Minutes of the 65th Council Meeting Held on 29th November, 2012, at Lex House, Lusaka
14.00 hours (Lusaka Time)
Name / Company / PositionCOUNCILLORS:
Gilbert Temba / IEL Ltd / President/ MMEWD-GRZ Liaison Communication & Cadastre Affairs Sub Committee Leader
Andrew Goode / Denison Mines / Secretary &Uranium Explorers & Producers
Sub Committee Leader
Geoffrey Mulenga / Blackthorn Resources / Treasurer – Administration, Finance & Membership Sub Committee Leader
Nic J Money / Individual / Oil, Gas & Coal sub Committee Leader
Hugh Carruthers / FQM Ltd / Member
Osbert Sikazwe / UNZA School of Mines / Dean/ Affiliate/Training Career Development Sub Committee Leader
Simon Nkemba / AER / Member
Marc Kalemba / FSSMAZ / President/Affiliate
Getrude Phiri / FSSMAZ / Publicity Media Liaison/ Affiliate
Edith Lukwesa / AZMEC / Office Manager
Alex Matthews / MMG Zambia Ltd / MoMEWD-GRZ Liaison Communication & Cadastre Affairs Sub Committee
Willie Sweta / Zambezi Resources/Mwembeshi / PP/MMEWD-GRZ Liaison Communication & Cadastre Affairs Sub Committee
Julian Green / GeoQuest Ltd / Website Development & Maintenance
Sub Committee Leader
Roger Staley / Barrick/Lumwana / Member/Training, Career Development Sub Committee
Paul Hardy / Ausdrill Zambia / Training & Career Development Sub
Committee Leader
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and special welcome to Simon Nkemba, who is a representative of African Energy Resources, the meeting was called to order at 14.30 hours.· Summary Noting and Adoption of Minutes of the 64th Council Meeting – Minutes of the last Council meeting were read, corrected and adopted.
· Matters Arising Previous Minutes:- to be discussed with main agenda items.
/ MMEWD – GRZ Liaison Communications & Cadastre Affairs Sub Committee· AZMEC / CMZ / MMEWD Proposed Amendments to the Mines & Minerals Development Act 2008 : it was reported that the proposed follow up meeting with the Minster to discuss the highlighted maters and other pertinent issues affecting industry has not yet taken place. It was felt that due to the importance of the issues to be discussed, every effort should be made to secure this meeting. (the Chairman/President to follow up appointment with the Minister and inform councilors).
· Cadastre Affairs: AZMEC is still concerned with the Mining Cadastre Unit going on line live from 31st March, 2013, before the system is fully updated, validated and functional in order for it to serve its intended purpose. It was proposed and agreed that this should be brought to the attention of the Minister during the proposed meeting and discuss in detail and emphasise their concerns. Issues surrounding the MCU database, e.g., un-updated company information, expired licences, etc was also discussed. It was also recognized that the problems in the operations of the MCU date as far back as the 2008 moratorium, but have since worsened hence the need to bring this to the attention of the Minster and demand an explanation.
· Business Lunches with Senior Officials at MMEWD: the Chairman informed the meeting that during discussions with the Permanent Secretary, this issue was discussed and as a follow up an invitation proposing lunch dates, 23rd and 30th November was sent. A response has not yet been received from PS, it was proposed that the Chairman follow this up.
· Tripartite Meetings between MMEWD, CMZ and AZMEC: to follow up with the CMZ and find out if any meetings have been arranged with the Ministry.
· Policy Monitoring and Resource Centre (PMRC) : Hugh Carruthers informed the meeting that PMRC a think-tank of PF, formed to formulate policy has proposed to hold a mining symposium which will take place probably in late January 2013 and AZMEC is invited to participate.
· PF Mining Symposium: the PF plan to hold a mining symposium on an undetermined date but as soon as practically possible to get stakeholders together. Hugh Carruthers has proposed that AZMEC as an association be part of this think-tank instead of individual companies in order to work collectively and represent exploration/mining industry as a whole. This group will come up with a list of critical items which require attention. AZMEC also felt that they should use this fora to engage Members of Parliament on issues relating to Cadaster affairs, e.g. Tenure, Licences, Water Act, Land Reforms, Mining Rights verses Land Rights, Uranium Regulations, etc
· ZEMA Issues: it was reported that even though a board is in place and things are moving, it was still challenging to get any response from the officials at ZEMA on pending issues.
/ Finance, Membership & Administration Sub CommitteeFINANCE REPORT
DATE / 26/10/2012 / % / 29/11/2012 / % / MATURITY
US$ / 84,295.43 / 82,092.43
ZMK / 60,579,415.22 / 9,256,408.82
91 DAYS / 114,923,934.43 / 12.5 / 114,923,934.43 / 12.5 / 03/12/2012
91 DAYS / 134,844,934.43 / 12.5 / 134,844,934.43 / 12.5 / 07/01/2013
The Treasurer once again consulted the council with regards to the change in financial year end, the council said this should be table at the next Annual General Meeting.
· OFFICE ACCOMMODATION: it was reported to the council that two floors (3rd and 5th) at Mpile House were inspected and it was felt that the 5th floor was more suitable for AZMEC’s requirements. The issue of the insecurities surrounding Lex house was again discussed and it was felt that due to these insecurities it was best to move to a more secure place. It was therefore proposed and agreed that AZMEC commits to signing the lease agreement with Saturnia Regna Pension Trust fund for the 5th floor at Mpile house. (Andrew Goode and Edith Lukwesa to follow up on lease).
· ZIMEC Funds: the sharing of these funds has not yet been discussed with the President of the Chamber. (President to follow up with his counterpart at CMZ).
· New Office Personnel: The subcommittee reported that the Job Description is in place. It was also reported that the process of interviewing and recruitment requires more time and that this should start early next year. (Subcommittee to follow up early January).
/ Training & Career Development Sub Committee· Proposed Courses by Snowden: it was reported that Snowden are agreeable to come week beginning 11th March in Lusaka and the Copperbelt. Issues around quality of courses and value for money were also discussed. It was proposed and agreed that the subcommittee review the value, quality and cost, and also recommend what fees should be charge to attendees, e.g. members and non-members. . (Subcommittee of Osbert Sikazwe, Roger Staley and Julian Green to review course as above and make recommendations).
· Workshop on Vocational Training in Zambia Organised by Embassy of Sweden held on 4th – 5th October: Osbert Sikazwe informed the council that he was part of this meeting and the proposal from this meeting was for the proposed committees to come up with respective reports and report back to the AusAid.
/ Publicity & Public Relations Sub Committee:· ZIMEC 2013: the Chairman gave a brief report of his meeting with the Permanent Secretary at MMEWD on ZIMEC 2013. He also went on to inform the council that since ZIMEC has become permanent on the Zambian calendar, there was need to improve on the conference structure and proceedings, the Ministry and AZMEC to propose topics for the program.
· Mining Film/Documentary Production: proposed AZMEC and CMZ to share 2 documentaries each and make payment accordingly.
/ Website Development & Maintenance Sub Committee· General Update: on going.
/ Uranium Explorers and Producers Sub Committee· General Update: no change, prices continue to go down. The outcome/report from the workshop has been submitted to the Ministry and still awaiting Permanent Secretary’s reaction in order to make further progress. It was also felt that AZMEC should sound the Minister that if prices went up, mining will start. Uranium Mining Regulations should also be included on the proposed PF indaba agenda.
/ Oil, Gas & Coal Sub Committee· General Update: it was reported that under MAC a committee has been put in place and so far two meetings have taken place and during these meetings old and new licences have been discussed. The committee is looking at improving current licence selection criteria. It was also proposed that this item should also be included on the agenda for discussion with the Minister.
/ Bulletin Production· General Update: a sample of the Bulletin done by the Consultant graphic designer was circulated to the council. This was extensively discussed and it was proposed that the subcommittee leader requests for more improvements to the bulletin e.g. add more pictures, put more columns, etc. Proposed and agreed to go ahead and do a trial run on current issue and consider the way forward. Also proposed way forward is find a way of mitigating costs by company advertising in the bulletin, bring AME Trade on board, etc. (NJM to follow up with Mahad at AME Trade via email).
/ Chamber of Mines· General Update: No representation at this meeting.
· Kalulushi Core Shed/Data Archive in General: Hugh Carruthers informed the meeting that Dave Littleford and himself finally met and during this meeting, it was proposed and agreed that someone from AZMEC should be nominated on the Trust.
/ Federation of Small Scale Mining Association of Zambia· General Update: it was reported that the Baseline Survey, stage 1, has finally come to an end. It covered over 50 mines. It is proposed that strategic plan should to come up with an amended constitution.
· ZEMA issue: it was reported that that FSSMAZ had written to ZEMA requesting for support to hold a capacity building for Small Scale Miners Training of Trainer workshop and this has since been turned down. They have also written a similar letter to AZMEC requesting for sponsorship. The issue of FSSMAZ running workshops for their members was extensively discussed with AZMEC proposing that in order for FSSMAZ to archive conducting the proposed workshops for their members, their members need to contribute towards the costs of running them. Institutions like ZEMA, ZRA will be more than willing to offer resource personnel. They were also encouraged to approach and engage would be sponsors through dialogue. Requested to go back to the drawing board and strategise the way forward, approach three major organisations, e.g. ZCCM-IH, Kagem and Grizzly Mining for sponsorships. They were also advised to look at re-branding their name from Small Scale to something like “Emerging Miners” etc.
/ UNZA School of Mines· General Update: it was reported that the School of Mines has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water Development to strengthen the working relationship between the two institutions.
· Student Mapping & Special Projects: due to students break, this trip will now take place in March 2013 and the AZMEC and Chamber of Mines contributions will go toward this. The School of Mines also expressed gratitude to AZMEC and CMZ for the contributions.
· National Symposium: it was reported that a successful symposium was held with about 80 participants. Mopani Copper Mines were the key sponsors. As a token of appreciation, the committee presented the symposium folder to AZMEC.
· Student Placement: it was reported that even though the School of Mines faced some challenges in finding places for students placements, they finally managed to get close to 50 students on placements. Some AZMEC member companies have taken some students on placements.
/ Geological Society of ZambiaGeneral Update: Osbert Sikazwe informed the council that he had circulated an email to the GSZ council requesting for a meeting, but the response was very poor.
/ Any Other Matters;· First Friday of the Month Get Together: this be combined with the end of year get together and be held on 14th December at a suitable venue. (Edith to find venue and communicate).
· AZMEC 2013 Explorers Forum: preparations are ongoing and letters of sponsorships, presenters have been sent and awaiting confirmation.
· Cape Town Indaba 2013: the council was informed that preparations for the Breakfast meeting to be sponsored by AZMEC during the indaba are in place. The Minister has formally agreed to officiate at the breakfast meeting to be held on the morning of 6th February, 2013. AZMEC Council and members attending the Indaba encouraged attending and participating during this meeting.
· MMEWD Department of Water Affairs: Andrew Goode represented AZMEC at this meeting. A report for the ‘Hydrological/Hydrogeological Year Book of the Mwembeshi and Chongwe Sub-catchments for 2009/10 and 2010/11 was presented during this meeting. (see attached)
/ Date of Next Meeting· The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 17th January, 2013, at 14.00 hours, at AZMEC Secretariat, Lusaka.
The Chairman thanked the councillors for attending the meeting, the meeting ended at 17.30 hours.
Signed ………………….. Signed ………………..
Chairman Secretary