Policy Statement for Bullying

Policy Statement on Behaviour

This policy statement is drawn up to reflect the respect, responsibility and trust we have agreed through the Inspiring Lumsden documentation. This policy includes all children and classes from P1 – P7.

At Lumsden School we believe that we must model respect all one another and foster positive relationships through all our interactions. Taking responsibility for our actionsis an important life skill and as such, we will expect children to learn to take responsibility for their actions and parents to support us in this. Therefore we base our policy on positive reinforcement and use restorative approaches when dealing with situations. Consequences must be measured and must not be used lightly. Bullying in all its forms is dealt with by a separate policy statement.

Rewards...Each class has its own reward system which is drawn up by agreement between the class teacher and the children. This should include rewards for demonstrating good or exemplary behaviour and demonstration of effort in their school work. These should be linked to Inspiring Lumsden.

Consequences…When children have made incorrect choices with their behaviour we discuss their behaviour with them. Generally this will be done by the adult who has witnessed the behaviour. If an issue is deemed to have been of a serious nature the Headteacher will be informed and will become involved as appropriate. A record will be made about a discussion between an adult and child relating to behavioural choices, any form of restoration and if necessary, a consequence. In line with Inspiring Lumsden there may be times when your child will be expected to complete tasks during break or they may be sent home for completion.

Reporting to Parents…If we feel it is necessary we will inform parents if we have had a concern about behaviour. Parents will always be informed if a consequence has been given and if a child has been required to complete tasks outside of class time.

And finally…The majority of children will only experience the positive side of this policy. The policy along with Inspiring Lumsden’s expectations must be regularly shared with children through class discussion and assemblies.