Syllabus Scheme
B.Voc. in Fashion Technology
(W.E.F 2017-2018)
Semester V
w.e.f. 2017-18
Sr.No. / Paper No. / Name / Total Credits/sem / Contact Hours/week / Max. Marks / ExamDuration
1. / BVFT 301 / History of Indian Costumes / 2 / 2 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
2. / BVFT 302 / Line Development / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
3. / BVFT 303 / Lab. Advanced Pattern Development-I / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
4. / BVFT 304 / Commercial Garment Construction - I / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
5. / BVFT 305 / Marketing and Merchandising (Pr.) / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
6. / BVFT 306 / CAD - III / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
7. / BVHR / Human Rights / 4 / 4 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
8. / BVCOM - 3 / Communication skills (Th.) (Pr.) / 2
2 / 2
4 / 50 (40+10*)
25 (20+5*) / 3 Hrs.
9. / B - I / Boutique- I** / 4 / 8 / 25
Total Marks / 450
*Internal Assessment
** Internal Examination
One Credit point for Theory = 1 Hour Contact Time/Week
One Credit Point for Practical = 2 hours Contact/ Week
Semester 5th Syllabus is formed according to the QP Boutique Management Level - 7
Semester V
w.e.f. 2017-18
Sr.No. / Paper No. / Name / Total Credits/sem / Contact Hours/week / Max. Marks / ExamDuration
1. / BVFT 301 / History of Indian Costumes / 3 / 3 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
2. / BVFT 302 / Line Development / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
3. / BVFT 303 / Lab. Advanced Pattern Development-I / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
4. / BVFT 304 / Commercial Garment Construction - I / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
5. / BVFT 305 / Marketing and Merchandising (Pr.) / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
6. / BVFT 306 / CAD - III / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
Total / Skill Component / 18 / 33 / 300
7. / BVHR / Human Rights / 4 / 4 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
8. / BVCOM - 3 / Communication skills (Th.) (Pr.) / 2
2 / 2
4 / 50 (40+10*)
25 (20+5*) / 3 Hrs.
9. / B - I / Boutique- I** / 4 / 8 / 25 / -
Total / General Education Components / 12 / 18 / 150 / -
GRAND TOTAL / Skill Component and General Education Components / 18+12= 30 / 33+18=51 / 300+150=450 / -
*Internal Assessment
** Internal Examination
One Credit point for Theory = 1 Hour Contact Time/Week
One Credit Point for Practical = 2 hours Contact/ Week
Semester 5th Syllabus is formed according to the QP Boutique Management Level – 7
BVFT - 301: History of Indian Costumes
M. Marks : 50
Theory Exam : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Instruction for the examiners
The examiner will set nine questions in all. All the questions will carry equal marks. Question No. I will be compulsory consisting of 5-10 short type questions and will be set from unit I and unit II, four long questions from each unit will be set.
Instructions for the candidates
The candidates are required to attempt five questions Q No. I will be compulsory remaining four questions will be attempted by selecting two questions from each unit.
Study of Indian Costumes during following periods.
· Indus Valley Period
· Vedic Period
· Mauryan & Sunga Period
· Satvahana Period
· Kushan Period
· Gupta Period
· Mughal Period
· British Period
Project Report:
a) Presentation of different periods.
b) Visit to museums.
c) Screening of period films.
_ Kumar Ritu, “Costumes and Textiles of Royal India”, Christies Book
Ltd., London, 1999.
_ Gurey G.S., “Indian Costumes”, The popular Book Depot
_ Mehta R.J., “Master pieces of Indian Textiles”, Taraporevala Sons & Co.
Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, 1960.
_ Bina Abling, “Costumes”
_ Deborah Nadoolman, “Dressed – A Century of Hollywood Costumes”
The Pepin Press, “Renaissance”.
BVFT-302 : Line Development
M. Marks : 50
Pr. : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
- Study of fashion forecast
- Conceptualization of theme, mood board, designing, fabric sourcing, pattern development,construction and show casing.
