Regular Board Meeting
Unified School District No. 363
November 14, 2011
305 Wiley, Holcomb, KS
Board of Education Members:
Tim Miller (President), Mary Ann Bennett, Matthew Jones
Scott Knoll, Gayla Lohfink, Mike Pfeifer, Sean Sheets

Members Present: Mary Ann Bennett, Scott Knoll, Matthew Jones, Gayla Lohfink, Tim Miller, Mike Pfeifer, Sean Sheets

Administrators Present: Jean Rush, Rob Schneeberger, Chad Krug, Sandy Schadegg

Others: Bernie Reetz, Shajia Ahmad, Tim McGlynn, Sam Mesa, Mike Davis, Michelle Komlofske

At 6:30 p.m., Tim Miller called the meeting to order.


Mary Ann Bennett moved, seconded by Scott Knoll to approve the agenda as presented. Motion passed: 7-0.

Consent Agenda

Matthew Jones moved, seconded by Mike Pfeifer to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried: 7-0

  • minutes – October 10, 2011
  • terminations – Bobby Heine


The Board recognized and thanked all of the coaches and student athletes who participated in fall sports. Cross Country coaches, Mr. Cox and Mr. Bjurstrom; Football coaches, Jerry Johnson, Brandon Hill, Wes Wickwar and Luke Harrington; Volleyball coaches, Mrs. Barrett, Ms. Baier and Mrs. King, and Girl’s Golf coaches, Scott Stegman and Archie Oliver. The Board thanked them for their tremendous efforts, finishing with great seasons and recognized the student athletes as good ambassadors for the school. Mrs. Rush informed the Board it is American Education Week and will recognize each campus with an American Education Week Proclamation signed by the Board.


Mike Davis reviewed financial statements and warrants presented. Scott Knoll moved, seconded by Mary Ann Bennett, to approve the claims in the amount of $525,941.25. Motion carried: 7-0

Reports -supt.

  • Mrs. Rush commended staff members for their efforts with the external audit
  • Reminded board members that the annual KASB meeting will be held in Overland Park December 2nd and 3rd
  • Reviewed statistical data from the state of Kansas showing the cost to educate students on a per pupil basis. Also included information showing the majority of USD 363’s students scored exemplary on state assessments last year


  • No additions to the written report


  • Activity bus alternator is being replaced this week in Wichita


  • Mrs. Schadegg shared the 4th grade’s opportunity to skype with Senator Moran
  • Mr. Krug updated the board on discussions with GWAC members at the MS level
  • Mr. Schneeberger is reviewing and preparing course offerings next year with Tom Hawkins, HS counselor

He also informed the board of upcoming GWAC discussions for expansion at the HS level

Unfinished Business -narrow band radios

Members discussed the upcoming changes being implemented by the FCC that affect public schools. The radios used in transportation vehicles and in school offices need to be replaced to be compliant with the narrow band specifications. The board authorized the purchase of ten 45 watt mobile radios, two 5 watt portables to replace existing base units at the middle school and high school, and to reprogram seventeen existing mobiles to narrow band. Snyder Radio was named as the supplier for a total price of $5,839.50. Motion passed: 7-0.

November, 2011/Minutes

Page 2

-elem handbook addendum

Sean Sheets, moved seconded by Scott Knoll to approve the elementary school handbook addendum as presented. The board approved that the promotion or retention of a student should be in alignment with board policy JFB-R. The final decision in any case pertaining to promotion or retention shall rest with the building principal. Motion carried: 7-0.

New Business -CLC report

Adult Learning Center director, Tim McGlynn presented a report regarding enrollment and completion information. No action was taken.

-district strategic plan

The board reviewed survey questions and answers with middle and high school students. Additional information was also discussed on the development of staff and parent surveys. No action was taken.

-swimming pool

Mrs. Rush reviewed information with board members offered from the Holcomb Recreation Commission. HRC is interested in helping the district reopen the swimming pool located at Holcomb Elementary. After further discussion, the item was tabled and no action was taken.

-vehicle rotation

Board members reviewed the district vehicle rotation plan as part of the strategic planning process. It is recommended that the district move the current suburban used (#20) from student transportation to the maintenance department as that vehicle (1990 Bluebird Micro Bus (#27) has developed increasing mechanical problems. Due to the movement of those vehicles and after further discussion, Gayla Lohfink moved, seconded by Mary Ann Bennett to purchase a 2012 four-wheel drive suburban from Ed Bozarth Chevrolet as listed on the State of Kansas procurement in the amount of $34,066. No other bids were received. Motion carried: 7-0.

-amendments to district retirement plans

Board members reviewed amendments to the district’s 403b retirement plan with Security Benefit and the 457b Plan with Valic. Adoption of the amendments enables employers to comply with the PPA Act of 2006, the HEART Act of 2008 and the WRERA Act of 2008. Mike Pfeifer moved, seconded by Sean Sheets to adopt resolutions approving the amendments. Motion carried: 7-0.

Executive Session

At 8:20 p.m., Matthew Jones moved, seconded by Mary Ann Bennett, to enter executive session for personnel matters for forty-five minutes following a five minutes recess and allow the building principals to participate if called. Executive session is necessary to protect the privacy rights of an identifiable individual(s). Motion carried: 7-0. Rob Schneeberger was included in the session and exited at 8:50 p.m. Chad Krug was included in the session at 8:52 p.m.

At 9:10 p.m., Matthew Jones moved, seconded by Mary Ann Bennett to extend executive session for thirty minutes for the aforementioned matters. Motion carried: 7-0. Chad Krug exited the session at 9:22 p.m.

At 9:40 p.m., Matthew Jones moved, seconded by Mary Ann Bennett to extend executive session for fifteen minutes for the aforementioned matters. Motion carried: 7-0. Jean Rush exited the session at 9:40 p.m.

At 9:55 p.m., Matthew Jones moved, seconded by Mary Ann Bennett to extend executive session for fifteen minutes for the aforementioned matters. Motion carried: 7-0.

At 10:10 p.m., Matthew Jones moved, seconded by Mary Ann Bennett to extend executive session for ten minutes for the aforementioned matters. Motion carried: 7-0.

At 10:20 p.m., the board reconvened in open session.

Additional Business

Scott Knoll moved, seconded by Matthew Jones to employ Todd VanCleave as the HS Baseball Coach. Motion carried: 7-0.

Mike Pfeifer moved, seconded by Sean Sheets to employ Denise Dunette as a full-time custodian. Motion carried: 7-0.

Gayla Lohfink moved, seconded by Matthew Jones to raise Sam Mesa’s pay to $15 per hour for hours worked over 45 hours per week. Motion carried: 7-0.

Mary Ann Bennett moved, seconded by Mike Pfeifer to extended Cindy Keller’s FMLA leave until January 9, 2012. Motion carried: 7-0.

Mary Ann Bennett moved, seconded by Matthew Jones to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 p.m. Motion carried: 7-0.

Respectfully submitted: Approved:


Michelle Komlofske, Clerk Tim Miller, President