Hydrant Permit & Temporary Hydrant Meter Application
Company Name: Click or tap here to enter text. / Contact Name: Click or tap here to enter text.Billing Address: Click or tap here to enter text. / Contact Phone: Click or tap here to enter text.
City, State, Zip: Click or tap here to enter text. / Contact Email: Click or tap here to enter text.
Business Phone: Click or tap here to enter text. / Business Email: Click or tap here to enter text.
Hydrant Permit
Vehicle/TrailerLicense Number:Click or tap here to enter text.
Tank Size:Click or tap here to enter text.
Permit Term & Fee:
☐ 3 Month - $65 ☐ 6 Month - $90 ☐ 12 Month - $140
Insert Picture of 1) Air Gap and 2) Vehicle with License Visible
TVWD Use Only
Permit Number:Click or tap here to enter text.
Permit Expiration Date:Click or tap here to enter text.
Inspection Date: Click or tap here to enter text. / Inspected By: Click or tap here to enter text.
☐ Air Gap Approved ☐ Hydrant Wrench
☐ Chapman Valve ☐ Hydrant Hose
Temporary Hydrant Meter
Work SiteAddress or Location:Click or tap here to enter text.
Purposefor Use:Click or tap here to enter text.
TVWD Use Only
Date: Click or tap here to enter text.
Deposit Amount:
☐ $500 (1-inch) ☐ $1000 (2-inch)
☐ $2000 (3-inch)
Backflow Assembly Test Date: Click or tap here to enter text. / Fee:
☐ $65
Start Service Information / End Service Information
Meter Number:Click or tap here to enter text. / Meter Number:Click or tap here to enter text.
Date ofRental:Click or tap here to enter text. / Date of Return:Click or tap here to enter text.
Start Read:Click or tap here to enter text. / End Read:Click or tap here to enter text.
Condition:Click or tap here to enter text. / Condition:Click or tap here to enter text.
Total Amount: $ / Receipt Number: Click or tap here to enter text. / Project Number: Click or tap here to enter text. / Customer Number: Click or tap here to enter text.
Check Number: Click or tap here to enter text.
Hydrant Permit Terms and Conditions
Tualatin Valley Water District (District) requires all vehicles obtaining water from District hydrants to protect the water system with an approved air gap. All permit renewals must be re-inspectedby District Water Quality staff.
It is the permit holders’ responsibility to notify the District of use or non-use in a timely manner as outlined in the provided Hydrant Packet to avoid penalty fees and/or suspension of the permit. Water usage shall be recorded and provided to the District each quarter. The permit holder will record the dates of each tank fill as well as the quantity taken. Water use will be billed as outlined in the District’s Rules and Regulations. This record is to be maintained by the permit holder and kept in the permitted vehicle.
As provided in District Rules and Regulations made available and incorporated herein, any permit holder found to be in violation of the permit Terms and Conditions may be subject to fines and revocation of the permit.
Temporary Hydrant Meter Terms and Conditions
A fee of $65 is due upon application approval. The deposit is refundable less District labor charges and water usage when the construction meter is returned without damage. Hydrant meterterms are 3 months, with a maximum of 6 months.Usage charges will be determined upon return of the meter and only one renewal is allowed.
Damage to the construction meter, backflow assembly, fire hydrant, and/or TVWD’s water distribution system caused by the abuse, vandalism, neglect or misuse of the construction meter and/or fire hydrant is the responsibility of the meter holder. The deposit will be forfeited and additional costs associated with damage will be billed to the applicant by the District. The applicant agrees to remove and secure the construction meter and backflow assembly nightly for protection.
Once a hydrant has been selected for use, the construction meter and backflow assembly shall not be moved to another hydrant location without previous approval from TVWD’s Engineer Department.
Fire Hydrant Operating Instructions
- Hydrant Permits allow for filling from the District’s‘green cap’ fire hydrants only; no exceptions are allowed.
- Remove the cap from the selected 2-inch port and install a Chapman valve; verify that the other caps are on tight.
- With the Chapman valve closed, open the hydrant slowly with a hydrant wrench.
- Open the hydrant completely to the full flow position and control the water flow with the Chapman valve.
- To stop the water flow, close the Chapman valve slowly, then close the fire hydrant using the hydrant wrench.
- Remove the Chapman valve and replace the port cap. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN.
- Notify the District of any leaks or needed repairs immediately.
- Opening the hydrant too fast can cause damage and may stir up the sediment in the surrounding water system, creating discolored water for District customers.
- Closing the hydrant too fast can cause severe water hammer, damaging water mains and customer plumbing.
- Open the hydrant completely to avoid erosion around the drain ports.
- Using pipe wrenches will damage the operating nut. Only use an approved hydrant wrench.
- Damage caused to the surrounding area by water improperly released from the hydrantis the responsibility of the fire hydrant permit holder.
- Always replace the port caps after work is completed. Damage or contamination could occur if not properly secured.