Title of Post:Resident Site Manager
Band:3 to midpoint
Responsible to:Learning Centre Manager, Learning Centre Business Manager, Headteachers
Liaison with:Liaison with site users, contractors, consultants, the public/hirers, officers of Essex County Council, staff and governors and students as required.
Purpose of the Job:To reside at School House and take the lead in organising and managing the caretaking services within the site
To maintain the site and grounds to a high standard
To contribute to the smooth running of the site by organising and
managing the caretaking, cleaning and lettings teams, undertake effective supervision, caretaking maintenance, Health & Safety and Security of the site and related resources within a budget allocation.
To advise Senior Managers on Site matters and Site Development Plan.
The duties of the post as outlined will be subject to the appropriate risk assessment, safe systems of work and appropriate equipment being available and the relevant competencies of the post holder.
- Security and Supervision:
Organise and manage the work of the caretaking, cleaning and lettings team.
Act as keyholder and carry out security procedures for the buildings and grounds. The routine and non-routine opening of premises and grounds. Respond to calls outside normal working hours as a result of break-ins etc and/or the setting off of the burglar alarm(s).
Provide access, where possible, to the premises and classrooms in the event of snow or minor flooding or similar emergency situations.
Attempt to prevent unauthorised access onto the school premises or grounds.
(Note: in fulfilling this responsibility all employees are expected to work within established school procedures and the Code of Practice No 32(S) Managing Violence in Schools).
Monitor and ensure the cleanliness of the school premises and furnishings.
Prepare an annual budget to fund day to day and preventative maintenance.
- Caretaking and Maintenance
Operate the heating plant so that the required temperatures are maintained in the premises and an adequate supply of hot water is available. Carry out frost precaution procedures.
Make arrangements for the carrying out of routine procedures or inspections on ancillary equipment, e.g. check automatic pumps and areas subject to flooding, and the maintenance of batteries.
Carry out school based procedures in the event of fire, flood, breaking and entering, accident or major damage.
Identify and prioritise maintenance and new build requirements and prepare and organise work programmes with due regard to cost.
Arrange for the caretaking team (including the postholder) to carry out first line repairs and maintenance which are not beyond the competence of the staff concerned eg:
plumbing work;redecoration; plastering; fencing and boundary repairs;glazingwork.
N.B. Specialist Contractors will be used as necessary.
Draw up, or assist in the drawing up of specifications, for work to be undertaken by
Arrange for works to be undertaken and monitor the progress of projects involving
outside Contractors.
Make arrangements for window cleaning.
Ensure that all areas within the confines of the site are free from litter and that all drains
and gullies are free flowing and clean.
Make arrangements for the delivery of stores, materials and other goods and their
conveyance to their points of distribution.
Ensure that adequate supplies of cleaning materials and other supplies are available.
Ensure that all caretaking equipment is in a safe and working condition and arrange for
theirrepair as appropriate.
Prepare the premises and site for activities and lettings and clear up afterwards.
- Other duties
Assist in the recruitment and selection of caretaking, cleaning and lettings staff and the
allocation of duties and hours of work.
Plan own work and that of assistant(s), cleaning and lettings staff. Issues relating to
supervision/management of staff.
Provide/arrange the appropriate induction and training of assistant(s), cleaning and lettings staff.
To advise on for caretaking fees for lettings.
Maintenance of Assets Register. Carry out an annual check of equipment against the
- Health & Safety
Ensure the implementation and compliance with appropriate Codes of Practice
throughout the School (in relation to premises and caretaking/cleaning/lettings issues) in
liaison with the Health and Safety Co-ordinator for the school.
To ensure that all Health & Safety checks are completed for the site and recorded in log.
Monitor the appropriate Health and Safety procedures in use on the site and reporting any issues to the Health and Safety Co-ordinator for the site.
- General
Such other duties relating to the use of the premises and site as may be necessary from time to time in accordance with established local practice or with the reasonable requirements of the school and Governing Body.
To participate in the performance and development review process, taking personal responsibility for identification of learning, development and training opportunities in discussion with line manager.
To comply with individual responsibilities, in accordance with the role, for health & safety in the workplace
Ensure that all duties and services provided are in accordance with the School’s Equal Opportunities Policy
The Governing Body is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share in this commitment
The duties above are neither exclusive nor exhaustive and the post holder may be required by the Headteacher to carry out appropriate duties within the context of the job, skills and grade.