- Make 2 dresses on the particular theme and show it on the models in the fashion show.
BVFT-303 : Lab. Advanced Pattern Development - I
M. Marks : 50
Pr. : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
- Dart manipulation-
- Single dart.
- Multiple dart.
- Princess line yokes
- Fullness ( gathers, pleats and tucks)
- Contouring pattern ( wrap, off shoulder, halter)
- Develop patterns:- Lined jacket, men’s shirt.
- Develop commercial paper pattern:- Skirt – Box pleated, umbrella, flared, wrap skirt. (any two).
BVFT-304 : Commercial Garment Construction - I
M. Marks : 50
Pr. : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs
Construct the following garments
1.Skirt - Any 2 from the following
Pleated, Umbrella, flared, wrap skirt, 4 gored
2.Ladies shirt/ Men’s shirt
3.One piece dress ( Three different elements combination)
4.Waist Coat/ Jacket
M. Marks : 50
Pr. : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs
Survey on famous brands available in market for men, women & children.
•Sourcing of fabrics, fasteners and trims.
•Layout, design and illustration for different kinds of store displays.
•Window display for a specific store and boutique.
•Thematic window display.
• Eascy M., “Fashion Marketing" Blackwell Science, 1994.
• Kotler Philip, “Marketing Management “prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2000.
• J. Jarnow and K.G. dickerson, “Inside the Fashion Business", Prentice Hall,
• Elaine Stone, Jean A Samples, "Fashion Merchandising", Mc Graw Hill
book, 1985.
• Colbornbe Robert, “Visual Merchandising; The Business of Merchandise
Presentaion", Thomson Delinar Learning, USA.
M. Marks : 50
Pr. : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs
1. Introduction to Pattern making software and familiarization with its tools namely toolkit,dart, pleat, segment, piece, seam, standard, rotate, internal, walk, view, point, fabric and stripes.
2. Develop basic block patterns of the following using the tools of Lectra/ Tuka CAD/ Optitex/Gerber/ Rich peace or any other software for Pattern Making:
• Adult bodice-block
• Sleeve block
• Basic Skirt
• Basic Trouser
3. Grading of the above patterns
4. Making summary report and pattern card of all the patterns.
5. Marker Layout of all the patterns.
6. Practice exercises
Recommended readings:
• Tuka Cad User Manual
• Veisinet DD, “computer Aided Drafting and Design- Concept and Application”, 1987.
• Taylor P, “computers in Fashion Industry”, Heinemann Pub., 1990.
• Aldrich Winfred, “CAD in clothing and Textiles”, Blackwell Science, 1994.
BVHR: Human Rights
M. Marks : 50
Theory Exam : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Instruction for the examiners
The examiner will set nine questions in all. All the questions will carry equal marks. Question No. I will be compulsory consisting of 5-10 short type questions and will be set from unit I and unit II, four long questions from each unit will be set.
Instructions for the candidates
The candidates are required to attempt five questions Q No. I will be compulsory remaining four questions will be attempted by selecting two questions from each unit.
- Concept of Human Rights:
Meaning, Definition
Nature and Scope of Human Rights
- Theories of Rights:
Natural, Liberal, Marxist and Social Theory
- Constitutional Perspective:
Fundamental Rights,
Fundamental Duties and their Co-relation.
- Constitutional Mechanism for Enforcement of Human Rights:
Legislative, Executive and Judiciary.
1. Desai, A.R. (ed.), (1986), Violations of Democratic Rights in India, Bombay: Popular Prakashan.
2. Sathe S.P., (2004), Judicial Activism in India, New Delhi: OUP.
3. Austin, Granville, (2000), Working of Democratic Constitutions: The Indian Experience, New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
4. Austin, Granville, (2002), The Indian Constitutions: Cornerstone of a Nation, New Delhi: OUP.
BVCOM - 3: Communication Skills
M. Marks : 50
Theory Exam : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Instruction for the examiners
The examiner will set nine questions in all. All the questions will carry equal marks. Question No. I will be compulsory consisting of 5-10 short type questions and will be set from unit I and unit II, four long questions from each unit will be set.
