Citizens Advisory Committee of the Regional Transit Authority of SE MI
Monday, March 23, 2015
SEMCOG 1001 Woodward Suite 1400 Detroit, MI
Meeting Minutes
Welcome / Quorum5 minutes
Called to order with quorum at 4:08pm
Public Comment 10 minutes
Jim Casha – quoted poetry, noted State Fairgrounds redevelopment is NOT final, expressed concern that it is “a sham” and that WCCCD and the RTA would have to buy property, and quoted Patrick Henry
Larry Krieg, Washtenaw County – AAATA has begun negotiations with new CEO; also introduced Wake Up Washtenaw, advocacy org working to 1) build support for E-W A2D Rail, 2) make sure A2 gets best new station location, 3) support NS WALLY rail
RTA / Guest Introductions (notify chair ahead of time)10 minutes
Ben Stupka is new RTA Manager of Finance and Planning
Travis Gonyou – RTA Communications and Outreach Manager
Elnora Austell – contractor for outreach and engagement
Approval of February 23, 2015 Minutes5 minutes
Minutes approved
RTA Update from Michael Ford10 minutes
Handed out printed update on RMTAP and three corridor Action Plans
“Clear your calendar for May-August – we’ll be busy!”
Would like liaisons for each of those projects from the CAC
Would like someone with finance skills for an upcoming Financial Task Force
Also asking CAC to be involved with Coordinated Services Plan with DDOT, will be here next month
Exploring now:
Draft ordinance enabling SMART to drop off and pick up in Detroit, getting feedback from Mr. Poisson of Oakland County and others
Moving forward on airport service for Oakland, Macomb and Wayne Counties, will get RFP out soon, appreciate help from Adrianna J and David W; don’t yet have necessary funds but exploring federal support
Fare coordination study – a seamless integration between systems
(added late) will be moved over soon to
Questions/comments from
Patty F with big thank you and request for advance notice of input opportunities
John W wanting to ensure ADA inclusion, received strong commitment from Mr. Ford
CAC Chair Update/Executive Committee Summary20 minutes
- Roberts Rules
- Susan Pullay summarized process for effective meetings, as provided in “Our Rules of Order (Roberts Rules Adapted)”
- RTA Committee Assignments, Communication, Tools
- RTA staff requested liaisons for
- Question re time commitment, esp during biz hours; MF will give a sense within the next week
- ACTION – if you’re potentially interested, email the chair
- ACTION – Megan will work with RTA staff to send out list of new liaison roles
- New Members to Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)
- Liz Gerber updated – opportunity to add 3 new people to CAC – newly rejoined by Clive D’Souza (Washtenaw); still looking for new Wayne (non-Detroit) and Macomb representatives
- ACTION – send suggestions to Liz Gerber, but please DO NOT invite them yourselves due to need to balance other representation requirements
Action Items (requiring vote or other actions)10 minutes
- Proposed By-Law Changes
- Realized that we’re not ready to make change because complete version is not available for everyone
- Chair suggests returning question to Exec for revision
- Comment – requesting copies of current adopted bylaws and proposed changes
- Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Strategies Recommendation, Rec # 15 -1
- Introduced by Patty Fedewa and explained by Adrianna Jordan who noted that policy committee has discussed and revised twice and is ready for full CAC adoption
- Question re necessity now, before planning process – addressed with explanation that all across the country goal of cost saving leads to watering down of best practice with “BRT Creep”, and that Woodward BRT is already being watered down with proposal of shared lanes off of Woodward in the midtown area
- Question re Gold Standard – want to provide best practices without sticking to one definition
- FYI – Michigan Suburbs Alliance / Metro Matters will be putting out in-depth study of Woodward BRT vs “Gold Standard”
- Comment reminded that BRT is good if it done well, but can be very bad if corners are cut and the service doesn’t meet the “hype”, potentially undermining credibility of the RTA
- Caution / comment – we can set the Gold Standard, but will the region pay for it?
- Chair explained that as is a proposal officially recommended by the Policy Committee thus does not need a second
- Vote – approved
Discussion Items (seeking input or providing information)20 minutes
- Sub-Committee Goals for 2015
- Tina A-M introduced document summarizing CAC Vision/Mission/Sub-Committee Goals, with suggestion of updating and revisiting regularly
- Suggestion of deadlines
Next month DDOT will be here re Coordinated Human Services Plan
Note that Outreach Subcommittee will get much more active
Our May meeting is scheduled for Memorial Day – Exec will suggest alternative date soon
Suggestion of developing calendar for entire year
Sub-committees will meet immediately following adjournment
Adjournment – adjourned to subcommittees at 5:10
In Attendance:
Kathleen Alessandro
Arthur Divers
Stephanie Donaldson
Patty Fedewa
Prashanth Gururaja
John Harris
Adrianna Jordan
Hannah Kelley
Larry Krieg
Tina Abbate-Marzolf
Richard Murphy
Lisa Nuszkowski
Marie Pacini
Michael Seunagal
Micki Solonika
John Waterman
Next Meeting:
Monday, April 27, 2015
SEMCOG 1001 Woodward Suite 1400 Detroit, MI