The Liverpool In-Year Fair AccessProtocol




The Liverpool In-Year Fair Access Protocol(FAP)


oThe Department for Education (DfE) requires that all authorities develop a locally agreed set of protocols for identifying schools for those pupils who are out of school, are 'hard to place' (HTP) and are seeking admission outside of the normalround.

oSinceSeptember2007,allAdmissionAuthoritiesandAdmission Forums must have a FAP in place and all secondary schools, includingacademies,mustparticipateintheirlocalprotocol.

oAfterthatdate,admissionforumsneededtoconsiderwhethertheprotocol needs to be extended to cover primary age children and in Liverpool that wasagreed.

2.The DfE statethat:

"All admission authorities and Admission Forums must have Fair Access Protocols in place by September 2007. In addition, all schools and academies must participate in their local authority area'sprotocolinordertoensurethatunplacedchildren,especially the most vulnerable are offered a place at a school as quickly as possible. This includes admitting children above the published admission number to schools that are already full."

School Admissions Code

The Department goes on to say:

oThattheadmissionofpupilswithStatementsofSpecialEducational Needs(tomainstreamorspecialschools)isnotcoveredbytheIn­ Year FAP and nor are admissions to the PRU Service (Short Stay Schools),unlessthathasbeenlocallyagreed.

oThattheyrecogniseHTPpupilsareaseriouslydisadvantagedgroup within the school population.They may be Looked After Children (LAC),orhaveasylumseeker,orrefugeestatus,andmaybepartofthe Children Missing Education (CME) agenda. Inevitably a number of HTP pupils will have problematic social backgrounds, potentially with issues around attendance, learning and/orbehaviour,



although parental views and preferences will be considered, they should not override the operation and delivery of the locally agreed Protocol. In Liverpoolparentsareaskedforthreechoicesofschools,butitisthe FAPPanelthathasthefinalsayonthemostappropriateplacement,

oThattheyrecognisethatinthepastsomeschoolsmayhavehadtoreceive disproportionate numbers of HTP pupils and, consequently, an In-Year FAP, which clarifies expectations, is open and transparent, and which sharesHTPpupilsbetweenschools,istobewelcomed,

othat integration of an In-Year FAP within existing admissions arrangements will enhance both school and LA performance, particularlyintermsofreducingtheamountofeducation'lost'by some pupils who need to change schoolsin-year,

othattheFAPshouldbeused'sparingly',withmostadmissionsdealt withthroughtheexistingadmissionsarrangements.TheFAPshould only be used for in-year admissions for those pupils who are designated as having HTP status. Generally, the FAP should only be used where the circumstances of the child or the circumstances of the school, or both, meanthatthenormaladmissionsprocesscannotensurethatthechildwill beadmittedtoasuitableschoolasquicklyaspossible.

3.The LiverpoolProtocol

oThe information below is Liverpool's In-year Fair Access Protocol,amended in October 2008, June 2009, January 2010, in April 2010 and nowinOctober2015, inresponsetobothour localreviewprocessesand DfErequirements,

oThe Liverpool Fair Access protocol will continue to be reviewed in consultationwiththeSecondaryandPrimaryBehaviourServicesReview Groups and The AdmissionsPanel,

oTheProtocolthatfollowsisuniquetoLiverpool.Fromtheoutset,the DfE wanted each Authority to design and agree their own protocol and said that they would not interfere in that process, as long as it was fit for purpose, supported by all primary and secondary schools (including academies) and achieves the desiredoutcomes,

oIt should be understood, however, that if a local protocol cannot be agreed,orisineffective,orschoolsrefusetoco-operate,theDfEwill intervene and has the power to enforce compliance, including the optiontoreplace theLiverpoolProtocolwithoneofitsown.


The Liverpool In-Year Fair Access Protocol(FAP)
The Liverpool In-year Fair Access Protocol (February 2014) is established on the basis of the following agreement:
  1. That it involves all Liverpool Secondary and Primary schoolsincluding:

o57 Community PrimarySchools

o44 Catholic PrimarySchools

o6 Church of England (Voluntary aided) PrimarySchools

o5 Church of England (Controlled) PrimarySchools

oKing David Primary (Voluntary aided)Schools

o2 Joint Faith PrimarySchools

o2 Trust PrimarySchools

o5 Community SecondarySchools

o6 Catholic HighSchools

o2 Church of England HighSchools

oKing David High School (Voluntaryaided)


o2 University Technical Colleges(UTCs)

o- 1 StudioSchool

o3 FreeSchools

2.That the Liverpool Protocol seeksto:

oensureequalityofopportunityforallpupilsparticularlythosedeemedtobe vulnerable ordisadvantaged.


oshare the pressure on Schools when admitting pupil’sin-year.

