WIAA Track and Field Sectional- Division 2
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Fitzpatrick Field, Little ChuteHigh School
3:00 p.m. Field Events 3:00, Running Events 3:45
Track Coaches & Athletic Directors of Participating Schools: Amherst, Berlin, Bonduel, Brillion, Cedar Grove-Belgium, Chilton, Clintonville, Denmark, Fox Valley Lutheran, Freedom, Howards Grove, Kewaunee, Kiel, Kohler/Sheboygan County Christian, Little Chute, Luxemburg-Casco, Marinette, Mishicot, New Holstein, Nekoosa, Oconto, Oconto Falls, Omro,Oostburg,Peshtigo, Roncalli, St. Lawrence Seminary (boys only), Seymour, Sheboygan Falls, Southern Door, Sturgeon Bay, Two Rivers, Valders, Waupaca, Wautoma (girls), Wautoma/Faith Christian Academy (boys only), Winneconne, Wrightstown, Xavier
From: Anna Maass, Little Chute High School Athletic Director
Location: Little ChuteHigh School
1402 Freedom Road
Little Chute, WI 54140
Directions: The Little Chute High School track is located at 1402 Freedom Road, Little Chute and is ½ mile south of Hwy 41 by taking the Hwy N exit #146. .
Parking: Buses are asked to park in St. Luke’s Church parking lot. Please drop athletes off at the track and exit right onto Hwy N, right onto Florida Ave., right again onto Taylor Street and left onto Greenfield St. to St. Luke’s Church parking lot. All other vehicles should park in the HS parking lot west of the field.
Track: 8-lane rubberized surface with 9-lane straight-away. The long jump, triple jump, and pole vault runway/approaches are also a rubberized surface (up to ¼” spikes are allowed on the track). There will be a coach’s box for high jump, pole vault, triple jump & long jump. You must have a field event coaching pass to enter the high jump area.
Team Scoring: Team scoring will consist of 8 places – 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
Awards: Plaque awarded to championship team (boys and girls)
Medals awarded to 1st, 2nd 3rd and 4th place finishers in individual and relay events
Extra qualifier medals will come from the WIAA
Meet Referee: Linda Kassera
Field Referee: Dane Clark
Starters: David Weidemann, Robert Barbarich
Meet Manager: Dan Valentyn
Jury of Appeals: Boys –OcontoFalls (Brillion-alt)
Girls–Two Rivers (FVL-alt)
Clerk of Course:Brian Gloudemans& Dave Janssen
Admission: Competing athletes and 3 additional individuals (coaches, managers, etc.) will be able to enter free of charge. ALL others must pay admission of $5.00 (adults, students & senior citizens). Children 6 and under are free.
Supervision/Team CampSet-up: Coaches are responsible for all team members. Any teams wishing to set-up tents are asked to do so on the east side of the track. Please require athletes, coaches and spectators from your school to stay off the infield when not competing, and inform them about restricted/unrestricted areas at the site, per the WIAA rules. Please see the enclosed map to view designated team set-up area.
Timing & Results: We will use Ade Timing for the meet. Results will be announced and available on-line as soon as possible after the meet via the WIAA website. At the site results will also be posted on the board across from the concession stand near the main ticket entrance.
Running Events: All runners will be assigned a hip number. Only the anchor of the relays will be assigned a hip number. Hip numbers will be distributed at the tent in front of the blue storage shed. Qualifying from trials to finals will be the winner in each heat plus the next fastest times from any heat until all eight/nine lanes are filled. Sections will be conducted in the remaining running events based on the “best times”.
Field Events: Preliminaries will be conducted in the Shot Put, Discus, Triple Jump and the Long Jump. Each competitor will receive three trials. A strict 15 minute time limit for checking out will be enforced. In the long jump and triple jump, preliminaries will be one hour. Finalists will be announced as soon as possible. Finals will begin at noted time on the Meet Schedule page.
The best nine will qualify for finals. The finalists will receive three additional trials with the winning distance coming from either the preliminaries or the finals. The “open pit” system will be used for the preliminaries for the long and triple jumps. The “five alive” system will be used for the high jump and pole vault events.
The starting height for the Pole Vault and the High Jump shall be determined by using the eighth best athlete and then subtracting two increments.
Bull Pen: The bull pen is located at the north end of the straight away by the blue storage shed. Access will be through the blue storage shed.Athletes are not allowed to loiter in the shed after reporting. Athletes failing to report will NOT be called.
Time Schedule: 1:00pmHigh School Track and Field will be open for teams and
athletes to enter. Please make sure all competing athletes
and the 3 additional (managers and/or coaches) get their
hands stamped by the personnel at the entrance.
1:55pmScratches due in the high school field house
2:00pmImplement check-in at door #20 of the high school building.
All implements to be used in the shot put and discus MUST be checked in, verified and marked by meet workers at door #20 from 2:00-2:30. Any implement not approved may be picked up AFTER the conclusion of the entire meet at the numbers tent. Instructions will be announced at the site regarding pole vault poles.
2:00pmCoaches meeting will be held in the north end of the field house. Please enter door #18.ALL building doors will be locked after the meeting.(No athletes are allowed in the field house)
2:57pmNational Anthem
3:00pmAll field events start (All running events start at 3:45pm)
*Boys pole vault first
*Boys triple jump first
*Boys discus first
*Girls high jump first
*Girls long jump first
*Girls shot put first
Rain Date: If the meet manager and meet referee together feel weather conditions are life-threatening or injurious to participants, they may postpone competition to the next day, Friday, May 27. For any sectional competition which is postponed to the next day, there will be no opportunity for additional qualifiers in the events conducted on the alternate date. Any competition stopped because of adverse weather must be continued from the point of interruption. All trials and marks made up to the point of suspension or the moving of an event indoors must stand.
Rules and Regulations: National Federation of State High School Association 2015-2016 Track and Field Rules with WIAA adaptations.
Time Limit for Excused Competitor: Competitors excused to compete in another event have a maximum of 15 minutes from the time they are excused until they must make themselves available for their next trial.
Sectional T-Shirts: Cost is $15.00. Eagle Graphics will be available for personalization at an additional cost.
Videotaping: The use of videotaping or other television equipment shall not be used by the meet manager or jury of appeals to determine disqualifications or officiating decisions. Please remind all your athletes that no stereos, stereo components or other radio equipment are allowed on the grounds as well as Frisbees, footballs, etc.
Heat Sheets & Flight Sheets: Upon check-in prior to the coaches meeting each team will receive a packet with TWO copies of a booklet with the heat sheets & flight sheets. If you want additional copies, the info may be downloaded and printed via the following website at The information will be available by late Tuesday afternoon unless a regional meet is postponed to Tuesday.
FieldEventPass – Coaches or Media: Each team with a participant in the high jump, triple jump, long jump & pole vault will receive ONE pass for the coach’s box near the competition. Media members who would like to be near the field events MUST obtain a pass.
Locker Rooms: Will not be available. Athletes should arrive dressed to compete.
Trainer: Ashley Herriges from Thedacare Orthopedic Care will be available during the meet.
Concessions: Full concessions will be available in the concession stand.
Media: Results will be available on the WIAA website immediately following the meet.
Coaches, please review rules in the WIAA 2016Track & Field Tournament booklet.
If you have any questions, please contact Little Chute Athletic Department at 920-788-7618or Anna Maass directly at 920-470-3816 the day of the meet.
Note - a LCHS facility map is in its own pdf.
Qualifiers for State - In Divisions 2 and 3 the first four finishers in each event from each Sectional advance, and, Extra Qualifiers may also advance; see the WIAA web site.
The 2016 State Meet will be held on Friday-Saturday June 3-4, at the University of Wisconsin in La Crosse.
2016Schedule of Events
WIAA Sectional Track & Field at Little Chute - Thursday May 26
1:55Scratches due in high school field house
2:00Coaches Meeting in high school field house
Implement check-in inside shed near the track until 2:30
2:57National Anthem
3:20Warm-up in field events will end and competitors will check in and be given final instructions.
3:00*Boys pole vault first
*Boys triple jump first
*Boys discus first
*Girls high jump first
*Girls long jump first
*Girls shot put first
These events will be contested first, followed by the other gender when the
event is completed.Wheelchair Shot Put competes with the appropriate gender.
3:451600 Meter Coed Wheelchair
3200 Meter Relay (Girls)
3200 Meter Relay (Boys)
100 Meter Dash (Girls)
100 Meter Dash (Boys)
100 Meter High Hurdles (Girls)
110 Meter High Hurdles (Boys)
200 Meter Dash (Girls)
200 Meter Dash (Boys)
**15 minute break**
100 Meter High Hurdles (Girls)
110 Meter High Hurdles (Boys)
100 Meter Coed Wheelchair
100 Meter Dash (Girls)
100 Meter Dash (Boys)
1600 Meter Run (Girls)
1600 Meter Run (Boys)
800 Meter Relay (Girls)
800 Meter Relay (Boys)
400 Meter Coed Wheelchair
400 Meter Dash (Girls)
400 Meter Dash (Boys)
400 Meter Relay (Girls)
400 Meter Relay (Boys)
300 Meter Low Hurdles (Girls)
300 Meter Intermediate Hurdles (Boys)
800 Meter Run (Girls)
800 Meter Run (Boys)
800 Meter Coed Wheelchair
200 Meter Dash (Girls)
200 Meter Dash (Boys)
3200 Meter Run (Girls)
3200 Meter Run (Boys)
1600 Meter Relay (Girls)
1600 Meter Relay (Boys)