Alaska Staging Area Job Aid
Item Warehouse catalog # Description
Handy Dandy 9078 This paper won’t get you everywhere.
Cubies 0048 Order “filled”, 36 per pallet
MRE’s 1842 48 per pallet
Batteries 0030 AA’s, 24 per package, 144 per case
Bug Dope 0153 Cutter pump, 12 per box
First aid kit 1143 SAFETY ITEM, red crew style.
Coffee 0496 6 cans per flat
Sugar 9058 1 lb. box
Creamer 0499 50 individual packets in a box.
Coffee pot 9050
TP 0142
Trash bags 9004 100 per box
Burlap bags 9003 100 per bundle
Fiber tape 0222 10 per roll
Plastic sheeting 0144 Black, 20’x100’ roll
P-cord 0533 100’ bundles
Satellite phone kit! 9231 SAFETY ITEM, Extra batteries?
Premix* 9027 5 gallon can, HAZMAT, got spigot?
Bar oil* 1869 12 per case, HAZMAT
It should already be assumed you carry an IC kit on your person at all times containing any pertinent forms.
Standard “Canned”
Sleeping bags 0022 Things get wet.
Long Sleeping Bags 0058 Cold WX and for tall firefighters
Earplugs 1027
Head nets 9047
Flagging 2398 Orange, 12 per box
Larson antennae 9075
Lime 9101 32 oz. bottles
Foot Powder 1117
Bath in a bag 0206 255 per box
Mole skin 1134
Rite in the rain pad 7009 4 5/8”x7”
Tent fly 0070 16’x24’
Tent fly upright poles 0083
Tent fly ridge poles 0089
Tent fly stakes 0538 12 should do.
Crash rescue kit!* 1040 SAFETY ITEM
Fire extinguisher 0307 SAFETY ITEM/HAZMAT
Pulaski* 0146 10 per box
Shovel* 0171 10 per box, good for camp too.
Backpack pumps* 1149
Chainsaw kit!* 0340 HAZMAT
Canteens 0038
Paper cups 0465
Leather Firefightin’ gloves 1296 Size Large
Boot Grease 9200 Small can
Fire pants 2802/2704/2706 Small/Medium/Large
Sleeping pads 1566
Writing paper 0764 Pad, 8 1/2”x11”
Extended (cont.)
Pens 0447 12 per box
Mosquito coils 9053 12 coils per box
Fire shirts 0579/0580 Large/XL
Shipping tags 0216
Ice chests 0557
Bung wrench 7721
Life Vests 9066 SAFETY ITEM
Cook Pot 9051
Frying Pan 9049
Utensil kit! 9266
Belt weather kit! 1050
Calculator 0035
Dry erase board 8080 Specify size
Dry Erase Markers 1073
Cardboard filing box 7039 For your records.
Clipboard 0771
Alarm clock 0288
Scale 1204 Lay on the ground type.
T-card sorter 1352
Folding tables 9059
Propane stove 0209
Folding chairs 2047
Propane heater 6139
Wall tent 0084
Hotstick antennae pole 7207
ICOM radio 4402 If heavy air traffic
Mark 3 pump kit!* 0870 Should include A and B boxes. Specify.
Lightweight pump kit!* 0670
Cargo net kit!* 9032 6000 lb., includes lead line and swivel.
Spring Scale 200# 0532
Unleaded gas 9025 5 gal. can, HAZMAT, got spigot?
Propane 0491 20 lb. tank, HAZMAT
Driptorch fuel* 9024 5 gal. can, HAZMAT, got spigot?
Fusees* 0105 72 per box, HAZMAT
Crew kits
Crew kit! 9131 Huge, see AK warehouse catalog for details.
EFF Line gear 0674
Fresh Food
Box A 9021 Order 72 hours ahead. Zone approval?
Box B 9030 Consult Handy Dandy for ordering help.
Firearms and Ammunition
Shotgun kit 7005
Shotgun shell “slugs” 9055
Require individual (shooter, not ordering party) firearm certification with BLM Alaska. Order extra ammo.
Discuss with Zone. Consider AK fire medic program as personnel numbers increase. Fire medic program kits require, or are accompanied by, an on site EMT. Consult AK warehouse catalog for information.
Portable Fueling Site
Keep Zone ASO updated. Takes up to 96 hours for delivery. Fueler should be on site. CRITICAL NEED.
Re-evaluate these items often. HAZMAT
*Tactical/Air Ops Item – Need and amounts vary by assignment. !-Kit item - may include items listed individually.
See Handy Dandy page 112 for ordering guide. Some warehouse catalog numbers may change.
This is to be used as a guide only. Use common sense and good judgment when ordering. Consult AK warehouse catalog for details.