•buildonexistingarrangementsalreadyinplaceforco-ordinating admissions.

3.To be successful the Protocol requiresthat:

•allschoolswilltakepart,eveniftheyareresponsiblefortheirown admissions,

•schoolswillcontinuetoadmitchildrenwhoapplyforanavailableplace under normal admissionarrangements,

•schoolswillnotciteover-subscriptionasareasonfornotadmittingapupil under theProtocol,

•hardtoplacepupilswillbegivenpriorityforadmissionoverothersona waitinglist,orawaitinganappeal,

•schoolswillrespondimmediatelytorequestsforadmissionsothatthe admission of the pupil is notdelayed,

•schoolswillnotinsistonanappealbeingheardbeforeadmittingachild under thisProtocol,

•schools will not refuse to admit a pupil who has been denied a place at thatschoolatappeal,iftheFAPPanelidentifiesthatschoolastheoneto admit thechild,


•thePanelwilltakeaccountofallcircumstancesoftheindividualcaseand theschools, usingagreedcriteria,beforeallocatingaschoolplace,

•parents'viewsandpreferenceswillalwaysbesoughtandtakeninto consideration,butwillnotoverridetheoperationoftheProtocolandthe decision of thePanel,

•Wherever possible, pupils with a religious affiliation will be matched to a suitableschool,butthiswillnotoverridethedecisionoftheFAP.Schools will continue to co-operate with the delivery of locally agreed strategies, such as Negotiated Transfers and NewProtocol,

•PupilsplacedunderNewProtocolatthePrimaryEducationCentre(PEC) and New Heights High School will be subject to a 'risk assessment' and appropriatetransportarrangementsagreedfundedbytheplacingschool.

4.That an In-year Fair Access Protocol Panel isestablished:

The Membership the FAP Panel is agreed asfollows:

oSecondary andPrimary Head teachersbyRotatobeagreed.

oCoremembershipwillincludeSocialInclusion,Admissions,SocialCare, VOS, APT and NewHeights.

oOtherpractitioners/caseworkerswillattendattheinvitationof theChair.

oWherepractitionersarenotrequiredtoattendawrittenreportonspecific cases may berequested.

The remit of the FAP Panel will be to convene weeklyto:

odecidewhether ornotapupilshouldhaveHTPstatus,

owhere appropriate, make an allocation of a schoolplace,

owhere appropriate make an allocation in alternativeplacements,

oassesstransportriskswhenmakingaplacementatNewHeightsHigh School or thePEC.


oUndertheLiverpoolFAP,noschoolwillrefusetoacceptanallocationfrom the FAP Panel. Rather, the Panel, applying the agreed criteria (below) for not allocating a particular school, will use its judgement in an individual case to make what it considers to be an appropriate allocation and one which is most likely to be successful in the longer term. The agreed criteria arethat:

onoallocationwillbemadetoaschoolwhileitremainsundertheOFSTED classification of Inadequate Behaviour and Safety, Requires Improvement,or SpecialMeasures,

oanallocationtoaschoolwillnotbemadeifitisinappropriateinan individualcaseforknowncommunity/socialreasons,

oother than in exceptional circumstances, an allocation of a school place willnotbemadeifachildhasbeenpermanentlyexcludedtwice,uptoaperiod of two years from the commencement date of the second exclusion. However, schools can offer aplace to a child who is in thesecircumstances under the terms and conditions of NegotiatedTransfer.

Shouldtheschoolsubsequentlyofferofaplaceonroll(followinga successfulNT)thiswouldbeconsideredtobean'AllocatedPlace'.

oInexceptionalcircumstances,Paragraph3.12oftheSchoolAdmissionsCode below,allowsschoolstorefusetoadmitchildrenwithchallengingbehaviour.

oLAs must have a Fair Access Protocol to ensure that unplaced children are placedquickly.Section3.12oftheSchoolAdmissionsCodeoutlines,"where a governing body does not wish to admit a child with challenging behaviour outside the normal admissions round, even though places are available, it must refer the case to the local authority for action under the Fair Access Protocol. This will normally only be appropriate where a school has a particularly high proportion of children with challenging behaviour or previously excluded children. This provision will not apply to a looked after child, a previously looked after child or a child with a statement of special educationalneedsnamingtheschoolinquestion,asthesechildrenmustbe admitted."

oConsiderationhasbeengiventosomeofthecircumstancesinwhichthis might apply to Liverpool schools andacademies.

