Quick Step-by-Step Reference Guide

Scanning in OmniPage Pro 12
with Correspondence ManagerV2.1

Bradley Sieve

If you have any queries about this document, please do not hesitate to contact me on

Mobile: 07788 912762 or email:

Scanning with OmniPage 12 Support Documentation

General information

Remove a staples and paper clips

Separate all correspondence by; Typed text / Handwritten / Double-sided / 2 page or more / A5

Quick reference

Scanning single page text documents

1.  Place text documents in scanner

2.  >.1, 2, 3

3.  Save Document (date format 20040112-?)
Note: “Save document preferred settings below”

a.  Optional – resize zone template area to exclude unwanted text, then press No 2 again and overwrite previous saved document.

4.  File > Save Image… (with exactly the same name as in step 2)
Note: “Save image preferred settings below”

5.  Upload Scans (New icon on desktop or quick launch on taskbar)

6.  Open Microsoft Word manually

7.  File > Open > Locate scanned document

a.  Look in: P:\CManager\workstation name\DailyDoc

8.  Scan > Vision Log in/out (Microsoft Word)

9.  Scan > Tidy Scanning

10.  Place text cursor at start of section to copy

11.  Scan > Run Scan Dialog

Scanning single page handwritten or lined documents

1.  Place handwritten documents in scanner

2.  >.1 (Click No. 1 button only)

3.  File > Save Image… (date format 20040112-HW?)
Note: “Save image preferred settings below”

4.  Upload Scans (New icon on desktop or quick launch on taskbar)

5.  Open Microsoft Word (manually)

6.  Scan > Vision Log in/out (Microsoft Word)

7.  Scan > Handwritten Dialog > Choose correct batch file

Scanning 2 page or double-sided text documents

1.  Place text documents in scanner

2.  >.1, 2, 3

  1. Save Document (date format 20040112-?)
    Note: “Save document preferred settings below”

a.  Optional – resize zone template area to exclude unwanted text, then press No 2 again and overwrite previous saved document.

4.  File > Save Image… (with exactly the same name as in step 2)
Note: “Save image preferred settings below”

5.  Upload Scans (New icon on desktop or quick launch on taskbar)

6.  Open Microsoft Word manually

7.  File > Open > Locate scanned document

a.  Look in: P:\CManager\workstation name\DailyDoc

8.  Scan > Vision Log in/out (Microsoft Word)

9.  Scan > Tidy Scanning

10.  Remove Section breaks (only where you want to join the pages for each patients letter)

11.  Place text cursor at start of section to copy

12.  Scan > Run Scan Dialog

Scanning 2 page or double sided handwritten documents

1.  Place handwritten documents in scanner

2.  >.1 (Click No. 1 button only)
Note: For double-sided originals - turnover page/s and Add more pages
make sure that the double-sided thumbnail pages are in the correct order)

3.  File > Save Image… (date format 20040112-HW?)
Note: “Save image preferred settings below”

4.  Upload Scans (New icon on desktop or quick launch on taskbar)

5.  Open Microsoft Word (manually)

6.  Scan > Vision Log in/out (Microsoft Word)

7.  Scan > Handwritten Dialog > Choose correct batch file

8.  Press the “Add Next Page” button to combine pages for each patient

Default settings when saving in OmniPage

Save Document Preferred Settings

·  Make sure

·  Look in: - DailyDoc folder (Path = C:\Scanning\Newscans)

·  Files of Type – VisionScan Doc (or Microsoft Word 2000/XP)

·  Formatting Level – Flowing page

·  Save and Launch – NO Tick

·  Page range: - All pages (unless you are doing one document)

·  File Options - Create one file for all page

Save Image Preferred Settings

·  Type in “YearMonthToday” format

·  Make sure

·  Look in: - DailyImg folder (Path = C:\Scanning\Newscans)

·  Files of Type - TIFF Group 4

·  Save this: - All pages

·  File Options - Create one file per page

Deleting an image from Correspondence Manager (Mail Viewer)

1.  Open Mail Viewer > Patient > Print Letter/s

2.  Open Vision > Consultation Manager > Patient record

3.  Click Consultation tab and locate “Letter”
Note: Consultation date as this is the date the letter was scanned (NOT letter date)

4.  Delete whole Consultation – right mouse click > Delete

5.  Open Microsoft Word > Scan > Handwritten

6.  Locate batch date (If you cannot see your batch date read the note below)
Note: if you have been batching up your scanned files into folders, you will have to locate the batch date files in Windows Explorer and copy both the image/s and document/s back into P:\CManager\workstation name\DailyDoc and DailyImg folders

7.  Keep clicking “Next Page” button until you locate the image to delete

8.  Click Delete Image button


Run Scan Dialog

·  You don’t have to add every Hospital/Department/Person for each letter, just fill in the top lines of each column and press OK. Only the popular correspondence details should be added to the database.

