August 10th, 2017
Section 1 Objectives, Structure and Operation of the Regional Stream Technical Assembly (RSTA)
Article 1 - Objectives
1.1.The objectives of the RSTA of the Manitoba Gymnastics Association (MGA) are:
1.1.1.To develop programs to upgrade gymnasts, coaches, and judges at theregional level.
1.1.2.To establish and enforce technical regulations for the conduct of Regional Stream Gymnastics in the Province of Manitoba in accordance with the rules of Gymnastics Canada Gymnastique and with the policies of the MGA.
1.1.3.To upgrade and raise the profile of Women's Gymnastics in Manitoba.
Article 2 - Composition of RSTA
2.1.The Technical Assembly will consist of: Stream Coordinator member competitive club with regional competitive gymnasts shall have the right to appoint one voting representative. Representative (ex-officio) to attend meetings as required when Provincial Stream topics are under consideration.)
2.2.The Executive Director and MGA President are ex-officio, non-voting members.
2.3.To be a member of the RSTA, an individual/club must be a member in good standing of the MGA.
2.4.The Chairperson is elected for a two (2) year term at the MGA Annual General Meeting every uneven year.
2.5.The Regional Stream Coordinator is appointed by the Executive Director.
(Resource Person)
Article 3 - Duties of RSTA
3.1.The functions of the Technical Assembly are:
3.1.1.To be directly responsible to, accountable to and report to the Executive Committee of the MGA, through the Technical Chairperson, on: technical policy short and long-term plans and objectives technical budgets
3.1.2.To appoint sub-assembly, if required.
Article 4 - Duties of RSTA Members
4.1.1.To call and chair all meetings of the Technical Assembly and to ensure that proper minutes of such meetings are kept.
4.1.2.To represent the Technical Assembly at Executive Meetings of the MGA.
4.1.3.To provide leadership and coordination to the Technical Committee and further the objectives of the Assembly and the MGA.
4.1.4.To initiate the formation of sub-assembly as required, through the Technical Committeefor the RegionalAssembly.
4.2.Regional Stream Coordinator
4.2.1.To assume all the duties of the Technical Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson.
4.2.2.To act as Chairperson, should the office of the Chairperson become vacant, until such time as the Executive may appoint a successor.
4.2.3.To be responsible for the improvement of officials in the Regional Stream through such methods as the Assembly may determine.
4.2.4.To be responsible for the judging duties outlined in Section 3 – Article 2 of this document.
4.2.5.To submit Judges’ Minutes/Reports and Judging requests to the RSTA.
4.2.6.To be responsible for the improvement of coaching skills in the Province, in the Regional Stream, through such methods as the Assembly may determine.
4.2.7.To carry out such other duties as the Assembly may assign.
Article 5 - Meetings
5.1.The Technical Assembly shall hold regular meetings at least 2 times per year.
5.2.Observers are welcome to attend meetings, but shall not have the right to speak without permission from the Chair. They will not have the right to vote.
5.3.The Chairperson, or in his/her absence, the Regional Stream Coordinator, shall call all meetings of the Technical Assembly and give five days notice of the meeting by mail, or two days by phone/fax or email.
5.4.Each officer of the Technical Assembly and each member club shall have one vote.
5.5.No proxy votes are allowed.
5.6A minimum of twelve votes will make up a quorum, when the following individuals are in attendance: Chairperson, Regional Stream Coordinator, and clubs other than those represented by Chairpersons. As long as the “Chair’s” club has another representative at the meeting, that club may be included in the number required to form a quorum.
5.7Motions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of votes cast.
5.8.The Chairperson shall have the right to vote on all questions, but in the event of a tie, the motion shall be declared lost.
5.9.The Chairperson reserves the right to place on the agenda items which are presented in written form, prior to the meeting being called to order.
5.10.All meetings will follow rules and regulations in order identified in Roberts Rules of Order.
5.11.Any requests for a decision to be made by the by email must be submitted to the RSTA Chairperson, cc. Executive Director. The Executive Director will circulate the request, receive the votes and distribute the result of the vote delineating each RSTA member’s vote.
Article 6 - Reporting and Responsibility Regulations of the RSTA
6.1.The Gymnastics year, for purposes of these regulations, shall be from the day following the Annual General Meeting to the date of the next Annual General Meeting.