One or more of the following exceptional circumstances exist on a schoollevel:

orequires specialmeasuresorhasrecentlycomeoutofthem (within the last 2years)

ohasbeenidentifiedbyOfstedashavingseriousweaknessesor requiringsignificantimprovementandthereforegiven"noticeto improve"

ois subject to a formal warningnotice

owherealargenumberofreferralshavealreadybeenmadeby the Fair AccessPanel

At pupil level, in exceptional circumstances:

obehaviourthatwouldbenefitfromaperiodofsupported transition.

  1. PracticehasshownthatdespitethebesteffortsofSchools,theymay be unable to comply with the Allocation from the Panel for reasons completely outside of their control. These would includethat:

othe allocated place at a particular school is refused by parents/carers, or indeedthechild/youngperson,eitherattheadmissionmeeting,orbefore.

otheSchoolshowsithasmadeeveryreasonableefforttomakecontact,but the family refuse/fail to engage, or attend anadmissionmeeting.amajorissuemaycometolightattheadmissionmeeting,whichwasnot known to the Panel when making its allocation, which may cause the Panel to review itsdecision.

InthesecasestheSchoolshouldimmediatelyinformthePanelandrefer the case back forreconsideration.

That Hard to Place (HTP) status criteria are agreed, asfollows:

Only children with Hard to Place status are eligible for consideration for the FAP. The FAP Panel will decide which children are classified as HTP using one or more of the criteria below. They are that the child is:

oa Looked After Child (LAC) regardless of their 'home'authority,

opermanently excluded children, or those accepted as 'NewProtocol',

oapupiltransferringfromaPRU,SSC,AEP,orSpecialSchoolprovision,to a mainstream secondaryschool,

ochildren with special educational needs (but without a statement oran


ochildren with disabilities or medicalconditions,

oan asylum seeker or refugee who is resident in theCity,

oa homeless pupil, including those in designated homeless accommodation,andthosewhohavebeentemporarilyre-housed,

ochildren returning from the criminal justicesystem,

ochildren known to the Police and other agencies (e.g.YOS),


oanypupilwhohasbecomeunregistered,whohasbeenrefusedschool placeselsewhere,


ochildren of UK service personnel and other CrownServants,

ochildren classified as CME ('Children Missing Education')including:

ochildren whohavebeenoutofeducationforlongerthanoneschoolterm,

ochildrenwhoseparentshavebeenunabletofindthemaplaceafter moving to the area, because of shortage ofplaces,

ochildrenwithdrawnfromschoolsbytheirfamily,followingfixedterm exclusions and unable to find anotherplace,

ochildrenwithunsupportivefamilybackgrounds,whereaplacehasnot beensought,

ochildrenwithoutaschoolplacewithahistoryofseriousattendance problems,

oThe Panel will apply 'Priority Status', within the HTP cohort, to LAC and permanently excluded children. The allocated school will make an immediateofferofadmissioninthesecasestomeetstatutorytimescales.

Non registered pupils

oparentsofpupilswhoarenotregisteredataschoolshouldnominatethree schools to the Admissions Team. If they are refused a place at all three schools on the grounds that the schools are full they will be advised of theirrighttoappealand/ortoconsiderschoolswherethereareplaces.

oif parents fail to secure a place at a school of their choice on appeal and fail to nominate other schools where there are places a referral to the CME Team will be made by the Admissions Team. The CME Team should consider issuing a School AttendanceOrder,if schools with places are refusing to admit a pupil the CME teammayevidence this at FAP.

