The Shining
An immersive night at
The Watershed
Our Vision of the evening Page 2
Outline of ActivitiesPages 3- 8
Times Page 9
MapPage 10
Group Contacts Page 11
Our Vision of the Evening
Audience members will arrive at box office at allotted times starting from 9:00pm, they will get their ticket and walk around to the back entrance. Here they will be met by the hotel reception where they will swap their ticket for a room key and asked to wait for the Hotel Manager to show them to the lobby. The Hotel Manager will then walk them through the back corridors down to the waterside 2 entrance.
We plan for the audience to move between Waterside 1, 2 and 3 from 9:10pm-11:00pm
Waterside 3 will become the ‘Hotel Lobby’, where we will have the mobile bar, a wandering magician, coat & luggage check, two-way radio, a photo-booth, and a Horrorigami art piece on display. This will be the main room of congregation where people will drink, socialise and play with the interactive installations. 1920’s background music will play out in this room.
Waterside 1 will become the ‘Doctors Lounge’, where Stuart Nolan will diagnose people that ‘Shine’ through a series of tricks and tests. Visits with the Dr will take place every ???? minutes. No more than 30 patients at a time, 20 seated 10 standing. Eerie music in this room.
Waterside 2 will become the ‘Colorado Lounge’ where we will have a Typewriter and writing desk set up for either; an actor as a manic writer, interacting with audience to get them to help write his play OR as an interactive play piece for people to use the typewriter themselves. Amplified typewriting noise in this room. Only one table lamp for lighting.
At 10:40pm the Hotel Manager will announce that the Film will be about to begin and to begin to congregate so as to follow him into the cinema.
10:50pm The Hotel Manager leads the audience through a corridor of Hotel staff, people spaced evenly between the corridor and cinema corridor. They will see the bear and suited men on the balcony and hear the sound of wind played over speakers and spot the twins stood outside cinema 3.
11:00pm Movie begins in Cinema 1
01:20am Movie Ends and the audience will exit cinema 1, a Screem will sound from Cinema 3, in the corridor leading to Cinema 3, between double doors, will be 2 actors playing dead twins covered in blood. The bar music will star to play and dancers dancing. Audience directed to the bar where there will be socialising, music, dancers, normal bar and a number of the installations from the watersides moved into here for further play.
02:00am Bar stops serving
02:15am music stops and Axe wielding menace threatens to chop people up into pieces if they don’t leave his hotel. Empty building and begin shutdown.
Outline of Activities
1. Arrival 9:00pm-10:00pm
Arrive at box office at allotted time, get ticket and walk around to back entrance.
Time slots: 9:00pm
9:50pm (extra one for stragglers)
Things needed
- Any early arrivals sent to café bar
- Tickets at Box office
- Usher under the link outside
2. Reception Check In 9:00pm-11:00pm
Swap Ticket for key and asked to wait at the top of the stairs for the Hotel Manager to show them to the lobby
No more than 30 people waiting for Hotel Manager at once. When this number is reached the Hotel Manager leads group off and exchange of tickets begins again.
In the event 30 tickets exchanged, and no manager to take group. Then no more tickets exchanged until group is moved on.
Things needed
- Key’s separated into groups of 30 to make easier
- 170 keys with labels (extras for staff)
- Portable reception desk tray
- Receptionist – Actor / Costume / Script / Brief for actor
- Usher – counter clicker
- Security Guard
- Sign outside the back entrance – A board & battery lantern?
- Doors propped/wedged open
3. Hotel Manager greeting
Start interacting with the people waiting for the walk through
Once walk through begins Manager 2 starts interacting with the new waiting group.
Time to lead groups: 9:10
10:00 (extra for stragglers)
Things needed
- Manager x 2 – Actor / Costume / Example Script & Brief for actor
- wait here sign
4. Corridor 9:00pm - 11:00pm
Audience walk through guided by Hotel Manager, and into W2
4) Man banging from inside cupboard
Things needed
- Actor, example script & Brief
- Usher either side of Café Bar Door
- Emergency lighting
- Cover PM Signage, add toilet signage
Toilets 9:00 – 11:00pm
Red Gels and RedRum on doors
Waterside 3 General 9:00pm-11:00pm
Things needed
- Music
- Lighting
- Roaming Ushers
- Kieron the Magician / Costume / Brief
- Decoration
- Some Waterside corridor tables and Chairs
- Sofas
6. Coat and luggage store 9:00pm – 2:00am
People can check their coat in for the evening if they wish
Things needed
- Usher (can see the film)
- Coat rack/s available from watershed. & 2 extras from team & extra coat hangers
- Raffle tickets
- Signage - moveable
- Umbrella stand/bucket
- Place for Bags
- Smoking stamp
7. Telecoms switchboard unit 9:00pm-11:00pm
This is a place where people can use a two-way radio to interact with an actor on the other end.
Things needed
- Need actor/script example/brief on the - varun in admin office
- Needs Play with me Signage
18. Kieron Kirkland The Reader
Kieron will do some charcter analysis on some audience members, ink blots, writing, questioning.
Things needed
- Chairs and a table
- Usher
9. Photo-booth 9:00pm – 11:00pm & 1:20am – 2:00am
A place people can get their take their own photos or pay photographer for print out. All photos uploaded to FB late night group. Our set up for this will consist of a hacked up door, axe, knife.