6.2.The Executive Director shall be the recorder of all minutes. The minutes will be distributed to the RSTA within 3 weeks of the meeting.
6.3.The members of the RSTA are responsible for ensuring that their current mailing addresses and e-mail addresses are known to the Chairperson, and shall advise in writing of any changes in address.
6.4.The Chairperson shall present in writing, to the MGA Executive, any motions made by the RSTA requiring ratification by the MGA Executive.
6.5.The Chairperson must present all matters requiring ratification by the MGA Executive in the manner that they have been determined by the Assembly majority.
Article 7 - Changes to the Regional Stream Technical Regulations
7.1.All changes to the Regional Stream Technical Regulations and Appendices must be distributed to the RSTA within 3 weeks of the meeting.
Section 2–Manitoba Competitive Structure
Article 1 - Competition Levels
1.1.Age Classifications:
1.1.1To compete in the Intermediate, Advanced and Pre-Provinciallevels (includes invitational competitions) gymnasts must be 7 years of age as of January 1 of that competitive year. No petitions will be accepted for gymnasts who are younger.
1.1.2To compete in the Beginner level (includes invitational competitions) gymnasts may be 6 years of age as of January 1 of that competitive year. No petitions will be accepted for gymnasts who are younger.
1.1.3Gymnasts will be divided in competitive groups based upon year of birth and number of entries in a particular age group.
Age is as of January 1.
Example only:
9 years and under (born 2006 and later)
10 years (born 2007)
11 years born 2006)
12 years (born 2005)
13 years (born 2004)
14+ years (born 2003 and earlier)
1.2.Competitive Levels:
1.2.1.Compulsory Skills (Regional – Beginner) category is an introduction to competitive gymnastics. This category will provide an opportunity for gymnasts to compete at a beginner level with fewer demands on them and more success for the gymnasts.
1.2.2.Optional (Regional – Intermediate, Advanced, Pre-Provincial) level will provide a gradual progression in preparation for the Provincial Stream by allowing some flexibility in the development of routines and adding more difficulty.
Article 2 - Eligibility for Competitions
2.1.All competitors in MGA Sanctioned competitions must be MGA and GCG members in good standing. An athlete who has paid and registered with MGA is automatically a GCG member.
2.2.All clubs must complete the competitive registration form annually.
2.3.All competitive athletes must be registered as of October 31st or three weeks prior to their first competition.
Article 3 - Club Transfers
3.1.A gymnast must not register with more than one club as a competitive athlete. All gymnasts must wait 90 days before competing for a different club. The 90 day waiting period commences when the written official transfer request is received and date-stamped by the Administrative Assistant at the MGA Office. A written response to the receipt of the transfer request will be sent by the Registrar and to the receiving club within seven calendar days, with copies sent to all clubs.
3.2.A gymnast may compete unattached (implying that she will not wear the uniform of any club for that period) until the 90 days waiting period has elapsed. An unattached gymnast is eligible for awards and team placement, but does not qualify for coach's points in selection of a team coach or for team points in team competition.
3.3.As of August 31, preceding the new competitive season, all gymnasts may register with a club of their choice with no waiting period.
Article 4 - Equipment Standards
4.1.1.The vaulting table must be adjustable to the required height.
4.1.2.It must be stable.
4.1.3Adjacent wall areas should be padded for safety if near the landing area.
4.2.Balance Beam
4.2.1.A padded, stabilized, adjustable beam, free of rips or grooves, is required.
4.2.2.Appropriate mats and landing mats should cover all exposed areas under and around the beam.
4.3.Floor Exercise
4.3.1.A padded floor area must be provided for all meets.
4.4.Beat Boards
4.4.1.All boards should be in good condition and be allowable under FIG regulations.
4.4.2.If a specific board is placed at one event by the host club, it must remain there for all competitors to use if so desired.
4.4.3At the Regional Stream Provincial Championships three boards will be provided for Vault. Coaches will not be allowed to adjust the springs on any of the boards.
4.5.1.Proper and adequate mats must be provided at all events.
4.5.2.Mats must be free of rips.
4.6.Equipment to be used should be listed in the competition information and any regulations that the host club decided upon should be adhered to.
Article 5 - Competitive Rules
5.1.All competitions will follow the 2017-2018 Technical Regulations unless otherwise stated herein.