The FAP Panel allocation of School places operates asfollows:

oIndecidingwhichschooltoallocateforeachHTPpupil,thePanel willtakeintoaccounttheneedsofthepupilandthepositionofthe Schools and seekto:

ooperate the FAP in a fair and equitablemanner,

otakeaccountofparentalpreferencesandreligiousaffiliationwhere possible,butnotalloweitherissuetobetheover-ridingfactor,

oobtainthenamesof3schoolsfromparents,inorderofpreferenceonthe understanding that parents should be made aware that if other than 3 preferencesareprovided,choiceswillbemadeforthembythePaneland anappropriateallocation willbemadeonthatbasis,

ouseitsjudgement,givenitsknowledgeofthecasesandthepositionof Schools,toallocateplaces,whicharemostlikelytobesuccessful,

ouseinformationandtakeadvicefromthosecolleagueswithaworking knowledge of the CYP concerned and may recommend a period of reintegrationsupport,usingtheprovisionoftheReintegrationCentres,

oprovide previously permanently excluded CYP returning to mainstream withanIndividualReintegrationPlan,underthedevelopingrequirements connected with data sharing and InformationPassports,

oallocatetheplaceandasktheschooltoofferanimmediateadmission meetingtothefamily.Shouldthefamilyfailtomakearesponsetothe School'sattempttocontactthemand/orattheadmissionmeetingthe child/family say that they do not wish to accept the place on offer, the SchoolshouldreferbacktothePanelimmediately,

oallocateoneFAPplaceperschool(andcertainlyoneKeyStage)atatime whereverpossible,

opresent statistics connected with the allocation of FAP placements, the number of permanent exclusions and New Protocol per school and provide data which monitors the operation of the Panel, on a regularbasis.

oFromJanuary2010itwasagreedthatallsecondaryschoolswilloffer 2allocatedFAPplacesperacademic yearontheunderstandingthat numberofplaceswillincreasebyoneforeverychildwholeavesthat Schoolfollowingpermanentexclusion,orthroughNewProtocol.

  1. Inconnectionwithchildrentobeconsideredforstatutoryassessment the following agreement has beenreached:

othat the FAP Panel does not have the authority to access an SEN 'assessment place', but will refer the child to the PEC / NewHeights


otheseshouldbecompletedassoonaspossibleandwithinthe24weeks maximum that a child may attend theCentre

owheretheoutcomeisanEducationHealthandCarePlan(EHCP),the SENAssessmentandPlacementTeamwillfundandnameappropriate provision

owhere the request is made by the New Heights for the statutory assessmenttotakeplaceinaspecialschooltherelevantsectionofthe Children and Families Act 2014 applies, asfollows:

oInaccordancewithsection34(5)oftheChildrenandFamiliesAct2014,itisa requirementthatallpartiesinvolvedwiththechild,includingtheheadteacher oftheSpecialSchoolinwhichtheassessmentplaceisbeingsoughtandthe child's parents, are in agreement with the proposal for a Special School assessment place. To ensure that these requirements are fulfilled. all proposed assessment places will initially be directed through New Heights, andtheExecutiveHeadteacherandHeadteacherofNewHeightswillidentify, in collaboration with the SEN Assessment and Placements Team and the child's parents, those pupils who require an assessment placement in a SpecialSchool.

oAdmissiontoaSpecialSchoolmayalsobeappropriatewheretherehasbeen a change in the child's circumstances (for example, all parties involved with the child, agree that a sudden and serious deterioration in the child's behaviourmakesthechild'scurrentplacementuntenableorunsafe).Again,it is a requirement that both the head teacher of the Special School concerned and the child's parents agree to the child's admission (section 34(7) of the Children and Families Act2014).

oInthePrimarysectortheagreement remainsthatallschoolseach offeroneallocatedplaceperacademicyear,ontheunderstanding that only in exceptional circumstances will a primary school be approached more than once within that year.

oTheallocatedplacesareinallschools/academiesandarenot restricted to either Key stages, or yeargroups.

oThe DfE require that schools, which after admitting their quota of FAP pupilsstillhavevacancies,willberequiredtoadmitpupilsondemand,up to the published admissions number, in the usual way. Furthermore they will be expected to go over number on demand, to a number of places equivalent to their FAPquota.

oIfaFAPpupilleavestheir agreed school,theFAPplacefreedupmay be allocated to another HTP pupil by thePanel.

oTheDfEalsostipulatethattheintroductionofalocallyagreedFAPshould not interfere with or override other methods of securing 'exceptional' admission:


Administrative support

oAdministrativesupportwillbeprovidedtothePaneltoorganisemeetings, set agendas, collate information/referrals/documentation/data, record decisions and notify schools and parents and monitor the progress of individual cases through the processes of thePanel.

oTheCommonAssessmentFramework(CAF)remainsastheframework forpartnershipworkingbuttheterminologyhasbeenreplacedwithEarly Help Assessment Tools (EHAT) plans-and-policies/children-and-families/common-assessment­framework/Early-helpAssessment-practitioner-information/.Referrals via theEHATwillbecreatedbythechild'sdesignatedkeyworkerorreferrer (e.g. a social worker, a LA Officer, etc.) to provide the Panel with all relevant details. Responsibility for presenting the case will rest with the child's key worker orreferrer.

oIt will be important to establish systems to monitor the operation and effectiveness of the Panel and the In-Year FAP. A thorough review of all aspectsoftheLiverpoolIn-yearFairAccessProtocol,includingthePanel,should be conducted annually and collated by the Summer Term, when anychangestopracticescouldbeproposedandagreedinpreparationfor the following AcademicYear.