Things needed
- Photographer – there after film?
- Lights – his own?
- Door on sturdy feet
- H & S certified knife
- H & S certified axe
10. Bar (2m in front of screen) 9:00pm-11:00pm
The mobile bar unit set up with a piece of MDF on the bar top to elongate. We would like the Bar serving RedRum cocktails and maybe an offer on Bourbon plus a selection of normal drinks and offers.
Things needed
- Bar Menu
- 2 x Members of Bar Staff – 1 of which to be creepy bar man - Costumes
- Trestle tables or trolleys to block sides + covers
- Plastic cups
- Projected image
11. Waterside 1 – Dr’s Lounge 9:00pm-11:00pm
Stuart Nolan the magician in residence will address an audience (30 max at a time). He will do a series of tests and tricks using a pendulum and some matchboxes.
Things needed
- Timings
- Small table
- Lighting & lamp
- Music
- 20-30 chairs
- Usher to fill audience up from front
- Matchboxes – design?
- Door signage
12. Waterside 2 – Colorado Lounge 9:00pm-11:00pm
We will have a desk set up in here. Our hope is to have an actor writing at the desk, who switches mood swings and interacts with the audience to help him write his play. We would like the desk set up so that the keyboard sounds are amplified over speakers. If we do not enlist the right actor then this piece will be set up for audience interaction and play.
Things needed
- Usher to monitor
- Actor / costume / brief
- Decoration – none
- Sound from typewriter
- Lighting – Lamp – and stand light
- Typewriter / cigarette packet / ashtray /desk
- Door Signage
5 & 8. Waterside Corridor - Tricycle & Horrorgami 9:00pm-11:00pm
5) Tricycle – spot lit
8) This will be a display only piece on exhibit in waterside Corridor.
Things needed
- Electric socket *8
- Spotlighting *5
- Usher
13. Congregate audience to lead into cinema 10:50pm
The Hotel manager will announce that the movie will begin whilst in W3, and that people should make their way to the end of the large waterside corridor to be led into the cinema. At this time all the actors and ushers required for corridor of people should take their places.
Things needed
- Manager 1
- Microphone? Bell to attract attention?
Café Bar before film 10:50-11:00
Space empty, Line of staff stood in place, Andre stood behind Bar. Gold Room Aboard stood in Centre.
Things needed
- Sound of wind for 20mins
- A board poster
14. Animal Balcony scene
When the audience walk through there will be Varun in a bear costume.
Things needed
- Link lighting off and the decorative lights on the balcony ON
- Bear costume with usher in
Upper Foyer
Snow scene playing on the screens
15. Twins in front of Cinema 3 10:50-11:10
2 girls stood in front of Cinema 3 with backlighting to be seen as people walk into cinema 1.
Things needed
- Scream or sound effect to grab attention
Cinema 1 –Room 237 11:00pm -1:20am
Music playing over speakers to begin. Someone to introduce the film
Things needed
- Introduction Character
- Signage
- Music
Café/Bar 1:20am-2:15am
After Screening Movie Ends and the audience will exit cinema 1, scream sound and twins will be playing dead covered in blood between coridoor double doors. The music will begin to play in the bar and dancers dancing. Audience directed to the bar where there will be socialising, music, dancers, normal bar and a number of the installations from the watersides moved into here for further play, including all the guests coats.
Things needed
- Blood lighting for twins
- Bar staff here
- Various Ushers to accompany installations
- Footage for projection screen
END 2:15am
Axe wielding man, empty out and close down
8:45pm –Everyone in position
9:00pm - 10:45pm –1) Arrivals
2) Reception Check In
3) Hotel Manager greeting and walk through
5) Tricycle
4) Man banging in cupboard
6) Coat and luggage store
7) Telecoms switchboard unit
8) Horrorgami - Overlook sculpture
9) Photo-booth
11) Waterside 1 – Dr’s Lounge
12) Waterside 2 – Colorado Lounge
9:00pm – 11:00pm -Waterside 3 General
10) Mobile Bar
10:40pm -Announcement by Hotel Manager that people should start getting ready for film, actors ushers shut down installations and if required make corridor of people, twins into place and Animal scene on balcony
10:50pm -13) Audience congregated at end of Waterside corridor and led through corridor of people to Cinema 1
11:00pm -Film Intro and screening
11:00pm - 01:10am - Café/Bar set up Move these items into place:
8) Horrorgami - Overlook sculpture
9) Photo-booth
5) Tricycle
12) Colorado Desk?
6) Coat and luggage store
16) Band set up
01:15am -15) Twins in place Cinema 3 entrance
01:20am -Cinema 1 Audience exit to bar
01:20am- 02:15am - 17) Dancers
8) Horrorgami - Overlook sculpture
9) Photo-booth
5) Tricycle
12) Colorado Desk?
6) Coat and luggage store
Café/Bar operating (2:00am)
Contact List
Zoe Horn Haywood
Responsible for Design of Graphics and Operations Liaison
Tel: 0795 6950 464
Jessica (aka - J) Gibbs
Responsible for Props, costumes and budget
Tel: 0796 0474 100
Flo Fitzgerald
Responsible for Actors and Artist
Tel: 0779 1047 372
James Staynings
Responsible for Lighting, Technical and H&S issues
Tel: 0745 5231 918
Varun Ramun
Responsible for sound and music
Tel: 0791 2625 159