Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
COMM 1100 Calendar
(Subject to change)
Check D2L and campus email WEEKLY for further assignments.
Week One
8/12Introduction to the course, syllabus and instructor
8/14Five types of communication
In-class exercise: Superman & Batman
Due: Syllabus quiz in D2L
Week Two
8/17(Test) How communication functions/purpose it servesCH 1
(Test) Culture and communication CH 2
Models of communication
8/19Six ways culture influences communication
8/21Library orientation (bring student ID!)
Due: Sources for Superman & Batman
Week Three
8/24(Test) Our perceptions of ourselves and othersCH 3
8/26Three stages of perception
8/28In-class exercise: Who are You?
Week Four
8/31(Test) Using language/the power of words/SymbolismCH 4
9/2(Test) Nonverbal communication/MetacommunicationCH 5
9/4In-class exercise: Labor Day
Week Five
9/9Library research – Labor Day(bring student ID!)
9/11Test 1 (Chapters 1 – 5)
Week Six
9/14(Test) Social and professional communicationCH 7
Attraction theory, uncertainty reduction theory, social exchange
theory, equity theory, relational maintenance behaviors theory,
social penetration theory
9/16Due: Labor Day topic and sources
9/18Labor Day Presentations
Week Seven
9/21(Test) Interpersonal CommunicationCH 8
Stages of relationship development
(Test)Small group communicationCH 9
9/23Form groups/group topics
9/25In-class exercise: Johari window
Week Eight
9/28(Test) Decision-making and group leadershipCH 10
(See articles in D2L under Group Work)
9/30Library research – Group research project (bring student ID!)
10/2In-class exercise: Communication concept/example
Due: Research statement and 2 sources
Week Nine
10/5Review for Test 2
10/7Test 2 (Chapters 7 – 10)
10/9Library research – Group research (bring student ID!)
Week Ten
10/12(Test) Selecting, developing and researching a topicCH 11
(Test) Speech outlining and research/Presenting a speechCH 12 & 13
(Test) Informative speakingCH 14
10/14Group research presentations
10/16Group research presentations
FALL BREAK (Oct. 19 – 23)
Week Eleven
10/26Watch sample speech(es)
10/28In-class outlining exercise
10/30Library research – informative speech topics/sources
Week Twelve
11/2Final exam orientation
Watch sample speech(es)
11/4In-class note card exercise
11/6Library research – speech topic/sources
Week Thirteen
11/9Brown BagSpeeches (2 ½ - 3 minutes long, speech aids)
11/11Brown Bag Speeches (2 ½ - 3 minutes long, speech aids)
11/13Brown Bag Speeches (2 ½ - 3 minutes long, speech aids)
Week Fourteen
11/16(Test) Persuasive speaking CH 15
(Test) Listening Effectively CH 6
HURIER model
11/18Watch sample speech(es) and evaluate
11/20Final exam review
Week Fifteen
11/23InformativeSpeeches(5 ½ - 8 minutes long, 2 sources, one speech aid)
11/25Informative Speeches (5 ½ - 8 minutes long, 2 sources, one speech aid)
11/27Informative Speeches (5 ½ - 8 minutes long, 2 sources, one speech aid)
Week Sixteen
11/30Informative Speeches (5 ½ - 8 minutes long, 2 sources, one speech aid)
12/2Informative Speeches (5 ½ - 8 minutes long, 2 sources, one speech aid)
Week Seventeen
Final Exam Week:Dec. 3 - 8
COMM 1100-8 (MWF at 10 a.m.) final Monday, Dec. 7 at 10:15 – 12:15 p.m.
COMM 1100-9 (MWF at 11 a.m.) final Friday, Dec. 4 at 10:15 – 12:15 p.m.
COMM 1100-10 (MWF at 1 p.m.) final Friday, Dec. 4 at 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
(Final exam will be posted in D2L.)