Funding is allocated asfollows:

oAllFundingassociatedwithpermanentlyexcludedpupils,whichis recoupedfromtheexcludingschool,aspartofthisagreement,will follow thechild.


New Protocol Placements - AEP Guidance Note - To be read in conjunction with the operational guidance

Ifpupilsareregisteredatthepupilreferralunitandalocalschool,inspectorsmustconsider outcomesforthesepupilsfromtheperspectiveofsharedresponsibilityforprovision.The pupilreferralunitshouldbeaddingvaluetowhatthemainstreamschoolcanofferandvisa versa.Theeffectivenessofpartnershipworkwillbeanimportantaspectoftheinspection.

OfstedsubsidiaryInspectionGuidanceforPRUsJanuary2012,N0.110166underDual Placements and outreachstates:

Step by step guidance for all pupils placed under New Protocol through FAP.

  1. Head teacher meets with parents/ guardian and explains what a New Protocol is and possible offer of Mainstream, New Heights High School or Alternative Education Provision. At this stage parents/ guardians should be informed that if the student is placedinAEPtheintentionistoremovethepupilfromschoolrollonthe31stDecember of year 11.This responsibility sits with the school. In addition, school should ensure appropriatearrangementsareinplacewhilstwaitingfortheplacementtostart.Parents signature is gained and papers completed. (Parent Guide to be provided). In order to facilitateasupportedtransitionanEHATshouldaccompanythereferral.
  1. CompletedpaperssenttoSocialInclusionOperationTeam(SIOT)ontheMonday beforeFAP,(ProposaltochangeFAPtoWednesdaymornings).
  1. CasepresentedtoFAP-DecisionreportedbacktoschoolbySIOTontheafternoon following FAP on theoutcome.
  1. If the student is allocated to a mainstream school or academy and the pupil does not engage or attend for the 5 school days after the agreed start date, they will be referredback to FAP by the allocated school. They will remain on the home school roll for this period and until a successful 5 day attendance at an allocated school is completed. Should the student fail to engage after 1O school days the student will be referred back totheoriginalschool.ThiswillbereportedtoFAPandresultinthetermination oftheNP.
  1. IfthestudentisallocatedaplaceinNewHeightsHighSchooltheywillbecodedD(see

13)andwillbereferredbacktoFAPbyNHHSwhenconsideredappropriatetomoveon.The Home School will be informed by SIOT when the pupil is being considered at FAP again.

  1. IftheoutcomeistoallocatetotheAlternativeProvisionTeam(APT),schoolwillreceive by email a Pupil Placement Form requesting information on the required outcomes expectedforthepupil.ThiswillbesenttheafternoonfollowingFAP(Friday).Thisform should be completed and returned to APTinbox. apt@liv erpool.qov.ukor 01S1 2330626.


  1. APTwillsourceanappropriateproviderfromthecontractframework(Freeschools/ IndependentSchools/AEPProviders)APTtoreportbacktoschoolontheproposed provider by the followingMonday.
  1. Providertocontactstudentandparent/carertoarrangeaninterviewandagreeastart date within 5days.
  1. Providerswilldrawupanindividualeducationplan(IEP)basedupontargetsidentifiedby school in the Pupil Placement Form once the studenthas started. Provider to send schoolandAPT.TheIEPwhichshouldbeupdatedhalftermly.Theproviderwillprovide schoolandAPTwiththeupdatedIEP.
  1. ProviderhasfiveschooldaystoengagethestudentandaretonotifyAPTandschoolof progress.APTpersonaladvisersmonitorpupilswhohavebeenreferredtoprovidersand support asnecessary.
  1. Ifthestudentafter5schooldayshasnotengagedtheywillbereferredtoanother providerandgivenanother5schooldaystoengage.
  1. TheinterimperiodbetweentheFridayFAPmeeting untiltheNPpupilisplacedin provisionwith APTwouldneedtobemanagedbytheschool.
  1. Iftheschoolcanprovideprovisionbutthisisoffsiteanddeliveredbyan'Approved Educationalprovider'theschoolcancodeBwhenthepupilisinattendance.
  1. Iftheschoolprovidesaccesstothepupilontheirownmainstreamsitethepupilcan be registeredpresent.
  1. Iftheschoolisunabletoprovideprovision,withthepupilhavingnoabilitytoattend, absences would need to be authorised code(C)
  1. Ifthereisnoengagementafter1Oschooldaysthestudentwillreferredbacktothe originalschoolandFAPnotified.ThiswillresultintheterminationoftheNP.
  1. OncepupilattendstheirplacementtheyshouldberegisteredasM':CurrentMain-Dual Registration"attheoriginalschoolanduseaDcode.Thenewprovidershouldrecordthe pupil as 'S': Current Subsidiary - Dual Registration and record their attendance appropriately.

