HomeTech Charter School
Governing Board Minutes
August 10, 2015
1.0Opening Business:
1.1Regular meeting was called to order at 3:02 p.m.
Present: Tom BrogdenMichael Ervin
Eric ReinDan Salas
Absent:Bobbi Sanders
1.2Pledge of Allegiance
2.0Mr. Ervin motioned for the approval of the August agenda. Mr. Rein seconded. The board approved.
3.1No comments or reports from the board.
3.2No report from the principal.
4.0Discussion Items
4.1Mr. Ervin will send an all-call to solicit parent volunteers for the open board position after orientations are complete. Once thestatements of interests have been turned in, a ballot will be sent home. The board should expect to have a candidate by the next board meeting.
4.2Dr. Alison Watson has recently moved to Santa Cruz. A new community member will need to be assigned to the board. Mr. Ervin suggested inviting Patty Quedens. Mr. Brogden would like to speak with Jim Dally to see if there would be any interest on his part.
5.0Action Items
5.1Interviews were held today for the part-time elective position. Three applications were submitted but one was withdrawn. The interview committee recommends Danielle Dipietro-Hawkins to the board. Mrs. Dipietro-Hawkins will teach dance, fitness and Italian conversation. Mr. Ervin is also hoping to add culinary arts or music appreciation to this list. Mr. Ervin plans on incorporating an additional ten hours of elective teaching into the schedule. The second candidate would be available to teach film as art and culinary arts. The board would like to survey students in the spring regarding elective class interests. Mr. Brogden motioned for the consideration and approval of hiring Danielle DiPietro-Hawkins as elective teacher. Mr. Salas seconded. The board approved. Mr. Brogdenmotioned to include additional time for the second interviewee, Betty Goodman, if the ten hours is not met with Danielle DiPietro-Hawkins to broaden our elective program. Mr. Salas seconded. The board approved.
5.2Mr. Brogden motioned for the consideration and approval of the resolution given by insurance services, CharterSAFE. The resolution states that HomeTech will join the California Charter Schools Joint Powers Authority. Mr. Salas seconded.
AYES: Dan Salas, Eric Rein, Tom Brogden, and Michael Ervin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Bobbi Sanders
5.3Mr. Ervin added language to the elective contracts including the mandatory sick leave law, which takes effect on July 1, 2015.
1.0Mr. Rein motioned for the consideration and approval of Wendy Lightbody’s contract. Mr. Salas seconded. The board approved.
2.0Mr. Rein motioned for the consideration and approval of Cindy Thompson’s contract for the months of July and August. Mr. Salas seconded. The board approved.
3.0Mr. Salas motioned for the consideration and approval of the elective teacher contract. Mr. Rein seconded. The board approved.
5.4Mr. Brogden motioned for the consideration and approval of the resignation for community board member, Dr. Alison Watson. Mr. Salas seconded. The board approved with much regret. The board would like a letter of appreciation to be sent to Dr. Watson.
6.0Consent Agenda
6.1Mr. Salasmotioned for the approval of item listed under theconsent agenda. Mr. Brogden inquired about the hiring of the county nurse. Mrs. Reinolds contacted BCOE who suggested contracting through PUSD for those services.Adrian Barron and David McCready have been communicating on what would be the better process. The teacher work agreement regarding years of experience granted to newly hired teachers will continue to be tabled until the September board meeting.Mr. Rein seconded. The board approved.
7.0No items from the public.
8.0Next Meeting Date –September 14, 2015 (3:00 p.m.)
Adjourned 3:31 p.m.
Danielle Reinolds