By-laws of the Kingston and the Islands New Democratic Party Federal and Provincial Electoral District Association

By-law 1: Executive Members

1.1 Further to article 5.1. of the Constitution, the Executive shall consist of:

One (1) President; one (1) Provincial Vice-President; one (1) Federal Vice-President; one (1) Secretary; one (1) Provincial Chief Financial Officer; one (1) Federal Treasurer; no more than two (2) Communications Chair(s); one (1) Municipal Affairs Chair; one (1) Equity Chair; one (1) Youth Chair; one (1) Indigenous Representative; one (1) Francophone Chair; one (1) Labour Chair; no more than two (2) Queen’s NDP Representatives; one (1) Membership Co-ordinator; one (1) Fundraising Chair; and no more than six (6) members-at-large;

1.2 Each Executive member shall have one (1) vote at meetings even if they hold multiple positions, and must be a member in good standing with the NDP.

By-law 2: Executive Duties

2.1. The duties of the President shall include:

2.1.1. Providing leadership and enthusiasm for the Association;

2.1.2. Presiding at general meetings of the Association, and presenting an annual report on behalf of the Executive;

2.1.3. Convening and presiding at meetings of the Executive;

2.1.4. Working with the Executive in establishing and meeting annual goals of the Association;

2.1.5. Liaising with other local NDP association presidents to develop mutual goals, joint events, and improved public relations;

2.1.6. Liaising with the federal office in garnering support for the Association, including visits by MPs;

2.1.7. Communicating with the Executive between meetings;

2.1.8. An ex-offico role on committees and meetings;

2.1.9 Ensuring the effective operation of the association in all areas including administration, fundraising, public relations, and election planning.;

2.1.10. Communicating with Elections Canada and Elections Ontario on behalf of the EDA as required;

2.1.11 Liaising with the provincial office in garnering support for the Association, including visits by MPPs.

2.2. The duties of the Vice-President shall Include:

2.2.1. Providing leadership and enthusiasm for the Association;

2.2.2. Supporting the President in their duties;

2.2.3. In the President’s absence, the provincial Vice-President shall convene and preside over meetings of the Executive.

2.3. The duties of the Secretary shall include:

2.3.1. Recording and distributing the minutes of meetings of the Executive at least one week prior the next meeting;

2.3.2. Receiving correspondence for the Association and bringing it to the attention of the Executive;

2.3.3. Providing notice of General Meetings to the membership.

2.3.4. Forwarding to the regional organizer the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the elected executive, as well as any proposed changes to the bylaws.

2.3.5. Notifying Elections Canada of any change to the President or Financial Agent positions or if a change in auditor occurs.

2.4. The duties of the Provincial Financial Agent and Federal Treasurer shall include:

2.4.1. Maintaining records of all expenditures and revenues of the Association;

2.4.2. Filing financial reports to the Association’s auditor and Elections Canada and Election Ontario in accordance with the Canada Elections Act and provincial financial laws when applicable;

2.4.3. The Federal Treasurer is responsible for reporting the EDA’s financial position at each executive meeting and will prepare an annual financial report (required by Elections Canada) and budget to each annual general meeting. The Provincial Financial Agent is responsible for reporting the EDA’s financial position at each executive meeting and will prepare an annual financial report (required by Elections Ontario) and budget to each annual general meeting.

2.4.4. Reporting at each Executive meetings in writing concerning the state of the Association's finances;

2.4.5. Preparing an annual financial report for presentation at the Annual General Meeting.

2.5. The duties of Members-at-Large shall include:

2.5.1. Assisting with the activities of the Association

2.6. The Duties of the Communications Chair(s) shall be:

2.6.1 Update social media platforms regularly and manage emails and phone messages;

2.6.2. Provide press releases for the organization in coordination with the Executive;

2.6.3. When necessary, be a liaison to the media and general public;

2.7. Duties of the Membership Organizer shall include:

2.7.1. Maintaining records of current members

2.7.2. Promoting the Association and building the membership

2.7.3. Maintaining the Association's membership records;

2.7.4. Developing strategy for and organizing membership drives;

2.7.5. Exchanging membership reports with the federal and provincial offices of the Party, according to agreements between the New Democratic Party of Canada and the Ontario New Democratic Party;

2.7.6. Ensuring that an accurate membership list is available for registration at General Meetings of the Association;

2.7.7. Preparing an annual membership report for presentation at the Annual General Meeting.

By-law 3: Gender Equity

3.1 Further to section 5.1.8. of the Constitution, when a position is restricted to a specific gender, individuals who do not self-identify either as a male or female may fill that position regardless of the stated gender restriction.

3.2 It shall be the aim of the Kingston and the Islands Riding Association to seek gender equity and gender diversity on the Executive and in the Association.

By-law 4: Admission to Executive and Addressing Lapsed Executive Members

4.1 Between meetings of the General Membership, the Executive may accept new members.

4.1.1. New members must provide a formal notice of intent to join the Executive at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to an Executive meeting;

4.1.2. New members are then subject to an approval vote by a majority (50%+1) of the Executive, taken without the nominee present during the vote.

4.2 Executive members who have missed three (3) consecutive meetings without notice of regret shall be informed by the President their membership on the Executive has lapsed.

4.2.1. If no further action is taken, the lapsed member may be subject to removal by the Executive at the following subject to a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

By-law 5: Respect for Other Members

5.1. The Kingston and the Islands NDP will not tolerate harassment or bullying.

5.2. Members are expected to act in accordance with Canadian law and with the values of the New Democratic Party.

5.3. During meetings the chair may reprimand an unruly member by:

5.3.1. Declaring the offending member is out of order;

5.3.2 . Naming the offender in the official minutes.

5.4. If the chair cannot impose order, the members of the Executive may take the following steps, subject to a majority vote (50%+1):

5.4.1. A motion that the member must apologize;

5.4.2. A motion that the member must leave the hall during the remainder of the meeting;

5.4.3. A motion to censure the member;

5.4.4. A motion to suspend the member's rights for a designated period of time.

5.4.5. A motion to expel the member from the organization, subject to a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

5.5. If a member has experienced harassment or a member has committed heinous acts against the Association, the President and two Vice-Presidents may be petitioned to convene a special ad-hoc committee;

5.5.1. Subject to agreement of at least two of the three members, any of the disciplinary actions outlined in section 5.4 may be recommended to the Executive.

By-law Six: Email Motions

6.1. Email motions that require immediate action may be put forth between regular meetings.

6.2. The email motions must be declared time sensitive by the President and sent out to entire Executive with a stated deadline for the completion of email voting.

6.3. At least fifty (50) percent of the Executive must approve an email motion by the stated deadline or the motion will fail. The President shall be responsible for tabulating the responses to email motions.

6.4. Any Executive member may make a motion of reconsideration of the emailed motion at the next Executive meeting.