Instructions for the candidates
The candidates are required to attempt five questions Q No. I will be compulsory remaining four questions will be attempted by selecting two questions from each unit.
Unit - I
- Communication Skills in English: The importance of English, English as the first or second language, uses of English.
- Listening Skills: Types, objectives and Barriers, (Exercise).
- Reading Skills: Definition, Importance, types and techniques of reading, Academic reading tips, (Exercise).
Unit - II
- Writing skills: Parts of Speech, articles, Types of Sentences, Paragraph Writing, Summary, Precis Writing, Email, Resume Writing.
- Speaking Skills: Definition, Types of communication and Barriers of communication.
- Reviewing Grammar, Punctuation, Vocabulary, Idioms & Phrases, One word substitution.
M. Marks : 25
Pr. : 20
Int. Assessment : 5
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
- Practicing the four skills & testing the ability of the students. (All the exercise should be task based).
Writing: Diary Entry, Dialogue, Story, Outlines.
Listening: TV (News, Songs, Movies), Radio, Peer-group interaction etc.
Reading: Newspapers, Books, Novels, Blogs etc.
Speaking: Role Play, Mock-Interview, Debate, Speech, Drama/Play/Skit, Extempore etc.
- Any one of the following:-
- Write an on the spot story-line/ thematic/ current issue or develop any idea/theory.
- To talk about any topic.
- To first listen to some news & then ask the student to paraphrase.
- To read accurately, fluently and with proper accent etc. a piece of writing.
- Aysha Viswamohan, “English for Technical Communication”, Tata Mc-Graw – Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.
- Dorothy E Zemach and Lynn Stafford Yilmaz, “Writers at Work: The Essay”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008.
- E.Suresh Kumar and P. Sreehari, “A Handbook for English Language Laboratories”, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 2011
Mark Ibboston, ”Cambridge English for Engineering”, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2011.
B - I : Boutique - I
M. Marks : 25
- Construct atleast 5 garments in the Boutique:-
- Designing
- Marking
- Cutting
- Stitching
- Finishing
Note:- Panel for internal examination (Principal, HOD, Subject teacher).
Semester VI
w.e.f. 2017-18
Sr.No. / Paper No. / Name / Total Credits/sem / Contact Hours/week / Max. Marks / ExamDuration
1. / BVFT 311 / Clothing Aspects / 2 / 2 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
2. / BVFT 312 / History of World Costumes / 2 / 2 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
3. / BVFT 313 / CAD - IV / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
4. / BVFT 314 / Lab. Advanced Pattern Development - II / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
5. / BVFT 315 / Lab.Commercial Garment Construction - II / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
6. / BVFT 316 / Lab. Portfolio Making / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
7. / BVFT 317 / Inplant Training / 2 / 4 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
8. / BVCT / Communication Technologies / 4 / 4 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
9. / EN-I / Entrepreneurship (Th.) / 4 / 4 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
10. / B - II / Boutique – II** / 4 / 8 / 50 / -
Total Marks / 500
*Internal Assessment
** Internal Examination
One Credit point for Theory = 1 Hour Contact Time/Week
One Credit Point for Practical = 2 hours Contact/ Week
Semester 6th Syllabus is formed according to the QP Boutique Management Level – 7
Semester VI
w.e.f. 2017-18
Sr.No. / Paper No. / Name / Total Credits/sem / Contact Hours/week / Max. Marks / ExamDuration
1. / BVFT 311 / Clothing Aspects / 2 / 2 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
2. / BVFT 312 / History of World Costumes / 2 / 2 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
3. / BVFT 313 / CAD - IV / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
4. / BVFT 314 / Lab. Advanced Pattern Development - II / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
5. / BVFT 315 / Lab. Commercial Garment Construction - II / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
6. / BVFT 316 / Lab. Portfolio Making / 3 / 6 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
7. / BVFT 317 / Inplant Training / 2 / 4 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
Total / Skill Component / 18 / 32 / 350 / -
8. / BVCT / Communication Technologies / 4 / 4 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
9. / EN-I / Entrepreneurship (Th.) / 4 / 4 / 50 (40+10*) / 3 Hrs.
