First Presbyterian Church, Temple, TX
Director of Youth Ministry
Job Description
The Director of Youth Ministry shall lead in the development, coordination, oversight, implementation, and evaluation of ministry to youth in grades 6-12, helping the church to fulfill its mission. The Youth Leader shall build relationships with youth, parents, and volunteers through regular weekly gatherings and other ministry settings.
· Must be a committed disciple of Jesus Christ, demonstrating Christian maturity.
· Have a passion for working with youth, helping them to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
· Strong leadership skills.
· Ability to build teams and recruit volunteers.
· Ability to effectively communicate with youth, parents, and church members
· Committed to providing a welcoming, safe, and structured environment for youth, parents, and volunteers.
1. Schedule, plan, lead, and implement a weekly time of ministry for youth that is engaging, spiritually enriching, and well-organized, and that is consistent with the mission principles of the church. Currently the group meets on Wednesday evenings during the school year.
2. Recruit, empower, and lead volunteers to assist in providing ministry to youth.
3. Direct the Youth Ministry Leadership Team.
4. Worship regularly at First Presbyterian Church, and be open to occasional roles in worship leadership.
5. Help to coordinate the Sunday Cross Training youth class.
6. Organize and/or attend retreats, special events, and mission opportunities in coordination with the Youth ministry Leadership Team.
7. Plan, organize, and direct the youth in leading a Youth Sunday worship service once a year in coordination with the Pastor. (This currently is held in the spring after Easter)
8. Plan, organize and direct a week-long mission trip each summer in coordination with the Youth Ministry Leadership Team.
9. Establish and maintain effective communication with youth, parents, and church
10. Encourage youth participation in other activities and ministries of the church.
11. Prepare reports and correspondence as required for the Pastor.
12. Any other function as requested by the Pastor.
· The position of Director of Youth Ministry is a part time paid position, 15 hours per week (including preparation time and one-on-one time with youth).
· Salary will be $800 per month, 11 months per year.
· First Presbyterian Church strongly prefers a commitment of at least two (2) years in order to be most effective in this job.
· The Director of Youth Ministry is accountable to the Pastor and will interact with the Christian Education Committee.
Rev Dr Ken Ritchie, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
12 W French
Temple, TX 76501