Chapter 5

Imperial Breakdown, 1763–1774

Section 1: Imperial Reorganization

1.At the end of the French and Indian War, which country gained possession of East Florida?

2.At the end of the French and Indian War, which country gained possession of Cuba?

3.At the end of the French and Indian War, which country gained possession of Louisiana?

4.Spain expelled which religious order from its colonial dominions?

5.What caused Britons to decide Americans should carry more of England’s financial burden?

6.After the French and Indian War, colonists paid _____ taxes.

7.The Proclamation of 1763 forbade white settlement

8.The Quartering Acts required

9.The Proclamation of 1763 established civilian governments in

Section 2: Indian Affairs

10.The Cherokee War took place where?

11.Pontiac, who led the Indians against the colonists and British troops was a(n) _____ chief.

12.The Paxton Boys massacred a group of which Indians?

13.Who convinced the Paxton Boys to disperse as they threatened the Pennsylvania Assembly?

14.British authorities took advantage of opportunities to ______the American legislatures as early as the 1750s.

15.The Two Penny Act involved Anglican ministers in which colony?

16.In the cases brought by the Two Penny Act, which man defended the colonial government?

17.In 1751, which region was forbidden by Parliament to issue any more of their own currency?

18.The American Revenue Act was commonly known as

19.Who was the British Prime Minister that passed the American Revenue Act in 1764?

20.Which of the following is NOT true about the Sugar Act?

21.Which act was the first to impose an internal tax on the colonies?

22.Who first referred to Americans as “Sons of Liberty”?

Section 3: American Reactions

23.What term describes a general search warrant issued to customs officials in America?

24.Who called the writs of assistance “instruments of slavery”?

25.According to John Locke, rulers have the authority to enforce law

26.Cato’s Letters was written by John Trenchard and

27.This group led opposition to the Stamp Act.

28.Included in the leadership of the Sons of Liberty was

29.He said “when the People are oppressed,” they are “discontented” and are NOT to be blamed.

30.The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 was held in

31.The Stamp Act Congress adopted

Section 4: The Aftermath of the Stamp Act

32.What act was passed by Parliament along with the repeal of the Stamp Act?

33.In 1767, Parliament passed an act suspending which colonial legislature?

34.Vigilante groups formed in North Carolina in the 1760s called themselves

Section 5: The Townshend Crisis

35.Whose ship was named Liberty?

36.Who wrote under the pen name “A Farmer in Pennsylvania”?

37.The “Farmer from Pennsylvania’s” writing was provoked primarily by

38.What was one result of the nonimportation movement, brought about by the Townshend duties?

39.The column “A Journal of the Times” by Samuel Adams recounted the events of

40.Crispus Attucks died during

41.Who led the attack on the British schooner the Gaspee?

42.During the “Quiet Period” Americans drank smuggled tea from

43.The Tea Act of 1773

44.______were formed in Massachusetts and other colonies in the pre-Revolutionary period to keep Americans informed about British measures that would affect the colonies.

45.Aboard what ship did the “Boston Tea Party” take place?

46.Who was Massachusetts’ royal governor at the time of the Boston Tea Party?

47.Who reportedly gave the signal for the Boston Tea Party at Old South Meeting House?

48.The British reacted to the Boston Tea Party by passing

49.The Boston Port Act was part of the

50.Which act allowed the crown to appoint the sheriffs who named juries in Massachusetts?

51.Under the Quebec Act the southern boundary of Quebec became

52.Colonists called the Quebec Act and the Coercive Acts collectively

Section 6: The Road to Revolution

53.The First Continental Congress was held in response to

54.The First Continental Congress was held in

55.The First Continental Congress resulted in

56.Who said “I am NOT a Virginian, but an American” at the First Continental Congress?

57.In the months before the Revolution, those who advocated colonial rights called themselves

58.Those who supported colonial rights condemned their opponents as

59.The Continental Congress created this to organize and enforce sanctions against the British.

60.South Carolina threatened to leave the Continental Congress unless

61.The Suffolk Resolves denounced the Coercive Acts as

62.In the wake of the First Continental Congress, Americans were forced to take sides for and against the

63.This man was the author of Considerations on the Nature and Extent of the Legislative Authority of the British Parliament.


64.Place the following events in the proper order beginning with the earliest.

George III becomes king

Boston Tea Party

Stamp Act passed

Townshend duties imposed

Paxton Boys murder Conestogas.

Short Essays

65.How did the British and the colonists view the French and Indian War differently?

66.What was the Boston Tea Party meant to protest?

67.What events led to the need for the First Continental Congress?

68.How were the taxes enacted in the Stamp Act different than taxes previously imposed on the colonists?

69.Who was hurt by the Quebec Act?

Extended Essays

70.How did the British and the American ways of viewing representative government differ? How did these differences lead to problems between England and America?

71.How did most colonists hope to handle America’s difficulties with England? Why did they hold these views and why did they think such tactics would be successful?

72.What did the British hope to achieve with the Quebec Act?

73.Describe relations between the Indians and the various European and colonial powers in the period just prior to the American Revolution. How did these relations differ from those of earlier periods?

74.How did the British attempt to handle colonial avoidance of duties?