10. / B - II / Boutique – II** / 4 / 8 / 50 / -
Total / General Education Components / 12 / 16 / 150 / -
GRAND TOTAL / Skill Component and General Education Components / 18+12=30 / 32+16= 48 / 350+150=500 / -
*Internal Assessment
** Internal Examination
One Credit point for Theory = 1 Hour Contact Time/Week
One Credit Point for Practical = 2 hours Contact/ Week
Semester 6th Syllabus is formed according to the QP Boutique Management Level – 7
BVFT-311 : Clothing Aspects (Th.)
M. Marks : 50
Theory Exam : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Instruction for the examiners
The examiner will set nine questions in all. All the questions will carry equal marks. Question No. I will be compulsory consisting of 5-10 short type questions and will be set from unit I and unit II, four long questions from each unit will be set.
Instructions for the candidates
The candidates are required to attempt five questions Q No. I will be compulsory remaining four questions will be attempted by selecting two questions from each unit.
Objectives :
To impart knowledge about-
1. origin of clothing
2. effect of clothing on the wearer
3. clothing for different age groups
4. effect of society on clothing
1. Origin of Clothing :
• Theories of Clothing
2. Clothing and first impressions.
3. Motivation
4. Clothing and Wearer:
Effect of Clothing on
• Physical Comfort
• Mood and Behavior
• Personality and self concept
• Conformity
• Individual Values, interests and attitudes.
5. Clothing and the age of the wearer:
• Infants and children
• Adolescents
• Adult and Elderly
6. Clothing and Society
• Religion and culture
• Occupation
• Ceremonies and Occasions
1. A Study in Human Behavior by Marry Show Ryan- New York, Holt Rinehart & Winston, 1966.
2. Psychology of Clothes by J.G. Flugal.
3. Concepts of Clothing by Marry, Rose & Cranz.
BVFT-312 : History of World Costumes
M. Marks : 50
Theory Exam : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Instruction for the examiners
The examiner will set nine questions in all. All the questions will carry equal marks. Question No. I will be compulsory consisting of 5-10 short type questions and will be set from unit I and unit II, four long questions from each unit will be set.
Instructions for the candidates
The candidates are required to attempt five questions Q No. I will be compulsory remaining four questions will be attempted by selecting two questions from each unit.
1. Study of World Costume during following periods
• Babylonia
• Assyria
• Crete
• Egyptian
• Greek
• Roman
• Byzantine
• French –
Middle Ages
French Revolution
Romantic Period
Project Report:
• Presentation of Costumes of different periods
• Visit to Museum
_ Kumar Ritu, “Costumes and Textiles of Royal India”, Christies Book
Ltd., London, 1999.
_ Gurey G.S., “Indian Costumes”, The popular Book Depot
_ Mehta R.J., “Master pieces of Indian Textiles”, Taraporevala Sons & Co.
Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, 1960.
_ Bina Abling, “Costumes”
_ Deborah Nadoolman, “Dressed – A Century of Hollywood Costumes”
The Pepin Press, “Renaissance”.
BVFT-313 : CAD - IV
M. Marks : 50
Pr. : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
1. Study in detail the different tools of Tuka Studio:
a. Designing of household linens using Tuka studio commands.
b. Create different motifs and sheets each in the following:-
- Repeats
- Colour Separate and Colour ways
- Jacquard
- Story Board
- Weaves
- Knits
References :
1. Veisinet, D.D. (1987). Computer Aided Drafting and Design. Concept and Application.
2. Taylor, P. (1990). Computers in Fashion Industry. Hein & Mann Pub.
3. Aldrich,W.F(1994
). Cad in Clothing and Textiles. Blackwell Science.
