Advising Worksheet
General MALS option
Updated 10/20/2015
The program requires a minimum of 30 semester hours of graduate study.
Required Courses (6 hours total)
___GLS 502 Contemporary Issues in Liberal Studies (Take during your first year) 3.0 hours
___GLS 598Final Project (Must have completed 21 hours of coursework before enrolling) 3.0 hours
Elective Courses (24 hours total)
_____ (3 hours) _____ (3 hours) _____ (3 hours) _____ (3 hours)
_____ (3 hours) _____ (3 hours) _____ (3 hours) _____ (3 hours)
Please Note:
- No more than six hours may be taken from cross-listed 400/500 courses.
- With the exception of combining the post-baccalaureate certificate requirements of Gerontology, Hispanic Studies, or CMR with GLS classes to obtain the MALS degree, no more than nine hours may be taken outside the MALS degree (GLS 5xx) curriculum. Said non-GLS courses must be graduate-level courses and be consistent with the general philosophy of graduate liberal studies. Further, to take non-GLS courses, the student must receive both the permission of the instructor(s) in question in regard to possible background and methodological expectations and permission from his or her academic advisor.
- Only three hours of GLS 591 Directed Independent Study course may be taken. Note: Forms requesting this course must be submitted to the GLS office at least two days prior to the relevant semester/session drop/add deadline.
- Only three hours of GLS 597 Internship in Applied Liberal studies may be taken. Note: Forms requesting this course must be submitted to the GLS office at least two days prior to the relevant semester/session drop/add deadline.
- No more than six hours of credit may be transferred from another accredited institution. Grades earned on that transfer work must be equivalent to "B" or better. A minimum of 24 hours of graduate study must be completed in residence at UNCW. Note: These six transfer hours will count against the nine allowed hours of non-GLS courses.
- Students must maintain a "B" average in all graduate courses taken.
- Students are expected to complete all course work within five years after their initial enrollment.
- Please see the GLS website for further details, including withdrawals and incompletes at
- There are specific deadlines for students to meet in regard to graduation, beginning the semester prior to graduation. Please discuss with your advisor these requirements and pay close attention to email communication from the GLS department, the Graduate School, and any other UNCW offices. Details about deadlines are available on various calendars. Two are provided below:
- Registrar’s “Calendar of Events” located at
- Our “GLS News & Events” located at
*There is not a July commencement. July Graduates participate in the December commencement.
______Student ______Advisor ______Date