Meredith Public Library – Board of Trustees
Minutes of the Board of Trustees – Tuesday August 13, 2013, called to order at 6:07 PM
Trustees Present: Rhetta Colon, Duncan McNeish, Ann Butler, Paul Eldridge, Mary Richardson, Pam Coburn
Members Absent: Colleen Nolan, Kate Miller
Others present: Erin Apostolos, Library Director: Judy Hodges, Assistant Librarian
Secretary’s Reports:
Minutes for 7/8/2013 –Motion to approve by Duncan, seconded by Paul, all aye. Minutes for 7/9/2013 – After discussion, motion to table until September meeting was made by Duncan, seconded by Paul, pending a more detailed draft. All aye.
Treasurers Report: Motion to approve made by Ann, seconded by Paul, aye all. Duncan explained that funds formerly invested with RBS Wealth have been deposited in the checking and savings accounts that the library has at MVSB.
Director’s Report:
Friends’ Update – Friends’ would greatly appreciate Trustee support at their major fundraiser, the Book It! 5 K road race, Saturday 8/31, 8:30 AM at Community Park. They are also holding a book sale at the library 8/22-24.
Outreach is going well.
Building Maintenance – Al will be using a kit to test the old outdoor window frames for lead paint. Front rail will be fixed shortly.
Summer Reading has gone smoothly. Good brochure this year.
Grant Update – LCHIP Application, due on 9/13 requires Trustees to approve Land Trust Standards & Practices for Conservation of Land & Buildings. Terms to do with land do not apply to the library. Requirements about buildings correspond to those we already follow. Paul proposed that the trustees adopt Land Trust Standards and Practices. Ann seconded the motion and all voted in favor.
Fight – Library Trustees suggested to Erin & Judy that library staff be commended for how they handled the crisis. Once an immediate threat has been dealt with, library staff should remember that library patrons need reassurance.
Old Business
Paul is contacting Terry Knowles from the department of NH Attorney General for information about the Expendable Trust Warrant Article.
Updated Letter of Understanding: Rhetta has contacted Phil Warren twice about meeting with the Selectmen and awaits a response.
Baptist Church Updated: Ann will request that library issues be added to the agenda of Church’s next board meeting with the aim of obtaining some written documentation of willingness to sell to the town.
Master Plan Committee: Eleven of our candidates have agreed to serve on the Master Plan Committee. First meeting of the group is September 9, 4PM at the library. Rhetta, Duncan, Amy & Terry will contact and inform members. Rhetta & Duncan will attend the first meeting. Duncan is the trustees’ liaison with Full Circle. Erin will obtain name tags. Mary will speak to a local vender about catering for the Master Plan Committee depending on what Amy recommends.
Paul moved that the trustees approve an additional $5000 from the Improvement Fund to be added to the MVSB checking account to cover administrative expenses of the Master Plan Committee. The motion was seconded by Ann Butler and passed 4 v 1.
Trustee Goals and Self Evaluations:
Understanding Investments and spending and drafting policies – in process
Creating business and maintenance plan – in process. Erin is taking a course for part of her certification.
Building communications between town and library – in process
Creating a Master Plan – in process.
After discussion, trustees added “Identify short term solutions to space needs of the library” as a 5th goal.
HVAC Upgrade: Erin reported that Global Mechanics has estimated our system will need replacement in 10 years, so we need to get this on the town agenda.
Clerk of Works: CIP suggests we will need a Clerk of Works for the roof, gutter and masonry project. Erin will contact Mike Faller, John Edgar and Vint Choiniere for recommendations.
New Business:
Erin presented a circulation report broken down by categories comparing 2012 and 2013. Based on this information, the library will cut back adult non-fiction. People are using the internet more than books for research these days.
The trustees adopted unanimously:
The Telescope Policy (Ann proposed, Pam seconded);
Non-resident requirements and consolidation of ages in Library Card Policy (Paul proposed, Ann seconded);
Bulletin Board Policy (Ann proposed, Paul seconded); Petty Cash (Ann proposed, Paul seconded.)
The question of paying mileage for trustees was tabled until the next meeting.
Calendar Review of August:
Long range plan for 2014-17: These goals are developed by the staff. Erin will bring these to the next meeting.
Update of Technology Plan for 2014: Trustees to study Chris’s report for discussion at next meeting.
Trustees went into Executive Session at 7:48 PM (Duncan moved, Paul seconded, all aye.)
Trustees terminated Executive Session at 7:57 (Ann moved, Paul seconded, all aye.)
Meeting adjourned at 7:58PM (Ann moved, Paul seconded, all aye.)
Next meeting of Library Board is 6:00 PM, Tuesday, September 10, 2013.