5.2.Gymnasts must compete on an All Around basis.
5.3.Final score sheets of any competition (including every competitor) should be typed, or clearly printed and distributed, by the Head Scorer, immediately to the Executive Director, Head Judge, and one copy for each participating club. Score sheets should indicate: Name/Club/AA/ Olympic order for event results - Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor.
5.4.For all Regional Stream Competitions including Invitational and Provincial Championships, a refund will be given upon receipt of a medical certificate, less an administration fee as determined by the host club (amount of fee will be written in the invitation/registration package for the competition) up to the beginning of the competition.
5.5.A coach may request clarification from the event Head Judge after the completion of the meet.
5.6.Coaches and athletes on the competition floor must be located sufficiently away from any judge so as not to hinder deliberation or hinder the confidentiality of a judge's conference, as enforced by the Meet Director.
5.7.Each club participating in the Regional Stream Program must have at least one Level 1 NCCP or Gymnastics Foundations certified coach present at the competition. It is recommended that all coaches on the competitive floor have at least Gymnastics Foundations “trained” status. The registration form for each competition must have a space to list the coaches who will accompany the gymnasts and their level of certification.
5.8.General Warm Up = 15 minutes
Beginner and Intermediate
45 seconds beam
30 seconds bars/floor
2 vaults (No time Limit)
1 minute beam
50 seconds bars
30 seconds floor
2 vaults (No time Limit)
Pre - Provincial
1:30 beam
30seconds bars
30 seconds floor
2 vaults (No time Limit)
5.9.Vault Competition - Gymnasts may attempt 1 or 2 vaults. If a second vault (same or different) is attempted/performed, the score of the second vault is the FINAL score, regardless of the results.
Article 6 - MGA Competitions
6.1Regional Stream Provincial Championships
6.1.1 Provincial Champions in the Regional Intermediate, Advanced and Pre-Provincial
will be determined by this competition.
6.1.2All competitors in MGA sanctioned competitions must be GCG members in good standing.
6.1.3.Gymnasts must compete on an All Around basis.
6.1.4.Equipment: As specified in Article 4.
6.1.5.Any entry sent after the registration deadline will not be accepted.
6.1.6.The registration fee for the Regional Stream Provincial Championships will not exceed $85.00 and must accompany the registration form.
6.1.7.The potential host of Regional Stream Provincial Championships will rotate amongst the regions. If none of the clubs within the region can host the meet, the next region’s clubs can bid to host. Swan River will be part of the North Region. The Winnipeg region will be considered two regions due to the number of clubs within its geographical area. The order is as follows going forward:
2018 North
2019 East
2020 South
2022 West
Article 7 - Sanctioning
7.1.All meets held in Manitoba and utilizing MGA officials on a formal basis must be sanctioned by paying the mandatory MGA sanction fees as per MGA Policy and must follow the MGA Sanction Policy.
7.2.All requests for sanction must be submitted to the MGA office by September 1 for the upcoming competitive season. Late sanction requests will be accepted if it is possible to allocate a date for the competition.
Article 8 - Awards
8.1It is recommended that every attempt is made to keep the competitive groups small to ensure as many gymnasts as possible receive awards.
8.2Beginner’ Category
8.2.1.All gymnasts will be awarded a Gold, Silver, or Bronze ribbon on each event and in the All Around.
8.2.2 Awards:
Bronze 79.9% and under 7.9/10
8.2.3Event Ribbons
All event ribbons will be placed in an envelope with the gymnast’s name on it. The envelope should be given to each club coach and they will hand the envelopes out to their gymnasts.
8.3.Intermediate/Advanced/Pre-Provincial Categories
8.3.1Top ½ of participants on events and to the top ½ participants all around.
8.3.2Groups should not be larger than 40.
In smaller groups – less than 5 – awards to minimum 3rd – fill the podium
Article 9 – Mobility – Qualifying Score to Move Up
9.2There is no qualifying out score for Beginner.
9.3Intermediate/Advanced/Pre-Provincial - Achieve an all-around score of 35.00 AA at one invitational and at Provincials or at 3 invitational meets. Any gymnast who wins a Provincial title must also move up to the next category i.e. Top Advanced overall.
