Daily Lesson Plan

Teacher: Lesson Date:

Subject: Violence Unit Title:

Focus CCSS/ MCCRS (What are the focus skills being taught? Which standards are being specifically addressed in this lesson?)
Other CCSS/MCCRS: (What standards will be indirectly addressed during this lesson?) / Agenda: (What is the snapshot of my class flow?)
Lesson Objective: (What will my students know or be able to do by the end of the lesson? What will they do to learn it?)
·  Students discuss definitions and examples of types of violence
·  Students strategize ways to stay safe during violent situations
Unit Essential Question:
Lesson Essential Question: What is violence? What are the causes and effects of violence? How can we practice being nonviolent towards ourselves and others? How can we keep ourselves safe?
Note: A variety of formative assessments should be used at key points throughout the lesson.
min / Word/Language Study: (Is there vocabulary that must be cleared? What other aspects of word/language study require attention?)
min / Engage/Motivation: (How will student interest be sparked? Is there earlier learning that should be linked to new learning? Is there brainstorming that students need to complete before the lesson begins?)
Begin by explaining that today you will be talking about the spectrum between peaceful and violent behaviors.
Write “very violent” on one end of the board and “very peaceful” on the other end. Draw a long line between the two statements. Explain that you will read statements, and the students will move along the spectrum as to where they think the statement lies. There is not a right or wrong answer, and students can stand anywhere between the two extremes.
min / Whole Group Instruction: (Focus lessons [explicit teaching/modeling, strategy demonstration, activate prior knowledge], shared reading, shared writing, discussion, writing process.)
Read 5 – 10 examples and have students move along the spectrum. Allow students to discuss as issues come up. Prompt them with questions: Why do you think that is very violent? Why are you not sure? Why do you think that is very peaceful? Does it depend on the situation? Do you need more information? Why would somebody act that way?
Very violent or very peaceful?
**be mindful of which examples are appropriate depending on grade/age of students
·  A boy hits a girl
·  A girl hits a boy
·  You get spanked
·  Your friend gives you a hug when you feel sad
·  A family lives in poverty
·  Parents yelling at each other
·  Someone spreads a rumor about you
·  Someone calls you “stupid”
·  The teacher tells the whole class you got an “F” on your test
·  Your mentor helps you with your homework
·  A friend shares his/her lunch with you
·  Your brother steals all the money from your piggy bank
·  Murder
·  Your friend gives you a birthday present
·  Your mom says she will leave unless you behave
·  Your sister breaks your favorite necklace
·  A group of students gives you the silent treatment
·  Your brother or sister locks you in the closet
·  You lock the dog out of the house without dinner
·  Your teacher tells you that you aren’t going to succeed
·  You wish your friend good luck at their basketball game
After discussing 5-10 examples have the students return to their seats.
min / Group Practice/Small Group Instruction: (teacher-facilitated group discussion, student or teacher-led collaboration, student conferencing, re-teaching or intervention, writing process)
Explain that there are actions that fall along the spectrum of violence and peaceful behaviors. Write “Physical/ Verbal/ Neglect/ and Institutional” on the board and explain each term. Physical violence occurs when someone uses their body as a weapon to hurt someone else. Verbal or emotional abuse occurs when someone uses words (written or said out loud) to hurt someone else. Neglect is when someone who is supposed to take care of someone/something does not do it. Institutional violence occurs when organizations or institutions discriminate against a group of people because of their skin color, gender, or how much money they have. All of these kinds of violence affect our health in many ways.
Explain that students will make a poster showing different kinds of violence, the consequences of that violence, and how to challenge the violence.
Divide students into small pairs or groups. Pass out poster paper, pens, and pencils.
Direct students to draw a picture of at least three different kinds of violence. They can use words too. For each example of violence (ex: 1) teasing, 2) pushing, 3)silent treatment) they should draw an example of the consequences of that violence (ex: 1) hurt feelings, 2) broken arm, 3)hurt feelings), and what can be done to challenge that violence (ex: 1) tell them how it makes you feel, 2) run away, 3)tell a teacher or counselor).
Have students share their posters and ideas for avoiding violence.
Remind students that there are people in the school that they can talk to in case they ever experience violence or need help avoiding violence. Create a list of people in school or the community that are available to talk to students.
min / Independent Practice: (individual practice, discussion, writing process.)
Students engage in a journaling activity. Students should be able to choose one of the following questions to respond to in their journal:
Do you think violence is ever necessary? When do you think violence is necessary? Have you ever experienced or seen violence? Have you challenged or seen a challenge to violence?
min / Evaluate Understanding/Assessment: (How will I know the degree to which students have achieved today’s objective?)
Did students describe different types of violence? Did students discuss consequences of violence? Did students create a poster depicting different types of violence? Did students strategize ways to avoid violence?
min / Closing Activities/Summary: (How will I reinforce/revisit the objective and connect the lesson to the unit?)
Enrichment/Extension/Re-teaching/Accommodations: (How will my lesson satisfy the needs of all learners?)
Have students create and sign a nonviolence pact, vowing to be non-violent and challenge violence in their lives.
Resources/Instructional Materials Needed: (What do I need in order to teach the lesson?)
White Board or Chalk Board
“Very Violent” or “Very Peaceful” Statements
Poster Paper
Pens and Pencils
Violence can range from extreme physical violence to verbal or emotional abuse such as name calling and constant criticism to institutional violence such as racism and homophobia. All types of violence are used to exert power and control and have profound effects on personal health and well-being.
Children who grow up in communities that face poverty, widespread drug use, and gang presence are also often exposed to general community violence. Community violence – defined by Mental Heath Systems inc. of San Diego as frequent and continual exposure to the use of guns, knives, and drugs, and random violence – often leads to feelings of anxiety, low self-esteem, fear, aggression, PTSD, depression, anger, distrust, alienation, and betrayal.
It’s important to teach young people that acting violent is always a choice, and it always has consequences.
Structure / Strategies Included in the City School/ Model of Highly Effective Literacy Instruction – English 9-12
Whole Group / -Anticipatory guides/sets -Book/author talks -Cornell Notes
-Close Reading -Questioning the Author (QtA) -Question-Answer-Relationships (QAR)
-Text annotation -Think aloud -Think/Pair/Share
Guided Practice/Small group / -Anticipatory guides/sets -Book/author talks -Cornell Notes
-Close Reading -Literature Circles -Questioning the Author (QtA)
-Question-Answer-Relationships (QAR) -Reading conferences -Reciprocal teaching
-Strategy groups -Text annotation -Think aloud
-Think/Pair/Share -Writing Conferences
Independent Practice / -Anticipatory guides/sets -Book/author talks -Cornell Notes
-Close Reading -Literature Circles -Questioning the Author (QtA)
-Question-Answer-Relationships (QAR) -Reading conferences -Reciprocal teaching
-Strategy groups -Text annotation -Think aloud
-Think/Pair/Share -Writing Conferences