AVID 9 Course Syllabus~2014-2015
Dear Parents/Guardian –
This letter is intended to inform both you and your student about the AVID 9 course offered at M.M.H.S. Please read it carefully and sign and return it with your student immediately. It is the 1st opportunity for points for the course.
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a unique program designed to support and assist selected students with their college preparatory curriculum. The program goal is that every student reaches his/her potential culminating in acceptance to a 4-year institution of higher education in preparation for professional success.
Throughout the AVID 9 course we will explore the following areas:
Organization and Time Management
Study Skills and Strategies
Standardized Test Preparation
Colleges and Careers
Education Plans and Portfolios
Writing Skills – Cornell Notetaking
Inquiry/Levels of Questioning
Communication and Leadership Skills
If a student is absent, he/she must clear the absence prior to receiving any missing assignments, tests, or quizzes. It is the student’s responsibility to complete missing assignments within the discussed period of time. Students should be seated with assignments turned in by the time the tardy bell rings. Late assignments will receive 50% credit.
Grades are based on the following format:
AVID binder/Cornell notes – 25%
Homework/Classwork/Projects – 30%
Participation (tutorials, activities, progress reports) – 30%
Portfolio, Education Plan, and Final – 15%
Grading percentages:
A90% - 100%
B80% - 89.9%
C70% - 79.9%
D60% - 69.9%
F59.9% and lower
**It is the student’s responsibility to keep all graded and returned assignments from all classes in their notebook to study for exams and track their grades.
Be respectful of teacher and fellow classmates. This means be on time and listen when others are speaking.
Students are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the room at all times. The class will clean every aspect of the room, especially during and after class activities.
No electronic gadgets (cell phones, Ipods, etc) to be seen during class. You will receive one warning and the next occurrence with result in confiscation of the device.
AVID INTERVENTION PROCEDURES – The intervention process will begin if a student violates either the AVID Agreement or the AVID course guidelines.
Documented conference – Student will be counseled regarding the difficulties he/she is experiencing.
Letter of Concern and/or Call to Parent/Guardian – Parent/guardian will be notified of the difficulties the student is experiencing. A letter will be sent home that needs to be signed and returned.
Probation/Student Success Plan w/ parent, teacher, student, counselor – If the problem persists, a plan will be designed to further assist the student to achieve success. The student is considered to be on “probationary status” and his/her progress will be carefully monitored.
Removal from AVID Program – If the student continues to fail to fulfill the requirements of the AVID Agreement he/she will be removed from the program.
Thank you for taking the time to read through this letter. Communication between student, teacher, and parent is paramount for success. Please sign below and include an email address where you can receive information about the class. I will send out a generic email in a couple of days. If you don’t receive one, please email me so that I can correct your address in my address book. Also, please consider bookmarking my website address to check on assignments and links for homework.
I look forward to a terrific year with your student!
Ricky Ray (951) 677-0568 ext. 6304
I have read the information provided above. By our signatures below, we acknowledge an understanding of all of the conditions and requirements of the course.
Student Name: ______
Student Signature______
Parent Signature:______Parent Name (please print)______
Parent Email:______Parent Contact Number:______