9.4It is not recommended moving a gymnast up who has not yet achieved an overall score of at least 30.00. This is an average score of 7.5/10 per event
9.5Gymnasts may not move down a level after competing in a sanctioned meet in the province.
9.6Maximum training time for Beginner to Advanced is 6 hours per week (not including summer programs or Christmas and Spring break).
9.7Maximum training time for Pre-Provincial is 8 hours per week (not including summer programs or Christmas and Spring break).
9.8If a club is advertising in a brochure/on website, etc. or if it is known that a gymnast is training more than the maximum training time per week the MGA Executive Director will be notified so that the rule can be addressed again with the offending club.
9.9If a gymnast is competing in another discipline of gymnastics – i.e. trampoline, the time spent training for this event will not be counted in the number of hours per week a Regional Stream gymnast trains.
Section 3– Judging Regulations and Policies
Article 1 - Organization and Structure
1.1.See Judging Regulations located in WTC Technical Regulations document.
Article 2 - Duties of the Regional Coordinator
2.1.Regional Coordinator
2.1.1 Creates judging panels for various Regional Stream Competitions.
2.1.2. Recommends up and coming Regional Judges for Side Judges at Panels.
2.1.3.Responsible for the planning of Judging clinics, courses, (development of materials, videos, workbooks, etc.) and meetings for the Regional Stream.
2.1.4.Distributes pertinent information to Regional Judges.
2.1.5. To act as, or appoint, the Chief Judge at MGA Regional competitions.
2.1.6. To submit judging panels and post meet reports to the P/T Chairperson for completion of records.
2.1.7.To resolve any concerns and upon completion, forward any written criticisms from coaches, meet conveners, etc., regarding the judging system or any individual judge to the P/T Chairperson.
2.1.8To gather and submit all Regional judging reports to the P/T Judging Chairperson for entry into the Provincial Standings Record.
2.1.9.To attend WTC P/T meetings in the absence of the P/T Chairperson.
2.1.10.To actively promote the upgrading and mentorship of upcoming Regional Level Judges.
2.1.11.Submit to the P/T Chairperson a Year End report on the status of the Regional Program within the Province detailing new judges, meets held, education and programs that were planned and held.
2.1.12.Liaise with all Regional Stream Clubs with regards to any Judging issues or inquiries and provide a written report to the P/T Chairperson.
2.1.13To provide support for other Judging Coordinators when need be.
Article 3 - Requirements
4.1.1.The MGA judging uniform for all MGA sanctioned meets:
- Dark or navy blue pants or skirt
- Plain white blouse
- Dark or navy Blazer
- Soft soled shoes (sockettes, or gym slippers preferable)
4.2.Judging Record Book
4.2.1.The judging record book should contain the following information: list of all meets judged including date, level, apparatus and any comment. list of all clinics attended throughout the year, the level of the clinic and the subject. list of all time spent as observation hours in the gym. The judge should obtain authorization where necessary.
4.2.2.The judging record book should be submitted to the Regional Stream Coordinator in June of every year for checking, recording and determining if the judge has fulfilled her judging requirements, and to be filed at the MGA office. It is the responsibility of every judge to record all of her judging assignments throughout the year.
Article 4 - Honorarium
5.1.Honorarium (Responsibility of Host Club)
5.1.1.The honorarium for all competitions (eg. schools, universities and clubs) will be as follows:
Judge’s Level / # of Gymnasts/Session / Honorarium AmountRegional 1 / 32-40 / $15.00
Regional 2 / 32-40 / $20.00
Regional 3 / 32-40 / $25.00
Regional 3 – Year 2 / 32-40 / $27.00
Regional Master Judge / 32-40 / $30.00
JO Level 5-8 / 32 / $30.00
JO Level 9-10 / 32 / $35.00
National JO 10 / 24 / $40.00
National HP / 24 / $45.00
Brevet / 24 / $50.00
5.1.2.Definition of a Session:
Beginner and IntermediateUp to 40 gymnasts=1 session
41 - 48 gymnasts=1.5 sessions
49 - 60 gymnasts =2 sessions
Up to 32 gymnasts=1 session
33 - 50 gymnasts= 1.5 sessions
5.1.3.The Host Club will also pay out of town judges per diem, mileage and accommodations, as per MGA regulations. Host clubs should budget approximately $8.00 from the registration fee to be used towards officials’ costs.