Chapter 2


·  Myrtle Wilson

o  Tom’s girlfriend/ mistress, and lives half way between West Egg and New York (also known as the valley of ashes) with her husband George Wilson.

o  She cares about being up to date with the news and tries to change the way she smells/looks when she goes out.

o  “At the news-stands she bought a copy of Town Tattle and a moving-picture magazine and in the station drug-store some cold cream and a small flask of perfume.”

o  Jealous of Daisy Buchanan

o  She shows symbols of wanting to have protection and caring about what others think of her, and pretends that she has a luxurious life.

o  “I’d like to get one of those police dogs; I don’t suppose you got that kind?”

o  “Mrs. Wilson had changed her costume some time before, and was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress…”

o  ““It’s just a crazy old thing,” she said. “I just slip it on sometimes when I don’t care what I look like.””

·  George Wilson

o  Husband to Myrtle Wilson

o  Has no clue about the affair going on between Myrtle and Tom

o  Owns his own repair shop, where he buys and sells cars

o  Wilson shows symbols of cluelessness, “He’s so dumb he doesn’t know he’s alive.”

·  Chester McKee

o  Friend of Myrtle and Tom, he and his wife live in the same apartment complex.

o  Feminine and respectful, he is a photographer.

·  Mrs. McKee

Wife to Chester, she seems to be the backbone of their relationship.

Takes pride in her husband’s work, but tries to tell him what to do.

““Chester, I think you could do something with her,””, ““I wouldn’t think of changing the light.” cried Mrs. McKee. “I think it’s-“. Her husband said “Sh!””

·  Tom Buchanan

o  Shows that he believes himself to be better than any and everyone

o  “”And if you feel that way about it, maybe I’d better sell it somewhere else after all.”

o  He is very protective of Daisy and doesn’t allow Myrtle to talk badly about her.

o  “””Daisy! Daisy! Daisy!” shouted Mrs. Wilson. “I’ll say it whenever I want to! Daisy! Dai-“. Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand.”

·  Catherine

o  Myrtle’s sister, she lives in New York with a friend in a hotel.

o  She believes Myrtle and Tom belong together, and tells Nick that they can’t because Daisy is catholic and doesn’t believe in it. (This is not true)

·  Nick

o  Meets Myrtle and immediately is judgmental toward the way she looks.

o  He doesn’t want to go up to Tom and Myrtle’s apartment, but goes to be polite.

o  Tries to leave several times but he keeps being drawn back into the conversations


·  Hope: Mr. Wilson hopes for his business to grow.

·  Know your limits: Myrtle shouts about Daisy, and finally Tom hits her, if she knew her limits she would have stopped before things got that carried away.

·  Jealousy: Myrtle towards Daisy.

·  Possessiveness

·  Others opinions matter: Myrtle is so concerned with what people think of her, she always changes her outward appearance.


·  Nick and Tom take a train ride to New York.

·  They make a stop in between New York and West Egg, to see Tom’s mistress, Myrtle.

·  Tom tells Myrtle to meet them at the train station, and they take a train in New York, where Tom and Myrtle have an apartment.

·  Myrtle stops and gets materialistic items on the way to the apartment, and she invites her sister, Catherine, Mr. and Mrs. McKee to come over for drinks.

·  When they get to the apartment, Nick learns a bit about Tom and Myrtle’s relationship.

·  Myrtle starts to shout about Daisy and Tom hits her and breaks her nose.

·  Nick and Mr. McKee plan to have lunch someday soon, and then Nick goes to the train station to wait for the four o’ clock train back to East Egg.