4. Zeid, I. Mastering CAD/CAM” The Mc Graw Hall Companies.
5. Rao, P.N. CAD/CAM Principles & Applications. The McGraw Hill Companies.
BVFT-314 : Lab. Advanced Pattern Development - II
M. Marks : 50
Pr. :40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Develop patterns for the following :
1.Reversible jacket.
2.Corset Dress, halters, wraps, off shoulder dress.
3.Evening gowns
4.Grading of any two patterns.
BVFT-315 : Lab. Commercial Garment Construction - II
M. Marks : 50
Pr. : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Construct the following garments
1.Reversible jacket.
2.Corset Dress; halters; wraps; off shoulder dress (any two).
3.Evening gown; one piece dress.
Designing and construction of any one fashion garment
- Ethnic wear
- Western wear
BVFT-316 : Lab. Portfolio Making
M. Marks : 50
Pr. : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Portfolio development
Introduction to Portfolio development
a) Purpose of a portfolio
b) Module Design.
Prepare Resume.
Use all the methods of designing and creativity for the portfolio development.
Make a C.D :- A digital version of portfolio; PDF file.
Make a A4 size file of the same as C.D.
Portfolio development
1. Selection of information for documentation
2. Categorization of documentation
3. Portfolio making by using appropriate techniques
4. Development of E Portfolio
5. Presentation of the Portfolio
6. Resume writing
• There will be no exam.
• Presentation of dresses and the portfolio will be evaluated by the external examiner.
Recommended readings:
• Ireland Patrick John, “Fashion Design Drawing and Presentation”, BT Batsford, London,
• Elizabeth Drudi, “Figure Drawing for Fashion Design”, The Pepin Press.
• Allen and seaman, “Fashion Drawing- The basic Principles”, BT Batsford, London
• Fashion Magazines : Vogue, Marie Claire,
• Fashion Catalogues
• Images Business
• Internet; Dot Coms; CDs on fashion shows
• Ritu, “Fashion Design and Illustrations”, Indica Publishers.
BVFT-317 : Inplant Training
M. Marks : 50
Pr. : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
This will require the students to undergo industrial training in an Boutique house, readymade garments unit, apparel and furnishing textiles manufacturing units for 6 weeks.
M. Marks : 50
Theory Exam : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Instruction for the examiners
The examiner will set nine questions in all. All the questions will carry equal marks. Question No. I will be compulsory consisting of 5-10 short type questions and will be set from unit I and unit II, four long questions from each unit will be set.
Instructions for the candidates
The candidates are required to attempt five questions Q No. I will be compulsory remaining four questions will be attempted by selecting two questions from each unit.
1. Concept of communication. Scope of communication, communication process, approaches tocommunication.
2. Different media, their characteristics, and use.
3. Introduction to new communication technologies Satellite distribution and broadcast networking.
4. Presentation techniques :
- Development and use of transparencies.
- Use of video films.
- Computer graphic designing.
1. Presentation of graphics for research reports/seminars/other presentations.
2. Presentations using power points.
3. Designing – Leaflets, pamphlets, booklets, cover pages, and posters.
References :
1. Curran, J. et al (1997), Mass Communication and Society, London.
2. Banerjee (Eds.) (1985), Culture and Communication, New Delhi : Paroit Publishers.
3. Ruloof, M.E. & Miller, G.R. (Eds.) (1987), Interpersonal Process : New Directions in
Communication Research, New Delhi : Sage Publications.
4. Chatterjee, P.C. (1988), Broadcasting in India, New Delhi : Sage Publications.
5. C.R. and Chaffee, S. (Eds.) (1987), Handbook of Communication Science, New Delhi: Sage
6. Ellington, H. (1985), A Handbook of Educational Technology, London : Kogan Page.
EN - I: Entrepreneurship
M. Marks : 50
Theory Exam : 40
Int. Assessment : 10
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Instruction for the examiners
The examiner will set nine questions in all. All the questions will carry equal marks. Question No. I will be compulsory consisting of 5-10 short type questions and will be set from unit I and unit II, four long questions from each unit will be set.