Caucus Resolution

Dorothy Day Center and Supportive Housing

Whereas, the City of Saint Paul has experienced a nearly 30% growth in the number of residents living in poverty since the Great Recession began in 2007;

Whereas, nearly 600,000 households in Minnesota pay 30 percent or more of their income for housing. Since 2000, that number has increased by 69 percent;

Whereas, more than 7,500 Minnesotans were homeless in January 2015. Adults age 55 and older had the largest percent increase (48 percent) of Minnesotans experiencing homelessness;

Whereas, nearly half of Minnesotans experiencing homelessness are children and youth under 21. Over 11,600 public school students were identified as homeless at some time during the last school year;

Whereas, elders continue to represent a growing share of those seeking shelter at the Dorothy Day Center. Last year, elders represented one out of every four people sleeping on the floor;

Whereas, Catholic Charities, through the Dorothy Day Center and other sites, provides more than 85% of drop-in services, nearly 80% of emergency shelter, and nearly 30% of supportive housing in Ramsey County;

Whereas, for every dollar invested in supportive housing, there is a return on investment of $1.32 according to Wilder Research;

Therefore, be it resolved that the ______party calls upon the Minnesota Legislature to invest in dignified shelter, permanent housing and pathways out of poverty for hundreds of Minnesotans by:

-Supporting $12M in General Obligation bonds for the Dorothy Day Opportunity Center, and

-Providing unprecedented funding to foster housing stability for Minnesotans experiencing or at risk of homelessness, through allocation of Housing Infrastructure and General Obligation bonds.


Caucus Resolution

Family Stability

Whereas, many low-wage working parents do not qualify for unemployment insurance when they lose work, which leads them to enroll in the Minnesota Family Investment Program;

Whereas, the maximum cash grant for a family of three in Minnesota is $532 per month and has not increased since 1986;

Whereas, lack of affordable child care is the number one reason families enroll in public assistance;

Whereas, nearly 70% of families enrolled in MFIP are raising a child under the age of 6;

Whereas, the average cost of child care for an infant to a four-year-old is more expensive than the average full year’s tuition at our public universities;

Whereas, more than 7,000 Minnesota families are currently on the Child Care Assistance Program waiting list;

Whereas, low Child Care Assistance Program provider reimbursement rates may discourage providers from opening their doors or continuing to operate; more than 2,500 family child care providers have closed since 2007;

Therefore, be it resolved that the ______party supports family stability through fully funding the Child Care Assistance Program, increasing child care provider reimbursement rates, and raising the MFIP cash assistance grant by $100 per month.
