400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 U.S.A.
Phone: 724-776-4841; Fax: 724-776-0243
These minutes are for the use of the committee. Unless authorized by SAE, they should not be published or further circulated. REQUESTS FOR CORRECTIONS SHOULD BE MAILED TO SAE HEADQUARTERS WITHIN THREE WEEKS AFTER RECEIPT.
RMC “Open” Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2012
Note: Presentations are posted on the RMC web site in the folder under minutes associated to this meeting. Where reference is made in the minutes to See Presentation #x, open the file on the web with the corresponding number.
1. Welcome, Introductions, Ground Rules Susie Neal
(See presentation 1)
2. Reviewed RMC Meeting Agenda Susie Neal
(See file 2)
3. ANAB AS91XX Transition Status Bob Cruse
(See presentation 3)
4. Inmetro AS91XX Transition & Summary Eduardo Lorenzo Castro
(Inmetro will be asked to eliminate CB specific audit data from the open RMC meeting presentation.)
(See presentation 4)
5. RABQSA Report Monique Inman
(See presentation 5)
6. IAQG OPMT Report Tim Lee
(See presentation 6)
7. RMC Auditor Workshop Feedback Jeff Long
(See presentation 7)
8. AAQG AATT Sanctioned Training Review Rick Downs
(See presentation 8)
9. AS9104/1 Risk Mitigation Plan Susie Neal
(See presentation 9)
10. IAAR Report to RMC Reg Blake
(Discussed issues and concerns reported by IAAR members. These concerns appear to be primarily an IAQG responsibility rather than an AAQG. See presentation 10)
11. AAQG RMC Surveillance Report 2012 Robert Flaharty
(See presentation 11)
12. Auditor Review Team Will Tate
(Reviewed auditor review team members. The majority of the RMC, currently 11 Auditor Review Team members must approve candidates with no rejections. Primary reason (94% for rejection is work experience does not meet AS9104 requirements. Witness audits or training not complete 4%, or improper audit experience 6%. We continue to see applicants with wide experience but issues where where experience was obtained. Applicant must have 4 years minimum experience for AIEA. Audit experience must comply with AS9104 requirements. See presentation 12)
13. Communication Sub-team Report Melvin Jeppson
(See presentation 13)
14. 9104/2 Rewrite Team Report Tim Lee
(See presentation 14)
15. Future RMC Meetings Susie Neal
(RMC Meeting & OP Assessor Workshop, January 15 – 17, 2012 - San Diego
AAQG and RMC meeting, March 18 – 21, 2013 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida
RMC Meeting & Auditor Workshop July 16 – 19, 2012 - Indianapolis, Indiana
AAQG & RMC meetings, September 16 – 19, 2013 - Seattle, Washington.
See presentation 15)
Registration Management Committee Meeting Attendees
Attendees Legend:
Name: VM = Voting Members; M = RMC Member; L = Liaison; ML = Mailing List
Attendance: P = Present
R = Represented by Proxy
A = Absent
Name Company Attendance
VM Armstrong, Kristine Rockwell Collins A
VM Blake, William Cessna P
VM Bodemuller, Robert Ball Aerospace P
VM Castro, Eduardo Lorenzo Embraer SA P
VM Chapman, Judy Parker P
VM Day, David GE P
VM Downs, Rick Cessna P
VM Flaharty, Robert Spirit P
VM Dale Gordon Aerojet P
VM Gusha, Michael Lockheed Martin P
VM Jeppson, Mel ATK P
VM Lee, Tim Boeing P
VM Levy, Michael Rolls Royce NA P
VM Long, Jeff UTC P
VM McGinn, Steve Honeywell P
VM Milne, Bryan Gulfstream P
VM Tony Mule Northrup Grumman P
VM Neal, Susie Goodrich P
VM Pelletier, Roger Bombardier A
VM Smith, Ty Northrup Grumman P
VM Tate, Will Triumph P
VM Taylor, Darrell Raytheon P
NVM Cruse, Bob ANAB P
L Arvay, John Omnex Systems LLC P
ML Blunt, Bryan SAE P
ML Borczyk, Jim SAE & PRI P
M Degutis, Rebecca SAE P
ML Dionne, Paul ABS P
L Geer, Brian Lockheed Martin P
ML Graham, John Fulcrum Associates P
ML Harder, Michael LRQA P
L Horan, John Honeywell P
L Maxwell, Adam RABQSA P
L Morrison, Gene Intertech P
L Oberhausen, Deb P
M Packer, Sergio Inmetro A
ML Parsons, Robert NQA P
L Poshka, Jeff Eagle Registrations P
ML Preston, Jeanette Smithers P
ML Ritterbeck, Roger BV P
M Roberts, Mike Boeing A
ML Schiete, Richard TUV Rhineland – NA P
ML Troschinetz, Aaron NSF-ISR P
M Vianna, Sidney DNV P
L Wood, Jeff SAE P
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