Code D: Dual Registered - at another educational establishment

  1. ThiscodeisnotcountedasapossibleattendanceintheSchoolCensus.Thelawallowsfor dual registration of pupils at more than one school. This code is used to indicate that the pupil was not expected to attend the session in question because they were scheduled to attendtheotherschoolatwhichtheyareregistered.Themainexamplesofdualregistration arepupilswhoareattendingapupilreferralunit,ahospitalschooloraspecialschoolona temporary basis. It can also be used when the pupil is known to be registered at another schoolduringthesessioninquestion.Eachschoolshouldonlyrecordthepupil'sattendance and absence for those sessions that the pupil is scheduled to attend their school. Schools should ensure that they have in place arrangements whereby all unexplained and unexpected absence is followed up in a timely manner. This is the responsibility of the provider and theschool.
  1. Code D (Dual Reg) is not counted as a possible attendance against the original school.

This code will be used for all NP referrals placed through FAP at NHHS and AEP. Theoriginal school will record a Code D in the register. The host school or provider will record theattendanceorabsenceofthepupilsplacedwiththem.Inordertoavoiddoublecounting, such pupils should also be recorded at the original school as "'M': Current Main - Dual Registration" and at the provider as having a registration status of 'S' - current subsidiary (dualregistration).

  1. InthecaseofYears9,10and11pupilsplacedwithAEP,schoolsshouldkeepstudentson roll,unlessreturnedtoFAPandofferedanallocatedplaceinaMainstreamSchool.Pupilsin year 11 should be taken off roll on the 31st December. Schools must update their managementinformationsystemwiththeappropriateenddategivingareasonforleavingas "NewProtocol".
  2. Regulation8oftheEducation(PupilRegistration)(England)Regulations2006.Therelevant part is 8(1)(d). The guidance "Keeping Pupil Registers" issued June 2008, sets out at paragraph119,thecircumstancesfromwhichadeletionfromtheregistercanbemade:in thiscasepleaseseeparagraph119(g)"pupilwithdrawntobeeducatedoutsidetheschool system".
  3. The NP as a local arrangement utilising this regulation to prevent a permanent exclusion.
  4. Under the new Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016, schoolsare now required to directly inform the local authority when they take a student off theirschoolroll.Theymustprovidethereasonforleaving,thedateoffrollandadestination.
  5. The Local Authority is in the final testing phase of a new andsecure "Schools Portal" to assistschoolsinfulfillingthisrequirement.Theportalconsistsofan"offroll"eformtocapture all of the relevant information. Schools should select the reason for leaving as "NewProtocol"andthedestinationwillbe"AlternativeProvisionTeachers".ThisPortalwillcome into operation beforeEaster.
  6. Oncommencementoftheplacementschoolswillreceivetheefollowinginformationfrom providers through their named school contact. It is the responsibility of the school to informAPTandprovidersofchangesinschoolcontactdetails.

•Attendance data twice dailyto schools



•Placementbreakdown/e terminationtoschools,APTandparents

•Fixed term exclusionsto schools, APT andparents



(Noncompliance should be reported to the commissioner )

  1. Monitoring:

Weekly multi agency attendance meetings will review attendance of pupils. The APT

personal advisor with responsibility for new protocol is Stella Melia, she will liaise directlywithnamedschoolcontactstodiscussconcerns.Anyescalationofreferrals totheAPTEWOwillbereportedtoschoolsaswellasactions

proposed. , 07921 491 260