hopes that the girls/boys can become even closer with several members of the team. This program was a hugely influential part of my high school dance team, and really further nurtured our relationships. I am happy to report that it was a huge success the last two years.

The second important item concerns responsibility. Dancers must understand that teamwork and regulations are the keys to success for our dance program. To help maintain discipline, promote reliability, and uphold fairness for all, we will be implementing a demerit system that will help to set an example of good behavior, unity, and pride. It is my hope that we will be able to set up a traditional environment that we can be proud of for years to come.

The final important item is a big one! Once the tryout process is complete and we have our new team, we will need a parent to volunteer for the position of “team mom” or “team dad.” This responsibility was new for us last year, and once again we are happy to report that it was a huge success! This role will involve your help communicating upcoming events and possible costs to the rest of the team parents. As it turns out, regardless of how many flyers I send home with important information for the parents, teenagers are not as responsible as I sometimes make them out to be and the letter never seems to make it home. This will remedy that situation, so you are always in the know!

Just as an FYI, camp costs/deposits will be one of the first things addressed in our parent meeting we will hold once we know who has joined the 2013-2014 team. Day and time TBD.

With these guidelines and confident attitudes, we willcontinue to expand on the program, both in morale and team numbers. I have always been impressed by the dancers and the way Ms Jordan and I work together to manage the team…I am only hoping to help further develop what she has already created. I am a very organized person, and plan on keeping you in the loop as much as possible with phone calls, meetings, and paperwork. I have very high standards for myself and promise to do my absolute best with my third year as coach, so I encourage feedback and support at every turn. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am for this opportunity and look forward to wonderful experiences with you!


Jessica Ewald


Below is an itemized list of the cost of the dance team. Items are subject to change from year to year, depending on costumes needed and competition costs. On a positive note, every year we bring in the most fundraised money out of all other PFHS clubs, so some of these costs may potentially come out of those funds.

1. Clothing Items

-Warm-up (Jacket and Pants)$70

-Tie-Dye Tank Top (no longer made)$10

-Skirt $35

-Purple Bow Tie Tank (no longer made)$20

-Black Sequin Halter Dress $35

-Purple Halter Top $35

-Bag (no longer made) $20

-Other team t-shirts (TBD)$60

2. Competitions

-Manchester Invitational

$150 for up to 2 routines, $50 for additional routines

-Fairfax Competition

$35 per dancer, $30 for solos

-GMU Invitational

$150 for up to 2 routines, $50 for additional routines

-EDA Nationals

$122 per dancer, (one routine, one day)

$20 for each additional dance (per dancer)

*Does not include additional costs (food, gas, possible bus, etc)



I will be sending out additional, more detailed information about camp at a later date, but here is a breakdown of the dates and potential costs.

We will be attending a UDA camp from July 27th – 30th, at the University of Virginia. The cost for each dancer is $327, and I have received information from the camp that gives us a slight discount for each student. Pending availability and willingness from the new team, we may(not guaranteed!) be able to hold a fundraiser in time, which could greatly help with the costs.

Unfortunately due to the budget costs, we will be unable to provide bus transportation for all of the girls. This means we will have to provide our own transportation.

Some of the old members already have some of the camp gear from the previous year. We will possibly be using some of that, but the girls have voiced interest in purchasing more t-shirts and tank tops that have our name and school logo on it, to help further unify the team. I am unsure of the costs for this as of right now, but I will be sure to let you know ASAP.

I would like to stress that camp is considered MANDATORY, as this is a HUGELY important bonding experience for the girls early on. We will also be organizing a “Big Sister/Big Brother, Little Sister/Little Brother” pairing for the year, and it all starts at camp. Missing camp for a prior excused reason would be a detriment, but I assure you not permanently.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns! My e-mail address is , or Ms. Jordan’s is . We will be giving out our cell numbers at a later date.

Potomac Falls Dance Team

2013 – 2014 Guidelines

  1. Organization
  2. This Constitution has been written and adopted for the PFHS Dance Team
  3. The purpose of the PFHS Dance Team is to:
  4. Create school spirit, pride, and leadership.
  5. Promote interest in school activities, perform at school games and functions, and participate in local and national competitions.
  6. Develop responsibility, teach self-respect, encourage honest effort, strive for perfection, and develop character.
  7. Teach teamwork and pride in a quality performance through maintaining high standards.
  8. Eligibility
  9. Every dancer will maintain or improve their academic standing while associated with the PFHS Dance Team. Academics are the number one commitment. If a dancer is not disciplined or dedicated in the classroom, then they will not be disciplined or dedicated enough to contribute positively to the team. Grades will be checked regularly and teachers frequently contacted to discuss progress in the classroom.
  10. A dancer must NOT have been referred more than two times during the past year (for any offense other than being tardy). Any referral for a serious offense will disqualify a candidate’s eligibility for try-outs and the team (i.e. fighting, threatening, weapons, drugs, etc – coach and admin. will make this decision).
  11. A dancer must agree to purchase many of her/his own uniforms, uniform accessories, attend summer camp, and pay competition fees (when necessary). Please see attached Expenses sheet.
  12. Each candidate will be judged on technique, ability, presentation, energy, sharpness, teacher recommendations, and judge’s overall impression at the try-out.
  13. All candidates must have a positive attitude at try-outs and at all other times. This should enable the candidates trying out to acquire the skills to perform the routines to the best of their abilities.
  14. Each candidate must perform a dance routine taught during the try-out clinic and meet any other requirements deemed necessary for try-out by the coach.