·  Adding extra Keywords to the Department; this will automatically change the read code to a predefined read code, if it’s found within the OCR’d letter. E.g. if the keywords in the letter are “did not attend” it would change the read code to “Failed Encounter – DNA”

·  Red Line under a letter image means that the letter has already been added to the patient record

·  Green/Red dots in the Consultant list;

Green dot is the preferred consultant

Red dot means it has found text within the letter that corresponds to other fields in the database

·  Add More button; enables additional read codes to be added if they are not in your Quick read list

·  Patient Traffic light system; Green/Amber/Red

o  Green – Matched Surname, Forename, DOB, NHS No, Address

o  Amber – One of the matched fields is slightly different

o  Red – Cannot match two or more fields above

Note: Sometimes it may pick up a Consultant name if it happens to be the same as a patient, so beware of this.

Additionally, it displays Registration Status; but does not warn or alert you the patient is transferred out.

Microsoft Word

·  Add to Quick Read list within Run Scan Dialog; Click on the Scan menu > Q-Read List. Press the Add button to add addition read codes.

·  Beware of removing read codes from the Q-Read list as they must not be in use. This means that you must remove them from either the Provider or Department database within Run Scan Dialog before removing them from the Q-Read list.

Error message

·  Newscans folder must always be empty, before starting to scan any images

·  Make sure the File names for Save Document and Save Image are exactly the same

·  Make sure the preferred settings above have not defaulted to Save this: Current Page. This will happen when you scan one original, so try to avoid it if possible.

Tidy ups

These procedures will help maintain the speed of the scanning process.

Once a month - Batch all the DailyDoc & DailyImg files into folders

1.  Open DailyDoc folder – Either by a shortcut on desktop or

a.  My Computer > Data on (Userno) (P:) > CMData > DailyDoc

2.  Click “Make new folder” or File menu > New > Folder - type in today’s date as the folder name i.e. 20041024

3.  Highlight all the files in DailyDoc – Edit menu > Select All

4.  Hold the Ctrl key down on the keyboard and deselect the yellow folders, by clicking on them (because you only want to move the *.doc files)

5.  Cut the files – Edit menu > Cut

6.  Double click on the newly created date folder to open it

7.  Edit menu > Paste

Repeat the same above steps for the files in the DailyImg folder, replacing DailyDoc with DailyImg.

Once a quarter - Change the default scanning path of all the stored images

1.  Open Microsoft Word

2.  Scan menu > Vision Scanning Setup

3.  Change the “Current path for saving images:” by changing the number at the end

4.  Press Yes to accept the change

Q-Read terms

4K54.00 / Cytology laboratory test / 9b0Z.00 / OOH attendance note
567..11 / CAT scan / 9bC.00 / Pathology
569..11 / NMR Scan / 9bC0.00 / General Pathology
671..00 / Counselling - general / 9bC1.00 / Blood Transfusion
6862..00 / Breast screening / 9bC2.00 / Chemical Pathology
6862000 / Breast screening normal / 9bC3.00 / Haematology
6862100 / Breast screening abnormal / 9bC4.00 / Histopathology
6A6 / Mental health review / 9bC5.00 / Immunopathology
8BAV / Cancer care review / 9bC6.00 / Medical Microbiology
8HB..00 / Other follow-up / 9bC7.00 / Neuropathology
8HB2.00 / Medical follow-up / 9c0H.00 / Follow up
8HB3.00 / Surgical follow-up / 9EW / Insurance form received
8HBA.00 / Follow up in outpatient clinic / 9N0f.00 / Seen in rapid access chest pain clinic
8HE.00 / Discharged From Hospital / 9N19.00 / Seen in hospital casualty
8HE1.0 / Discharged From Outpatients / 9N1A.00 / Seen in hospital out patients
8HE2.0 / Discharged From Inpatient Care / 9N1d.00 / Seen in Asthma clinic
8HE4.0 / Discharged From Private Hospital / 9N1N.00 / Seen in Antenatal clinic
93A.00 / Discharge Summary / 9N1P.00 / Seen in Cardiac clinic
9453..00 / Receive hospital death discharge letter / 9N1Q.00 / Seen in Diabetic clinic
9b00.00 / A&E report / 9N2L.00 / Seen by Deputising doctor
9b0A.00 / Discharge report / 9N33.00 / Letter encounter from patient
9b0B.00 / Discharge summary report / 9N36.00 / Letter from Specialist
9b0E.00 / Follow-up / routine visit note / 9N4..00 / Failed Encounter
9b0f.00 / Radiology result / 9N41.00 / DNA – reason given
9b0I.00 / Health visitor report / 9N42.00 / DNA – No reason given
9b0k.00 / Social services report / 9N42.11 / Patient defaulted from follow up
9b0L.00 / Hospital in patient report / 9ND..00 / Incoming mail processing
9b0M.00 / Hospital out patient report / 9ND4.00 / X-ray report received
9b0Q.00 / Laboratory result / 9ND6.00 / Communication from:
9b0R.00 / Mail from patient / 9ND8.00 / IP discharge summary received
9b0T.00 / NHS Direct report / 9NL..00 / Letter from outside agency
9b0Y.00 / Nursing home visit note / 9NN2.00 / Under care of community alcohol team

Screen shot defaults

Listed below are a few screen shots that detail the recommended settings, when scanning in Omnipage 12 using the Correspondence Manager.

Main Screen – Template A4 (Zone area - Very Important) for No2

Main Screen – View menu (Page Image & Thumbnail Images)

Tools menu > Options >All (OCR)


Direct OCR



Custom Layout

Text Editor

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Bradley Sieve Vision 3