Minutes of the Pacific Coast Obstetrical

and Gynecological Society

First Meeting of the Board of Directors

Sun Valley, Idaho

October 5, 2006

The meeting was called to Order by President Burry at 11:30 AM.

President Burry asked for a moment of silence in memory of those members who died since our last meeting Alan King, Bruce Rolf, Gustav Rosenheim, Ralph Walker, Dick Marquette, Carl Mark.

President Burry introduced the new members who were in attendance and they received their certificates.

President Burry asked for approval of the minutes from the first annual business meeting 2005, the second annual business meeting 2005, the second board of directors meeting 2005, and the interim board meeting 2006. The motion passed unanimously.

Secretary Shefren read the minutes of the First Board of Directors meeting 2006. He also gave the secretaries report for 2006, the financial report and the membership report.


Dr. Prins reported that he has been working on the new website which should be ready shortly. We had 22 responses to the summer newsletter.


Dr. Patton emphasized the following points from his report. The AJOG will be free starting in 2007 and available online. PCOGS had 50% of their 2005 papers approved for publication which is higher than the usual Society rate 30-35%. If we want to maintain and even increase that percentage we will need to have a very active mentorship program and continuation of the pre-review process.



Secretary Shefren read the BY-LAWS changes that were sent to the membership over the summer. A motion was seconded and past without dissent that removes the following wording from section 1a, not to exceed 175 in number, was unanimously accepted by the Fellows.


President Burry asked the Fellows if they had any comments on the Board discussion of shortening the presentation to a 10-5-5 minute format from the current 15-5-5 minute format in order to increase the number of papers that could be presented in an oral format at the meetings. The membership offered many comments including the following:

change to a shorter time frame would allow more papers, more papers might translate to more papers accepted by AJOG;

most other societies use the shorter format;

don’t change – we need the educational introduction to papers for those who may not be familiar with the subject;

limit the number of Society Guests and add more papers on Saturday;

don’t accept any papers until they are ready for publication;

we could have different time formats for different papers;

we could limit the informal discussion time;

have 1 session with the shorter format and the rest like we do now;

all Society Guests doing posters to do a 5 minute oral presentation of the poster.

President Burry asked the Fellows to discuss this further at their Caucus meetings and report back at the second business meeting.


President Burry announced the following committee members for the meeting:

Audit Committee – Chair Jack Enbom and Don Barford

Nominating Committee – Chair Phil Patton, Ira Golditch, Buck Peters, Bill Clewell, Bob Israel, and Past President Millard.

The meeting was adjourned by President Burry at 12:30 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Jerry Shefren
