Welcome to AP Studio Art!

Dear Students and Parents,

The information below is to help prepare you for the fall 2009 AP Studio Art class.

Course Description:The AP Studio Artcourse is offered as a chance for the visually gifted to excel and receive recognition on a national scale.This course has a variety of enriching possibilities to offer to different students. The students will be creating a college art portfolio that will potentially enable them to receive college credit. This course is a part of the National College Board Advanced Placement Program (AP) and is a collaborative effort between motivated students; dedicated teachers; and committed high schools, colleges and universities. Since its inception in 1955, the program has enabled millions of students to take college-level courses and exams, and to earn college credit or placement, while still in high school. The AP Studio Art course is designed for serious students who are interested in a practical experience of art. It is important to note that AP Studio Art is not based on a written exam; instead, students submit portfolios for evaluation and review at the end of the school year. The benefits are outlined in detail on the AP College Board website:

AP Art Portfolio:The AP Program offers three portfolios: Drawing, 2-D Design, and 3-D Design. The portfolios share a basic, three-section structure, which requires the student to show a fundamental competence and range of understanding in visual concerns (and methods). Each of the portfolios asks the student to demonstrate a depth of investigation and process of discovery through the concentration section (Section II). In the breadth section (Section III), the student is asked to demonstrate a serious grounding in visual principles and material techniques. The quality section (Section I) permits the student to select the works that best exhibit a synthesis of form, technique, and content.

The table below summarizes the section requirements for each of the three portfolios.

Drawing / 2-D Design / 3-D Design
Section I: Quality / Five actual drawings; maximum size is 18" x 24" / Five actual works; maximum size is 18" x 24" / Five works; two images of each one are submitted
Section II: Concentration / 12 images; some may be details / 12 images; some may be details / 12 images; some may be second views
Section III: Breadth / 12 works; one image of each is submitted / 12 works; one image of each is submitted / Eight works; two images of each are submitted

All three sections are required and carry equal weight, but students are not necessarily expected to perform at the same level in each section to receive a qualifying grade for advanced placement. The order in which the three sections are presented is in no way meant to suggest a curricular sequence. The works presented for evaluation may have been produced in art classes or on the student's own time and may cover a period of time longer than a single school year. It is vital to plan ahead so that you can complete the portfolio on time. Additionally it is important to note that work must be photographed. With the exception of the quality section of the 2D & Drawing portfolios, all work will be submitted digitally over the internet. Students will photograph all of their artwork and then upload photos to the AP College Board website for digital submission.

•Your portfolio may include work that you have done over a single year or longer, in class, on your own or in a class other than high school such as one at a museum.

•If you submit work that makes use of photographs, published images, and/or other artists' works, you must show substantial and significant development beyond duplication. This may be demonstrated through manipulation of the formal qualities, design, and/or concept of the original work. It is unethical, constitutes plagiarism, and often violates copyright law to simply copy an image (even in another medium) that was made by someone else.

•Your portfolio will be evaluated by a minimum of three and a maximum of seven artist-educators. Each of the three sections is reviewed independently based on criteria for that section, and each carries equal weight.

•You must follow the detailed specifications listed in the current Course Description and the Studio Art poster. If the guidelines are not followed, your grade report will carry a message saying that your grade is based on an incomplete or otherwise irregular portfolio.

Concentration:You should be thinking about and developing the central idea for your concentration during the summer break. Your concentration will be 12 pieces of related works of art, and will be the focus of the AP Studio Art class in the fall semester. You can access information about the concentration section of the AP Studio Art portfolio at the College Board website under the course description for AP Studio Art (2D design, drawing or 3D design).

Summer Assignment:You are to complete a minimum of 3 projects over the summer as your AP Studio Art class preparation. These assignments will be due the first day of class, when we return from summer break. You will receive a major grade for your summer work. You will receive a list of project ideas and artists to help them as they are creating their summer projects.

Cost of Exam: The AP Exam Fee is approximately $85. (Note: students should not opt out of taking the exam because of the cost- exam fees may be reduced or waived providing the student demonstrates financial need.)

Supplemental Materials:Students may choose to purchase the following materials;

USB Storage Device


Additional art supplies

Portfolio for storing/moving artwork

Local Art Suppliers:

Greens Artof Rochester Michaels Arts and Crafts Utrecht Art Supplies
429 S Main St 1260 S Rochester Rd 28878 Woodward Ave
Rochester, MI48307 Rochester Hills, MI48307 Royal Oak, MI48067

Parents, we thank you for you support in encouraging your son/daughter with their confidence and creative abilities. We ask that you continue to be supportive by having students share their ideas, sketches, and finished works of art with you. We look forward to an awarding time together.


Mrs. Rose & Miss McLean

Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have and questions or comments. .


Please sign and return the lower portion of this letter by June 5th, 2009.


AP Studio Art Agreement

I have read the attached student- parent letter describing the AP Studio Art course and understand and agree to the class description and conditions.

Parent Signature ______Date ______

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent Email (or preferred phone #) ______

Student Email ______