Oregon Department of Education
Schoolwide Plan
Scoring Guide
February 2009
Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation
Oregon Department of Education
255 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97310-0203
Title I-A Schoolwide Program Plan Scoring Guide
District School
Building Principal Phone
District Contact Phone
List the Names and Titles of the District Review Team Members that reviewed the Schoolwide Program Plan.
Name & Title
Name & Title
Name & Title
Date of District Review
1. The district must approve each Schoolwide Program Plan before the plan can be implemented. The district Title I-A Coordinator, together with the District’s Review Team, must read the planning document and make recommendations regarding the viability of the Schoolwide Plan under consideration.
2. When reviewing the Schoolwide Plan, reviewers must take into consideration that each program component must be addressed in the Schoolwide Plan in order to meet the legal requirements for implementation. The Scoring Guide is aligned with the Schoolwide Written Plan and describes the requirements of schoolwide planning based on NCLB.
3. The Schoolwide Plan and a copy of the Schoolwide Plan Scoring Guide are then submitted to the Oregon Department of Education.
4. Oregon Department of Education will review the plan to ensure all legal criteria are met, and to make recommendations to implement, implement with modifications, or to delay implementation of the Schoolwide Plan.
5. Oregon Department of Education will provide written feedback and/or acknowledgment of receipt of the Schoolwide Plan. The district and school make any final revisions or adjustments to the Plan.
6. The district has the responsibility to make the final decision as to whether the school will implement the Schoolwide Plan. A final, district approved plan should be submitted by the district to ODE.
7. The district is required to maintain copies of all implemented Schoolwide Program Plans along with the review criteria and review team recommendations. The original plan, review criteria and team recommendations should be retained on file at the school site, as well.
8. The district is required to do an annual review of all implemented Schoolwide Program Plans.
Title I-A Schoolwide Program Plan Review and Scoring Guide
Summary for ______School
The following is a summary of those items that demonstrate legal compliance of a Schoolwide Plan. If one or more boxes are not checked below, please review closely the Scoring Guide items that need to be in place. These items need to be included and resubmitted to the district before your plan may be legally implemented.
Criteria Met
NumberContact Information is complete
Assurances are signed by district contact
Poverty level (as determined by district) is at least 40%
District Review Team signatures are complete
Schoolwide Program Planning
A. Planning Team
B. Schoolwide Planning Summary
C. Communication
D. Technical Assistance
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Inquiry Process
Instructional Program/Research-based Strategies
Student Assessment of Progress
Student Assistance
Professional Development
Highly Qualified Staff
Family and Community Involvement Strategies
Transition Strategies for Students
Coordination and Integration of Services and Programs
On-going Plan to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Schoolwide Plan
Fiscal Coordination
Action Plans
Schoolwide Plan Review Team Recommendation
_____ Implement (All legal requirements are met, and team had no significant recommendations for modifications)
_____ Implement with modifications (All legal requirements are met, but see comments for recommendations)
_____ Delay implementation (All legal requirements are not met. See comments)
Title I-A Schoolwide Program Plan Review and Scoring Guide
Each required component of a Title I-A Schoolwide Program Plan is listed at the top of each section of this Scoring Guide, along with a brief citation from section 1114 of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001. The District Review Team will determine whether the plan meets the legal criteria for each component, and will check the appropriate line.
Contact Information
___ Contact information is complete.
___ Poverty rate meets federal requirements.
___ District contact signature on Assurances page is complete.
___ District Review Team signature(s) on Assurances page is complete.
Schoolwide Planning Process
A. Planning Team
The Schoolwide Plan was developed by a team, including teachers, classified staff, building administrators, parents, and others who will carry out the plan, and where appropriate community members, business partners and students. [NCLB Act Sec. 1114 (B)(ii)]
Legal Requirement: ___ Met ___ Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ At least one participant per category is included.
___ Positions of participants are listed.
B. Schoolwide Planning Summary
The Schoolwide Plan was developed during a one-year period. [NCLB Act Sec. 1114 (B)(i)]
Legal Requirement: ___ Met ___ Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ The planning process was thorough and description of the process is provided.
___ Meeting dates are included.
___ Agenda topics are included.
___ Participants from all stakeholder groups are included.
C. Communication
The Schoolwide Plan was developed with the involvement of parents and other members of the community to be served and individuals who will carry out such plan, including teachers, principals, and administrators. [NCLB Act Sec. 1114 (B)(ii)]
Legal Requirement: ___ Met ___ Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ Information was shared with entire staff, parents, community, and district.
___ Feedback was obtained from entire staff, parents, community, and district.
___ Percentage of staff support is included and indicates strong support for the completed Schoolwide Plan.
___ There is a description of the process used for determining the level of staff support of this plan.
D. Technical Assistance
The Schoolwide Plan must be developed in consultation with the local educational agency and its school support team or other technical assistance provider. [NCLB Act Sec. 1114 (b)(2)(A)]
Legal Requirement: ___ Met ___ Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ Dates of technical assistance are included.
___ Technical assistance was provided during the planning process.
___ Type of assistance is described and appears to be of high quality.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school (including taking into account the needs of migratory children as defined in section 1309(2)) that is based on information which includes the achievement of children in relation to the State academic content standards and the State student academic achievement standards described in section 1111(b)(1). [NCLB Act Sec. 1114 (b)(1)(A)]
Legal Requirement: ___ Met ___ Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ Description of school and community is included.
