Advanced Photography
Sheridan Watkins
Submitting a portfolio for 2-D design = completing 24-29 Required Works
The 2-D portfolio contains three sections: Quality, Concentration, and Breadth. In the Quality Section, you will submit five examples of your best work. You do not need to show a variety of techniques or approaches, just your best work.
The concentration section is a planned investigation of an idea of personal interest to you. In this section you will develop a body of work that grows from this investigation. You must submit 12 pieces of work in this section. In order to be successful in this area, you must first understand how an idea develops and changes. We will carefully examine specific artist’s bodies of work that demonstrate how ideas morph and expand.
In The Breadth Section, you must document your experience with a variety of concepts and approaches that demonstrate your abilities and versatility with techniques, problem solving, and ideation. The projects below will fulfill the breadth section of the 2-D portfolio through experimental and non-traditional approaches in various photographic projects. Pieces demonstrating your knowledge and mastery of the principles and elements of design are required for Breadth.
Refer to the Principles and Elements of design surrounding you on the classroom walls as we work on projects that reflect Breadth.
Each Piece in both the Concentration and Breadth section will be photographed with the use of transparency film and included in your portfolio as slides.
The Quality Sectionconsists of five actual works from the Breadth of Concentration sections, which meet the portfolio size requirements for submission. Quality Works reflect your BEST WORK integrating the concepts of both the Concentration and Breadth section.
Advanced Photography class content consists of further investigation various forms of expression and techniques using the principles and elements of design. You will develop mastery in concept, composition, and execution.
You will be introduced to new photographers, artists, and more cutting-edge techniques as points of departure to create work that reflects your spirit and your vision. By exploring photographic and contemporary art media with the camera and the darkroom, you will be able to develop a body of work that reflects a range of problem solving, and ideation and develops versatility with techniques to demonstrate your abilities. You may even decide to focus on one of the studies presented for the Concentration section of your portfolio. We will research, keep art journals/ sketchbooks, have class critiques (as you are working), and artistic dialogues that hopefully will inspire you as you create.
I will keep you advised of around town gallery and art functions and will encourage your attendance at museum and galley shows. You will be encouraged to visit on-line museum and contemporary artist sites via the Internet as a means of staying current with the current trends in photography. You will also be required to visit the county or city library to research books within contemporary photography.
There are project requirements, but the projects are open-ended enough for you to develop your own style and mode of expression. The development of the portfolio is an on going process that uses informed and critical decision making to assemble a body of work.
Work is expected to be of high quality in thought, process, and product. You are expected to use artistic integrity. Work based on another artist’s work of photos must move beyond mere duplication and become an expression of your own personal voice and vision.
Advanced Photography/ Digital 2-D Design Portfolio Requirements
Section 1: Quality – Excellence demonstrated in original artwork from either your Breadth or Concentration sections – Five Actual works.
Section II: Concentration – An in depth personal commitment to a particular artistic concern – 12 slides/ some details/ 12to 14 works.
Section III: Breadth– A variety of experiences utilizing the principles and elements of design in the formal, technical, and expressive means available to an artist – 12 slides/ 12 works/ each work reflecting the solution to a visual problem based on the elements and principles of design. Breadth may be achieved in these design studies with the use of one medium of a variety of media.
Class Disclosure and Policies
Class Disclosure and Policies
TARDY??? Please be on time and in your seat when the bell rings there will be a self starter on the board you will need to complete in your sketchbooks. It is disrespectful to the class and the teacher when you are tardy. All students that are tardy excused or otherwise will need to sign in on the Tardy Sheet in order to have the attendance correct for that day. You can loose participation points if you are excessively tardy. Tardies can be are made up through me by doing extra assignments/sketchbook hrs or cleaning the classroom. You will need to fill out a tardy make up sheet. This is just like the attendance school policy so expect to spend 30mins for a tardy make up, and an hr. for absence make ups.
ABSENT??? It will be your responsibility to find out what work you missed if you are absent. This applies especially to school excused absences. Just because you have a good reason for being absent does not mean you are excused from the class work. DON’T MISS CLASS!!! Much of what we do is in class. If you miss class you’ll have A LOT of make-up work. If there are unusual circumstances such as an extended illness, please let me know and we can work something out. Absences can result in loss of participation points. These can be made up through various ways (one of which is cleaning or doing extra sketchbook work). Same as a tardy absences are an hr long of work. Please check my website if you miss my class. It has our weekly agenda and assignments posted.
The Lone Peak Attendance Policy will be used, and the student will need to make up lost points resulting from being tardy or absent through me or attendance school. Please note that the attendance policy has changed from last year. Just be here and on time and you don’t have to worry about it - easy enough. However making up absences through attendance school will not make up the work you missed in class. Extra assignments/sketchbook hrs or cleaning the room will still need to be made up.
(This includes leaving the class without permission. In all cases, leaving the class at any time without permission is an automatic truancy and will be reported to the administration. If you need to step into the hall for any reason, ASK FIRST. Bathroom breaks in excess of 10 minutes will also be considered truancy.)