___ Description of needs assessment process is included.
___ Summary of strengths and weaknesses is included.
___ Data Collection Worksheets are attached.
___ Data Analysis Worksheets are attached.
___ Prioritization of Needs Worksheets are included.
Inquiry Process
The Schoolwide Plan uses effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research. [NCLB Act Sec. 1114 (b)(1)(B)(ii)]
Legal Requirement: ___ Met ___ Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ Description of process used to identify reasons for needs and possible solutions/strategies is given.
___ Description of the investigation of scientifically research based solutions and solutions with evidence of effectiveness are included.
___ Description of visitations conducted is included.
___ Description of how input was gathered from staff and parents.
___ Description of how solutions match priority needs is included.
Instructional Program /Research-Based Strategies
The Schoolwide Program shall use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research that:
I. Strengthen the core academic program in the school;
II. Increase the amount and quality of learning time, such as providing an extended school year and before and after school and summer programs and opportunities, and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum, and
III. Include strategies for meeting the educational needs of historically underserved populations. [NCLB Act Sec 1114 (b)(B)(I(II)(III)]
Legal Requirement: ___Met ___Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ Description of key components of the instructional program is included.
___ Description of how priority needs are being addressed
___ Explanation of how the school will organize and deliver instruction is included.
___ A school schedule is included in the plan.
Student Assessment of Progress
The Schoolwide Plan includes measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments to provide information on, and to improve, the achievement of individual students and the overall instructional program and to ensure that students’ difficulties are identified on a timely basis and to provide sufficient information on which to base effective assistance. [NCLB Act Sec. 1114 (b)(H)(I)]
Legal Requirement: ___ Met ___ Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ SMART goals are determined.
___ Student Assessments are determined.
___ Information regarding the assessments (frequency, training) is included.
___ Description of how staff will use the student assessments to guide instruction is included.
___ Description of how teachers are included in the decisions of academic assessments is included.
Student Assistance
The Schoolwide Program shall use activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards required by NCLB are provided with effective, timely additional assistance. [NCLB Act 1114(b)(1)(I)
Legal Requirement: ___Met ___Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ Explanation of how the school will identify students experience difficulty is included.
___ A description of how timely assistance and services will be provided for struggling learners is included.
___ Description of how the needs of special populations are addressed.
Professional Development
The Schoolwide Plan provides high-quality and ongoing professional development for teachers, principals, and paraprofessionals and, if appropriate, pupil services personnel, parents, and other staff to enable all children in the school to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards. [NCLB Act Sec. 1114 (b) (D)]
Legal Requirement: ___ Met ___ Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ Professional development activities are included.
___ Description of how the professional development activities will improve student achievement is included.
___ Description of how professional development meets the priority needs of the school is included.
____ Description of the on-going and embedded support to professional development is included.
Highly Qualified Staff
Each local educational agency receiving assistance under this part shall develop a plan to ensure that all teachers teaching within the school district served by the local educational agency are highly qualified not later than the end of the 2005-2006 school year. [NCLB Act Sec. 1119 (a)(3)]
Each local educational agency receiving assistance under this part shall develop a plan to ensure that all paraprofessionals working in a program supported with Title IA funds are highly qualified. [NCLB Act Sec. 1119 (c) and 1119(d)]
Legal Requirement: ___ Met ___ Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ Principal Attestation Form is signed and included.
___ Strategies to recruit high quality, Highly Qualified teachers are included.
___ Strategies to retain high quality, Highly Qualified teachers are included.
Family and Community Involvement Strategies
The Schoolwide Plan provides strategies to increase parental involvement as described in Sec. 1118. [NCLB Act Sec. 1114 (b)(F)] (See this section for detailed description of parent involvement requirements.)
Legal Requirement: ___ Met ___ Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ Strategies to increase meaningful parent involvement that lead to improved student achievement are included.
___ Strategies to increase parent involvement in decision-making and evaluation of the Schoolwide Plan is included.
___ A description of the process used with parents regarding students who have not met academic standards is included.
___ Description of how parent compact was developed is included.
___ Copies of parent compacts in relevant languages are included.
___ Description of the community collaboration and partnerships that enhance student achievement is included.
Transition Strategies for Students
The Schoolwide Plan describes plans for assisting children in transition from early childhood programs, other transitions, and coordination and integration with Federal, State, and local services and programs. [NCLB Act Sec. 1114 (b)(1)(G)(J)]
Legal Requirement: ___ Met ___ Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ Description of transitions for pre-school into primary (if applicable) is included.
___ Examples of other transitions are included, if applicable.
___ Description of coordination with other community programs and agencies is included.
Coordination and Integration of Services and Programs
The Schoolwide Program describes plans for assisting children in transition from early childhood programs, other transitions, and coordination and integration with Federal, State, and local services and programs. [NCLB Act Sec. 1114 (b)(1)(G)(J)]
Legal Requirement: ___ Met ___ Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ Description of coordination and integration of federal and state programs and other local services are included.
___ Description of district support for schoolwide implementation is included.
___ Evidence provided that Migrant and/or American Indian parents have given consent to use Title I-C and/or Title VII funds in the Schoolwide Program, if applicable.
On-going Plan to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Schoolwide Plan
The Schoolwide Plan shall be in effect for the duration of the school’s participation and reviewed and revised by the school. [NCLB Act Sec. 1114 (b)(2)(B)(iii)]
Legal Requirement: ___ Met ___ Not Met
There is evidence that…
___ Description of the process and timeline to be used to annually evaluate the plan is included.
___ The Review Team members are identified and how they were chosen is included.
___ Description of the process to ensure the changes will be made and progress is being made toward the goals is included.