II. Grading
70% of your grade is completion of assignments.
30% of your grade is active participation. Photography is a lab-based class. You are required to work on photography each and every class period. If you choose to do other work besides photography then you will forfeit possible points for participation. Use your time to improve and get better. I believe an assignment is never really finished – there is always room for improvement. If you finish things early, use the remainder of the time to improve on what you already completed. If you can go no further on the assignment, please let me know and I will make individual recommendations to improve your work.
Grade Scale
100 – 94 = A83 – 80 = B-69 – 67 = D+
93 – 90 = A-79 – 77 = C+66 – 64 = D
89 – 87 = B+76 – 74 = C63 – 60 = D-
86 – 84 = B73 – 70 = C-below 59 = F
III. Late Work
TURN IT IN! I do accept late work, but it will only be worth half credit. If you have late work you’ll fall behind quickly in class. Don’t fall behind. As long as the student works hard in class, and keeps up to date, there shouldn’t be any problem receiving full credit on assignments. If you have any medical reasons or other issues as to why and assignment will be late please talk to me before hand not after the fact.
Please understand that you, individually, are responsible for your experience in photography. Your attitude, your behavior, your actions directly add to the make – up of the entire class. Please show respect and good judgment while you are a member of our classroom community. Profanity, vandalism, and theft will not be tolerated. Students will be expected to replace any damaged or stolen property.
Arrive on time and be prepared for the day’s activities. Classroom supplies, equipment, and homework should accompany you each day. The school and district policies will be followed.
Food and drink will not be allowed in the computer lab. You will be allowed to have a water bottle in the classroom (all bottles must have a lid). Demonstrate respect for your classmates, teachers and yourself. The teacher’s gradebook and supplies on desk are off limits to students. Dismissal at the end of the period is by the teacher, not the bell. You must remain in your seat until you are dismissed. Students are allowed to listen to music, but only during work time. You should only have one ear bud in, NOT BOTH. Students should never ear buds in while I’m instructing. You are only allowed to listen to music NOTHING else. All students are required to understand and follow the school mission statement, which is “Committing minds to inquiry, hearts to compassion, and lives to the service or mankind.”
V. Cheating
Don’t even think about it!! I will figure it out sooner or later, either by your project, test, or quiz scores. Using someone else’s photographs is cheating. All copied projects, papers, tests, and quizzes will be scored as a zero, and a parent will be contacted.
VII. Supplies
- A journal to keep camera exposures, inspiring photographs, quotes, and research.
- A flash drive to keep photographs on. (4GB and up is recommended)
- Pens and pencils.
- 1” binder
- There is a classroom set of cameras for students to use, but they can only use them through proper checkout procedures. Refer to the check out approval list.
VII. Extra Credit
As you read previously, I do accept extra credit, but it will only be enough to help your grade, not save it. I also give extra credit at random times for completely unrelated items, just for fun.
***Extra credit WILL NOT be given if all assignments are not turned in***
VIII. Smart Phones, MP3 players, iPods, and other Music Listening Devices
I actually prefer to listen to music when I work, so if you want to listen to an Ipod or MP3 player, you may. HOWEVER – not until the announcements are given, and I give you the go ahead to start working. I only allow listening to music (which is a privilege, not a right). There will be no viewing of movies on phones, Ipads, etc. (you’ll be concentrating on your work; you won’t be looking at anything else). You may use your electronic device to look at reference images as well, but please do not just copy another image or drawing. Please try to use your own creative mind as much as possible. If there is an abuse of these privileges, I will confiscate the device and it will be turned into the main office.
If you don’t understand something or feel like you are lost or confused, please come in and talk to me; you are always welcome to come in for extra help. I’m usually here by 7:15 and I’m available every day after school until 2:45. I have a 2A prep period and a 3B prep period you are welcome to come stop by and talk or work during these times. I also have a website you can check for announcements and assignments. I can be reached by email as well - .
X. Museum/Art Exhibit Visit
Each term you will be required to visit one art museum or exhibit and do a one page write up (typed) on your experience. I’m more interested in your reaction to the pieces and what it made you think of, than the bio of the artist or the general information regarding the show.
Photography is fun!
Some simple advice for those who want to get ahead: The more you participate in photography, the better you will get. Visit galleries and museums. Study famous photographers. Go to the library and find books on photography. Involve your friends and family. Shoot more photos than just the class assignments. Look at your world as a photographer. Ask questions if you don’t understand something in class. I’m here to help you be the best photographer you can be. Take all this back into your work in the classroom and you will be successful!
Mrs. Watkins
photography 1
Student Name (printed legibly) ______Class Period______
Please sign and return this page after you and your parents have carefully read all of the information contained in this disclosure document. Keep the previous pages of the document for your own records and reference (keep it in your folder). Once you have signed this slip, I will hold you responsible for knowing what is contained in this document.
Returning this signed page counts as an assignment. Easy points.
I have carefully read this entire document.
Student Signature ______Date______
I have carefully read this entire document.
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Comments or Concerns: