Porterville High School
PRIDE in achievement, HONOR in effort, STRENGTH in knowledge
Syllabus for Retail Sales
Department: Business & Technology
Department Goal Statement:
The Business Department at Porterville High School is committed to provide quality and relevant educational experiences using appropriate instructional facilities and resources that assure student competencies in current and innovative business and technological skills.
Course Rationale:
This competency-based (ROP) course prepares students for entry level positions in retail sales and other service industry jobs. Students will learn basic employability skills, sales techniques, and written, verbal, and math skills that may be applied to entry level retail sales or related positions. Integrated throughout the course are career preparation standards which include basic academic skills, communication, interpersonal skills, problem-solving, workplace safety, technology, and employment literacy. This program provides a well-rounded course of instruction which correlates daily formal CTE classroom instruction with regularly scheduled unpaid on-the-job learning experiences in related occupation of business. Emphasis is on the development of attitudes, skills and understanding. Students will work in the PHS Student store helping to maintain its operations. Working in the store includes, stocking, cleaning, inventory control and management, merchandise display, cashiering, customer service as well as backoffice tasks (daily deposits and cash register reconciliation).
Materials & Resources:
· Community Classroom experience (internships)
· Hands-on working in PHS Student Store
· MarkEd LAPS in the areas of human relations, selling, marketing, economics, and entrepreneurship
Academic Expectations:
· IN THE CLASSROOM: You are expected to come prepared to class daily and on time with all necessary materials ready to actively participate in all learning activities.
· OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM: Some of your learning will take place outside the classroom. You should attempt all the homework that is assigned and bring back questions to class for clarification.
· THE TEXTBOOK: You are expected to read the textbook for comprehension. It gives a detailed account of the material of the course.
· EXAMS: The intent is to determine how well you understand the material and basic principles. Some problems/questions on an exam may seem new, but all will be answerable using principles from the material on which you are being tested.
· SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS: It is your responsibility to communicate clearly in writing up solutions for homework, projects, quizzes, and exams. Neatness counts!
Homework Policy:
· Homework is expected to be completed and turned in on time
· Points will be deducted for late assignments.
· Partial credit will be assigned for incomplete work.
Grading Policy:
The grade is based on class work, homework, tests (problem and theory), and semester simulations. Semester grades are cumulative using total points as well as the semester final. The grade is based on the following scale:
A: 90% and above D: 60%-69%
B: 80%-89% F: Below 60%
C: 70%-79%
Citizenship Marks:
Each student’s citizenship grade is evaluated based on the following rubrics: Students need to exhibit at least two of the behaviors in each category to warrant that evaluation.
E = Excellent
· Student exhibits exemplary behavior: 1) No more than 1 step in quarter, 2) No referrals, 3) No more than one tardy per quarter (with make-up)
· Always follows school and classroom rules
· Listens politely and demonstrates respect to others
· Actively participates in class and socializes very well with others
S = Satisfactory
· Student exhibits good behavior: 1) No more than 2 steps per quarter, 2) No more than 1 referral
per quarter, 3) No more than 3 tardies per quarter (with make-up)
· Consistently follows school and classroom rules
· Participates in class
· Gets along well with others most of the time
N = Needs Improvement
· Student exhibits inappropriate behavior: 1) Earned 3 or more steps in quarter , 2) Earned two or more referrals per quarter, 3) Earned more than 4 tardies per quarter
· Inconsistently follows school and classroom rules
· Routine disciplinary action needed; teacher disciplinary action needed on three or more occasions
· Student participation in class is infrequent
· Has difficulty getting along with others
U = Unsatisfactory
· Student exhibits unacceptable behavior
· Frequent disciplinary action needed; referred to office for interventions numerous occasions
· Student does not participate in class
· Does not get along with others
*Please note that citizenship grades will be reported during each grading period.
Make-up Policy:
A pupil absent from school due to verified illness, quarantine, medical appointments, funeral, jury duty or other justifiable reasons outlined in Education Code 48205.a.7 shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed during the absences… The teacher shall determine the test and assignments and shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to tests and assignments missed during absence. (California Education Code 48205 (a) (b) )
Students who miss school work because of unexcused absences or suspension shall be given the opportunity to make up missed work for full or reduced credit. Teachers shall assign such makeup work as necessary to ensure academic progress, not as a punitive measure (BP 6154 (a)).
Student Responsibilities:
Porterville High School disciplinary policy has been developed to insure that Porterville High School provides a proper learning environment for all students. All rules will be enforced and appropriate penalties assessed for infractions. Students who violate rules will be counseled, reprimanded, suspended, or expelled and/or cited by the police. It is the responsibility of every employee to apply the rules consistently and equally for all students. It is the responsibility of every student to complete all assignments on time, with the highest quality possible. In order for students to learn and teachers to teach, student responsibilities are:
1. to come to class on time, bring all materials needed to be successful in this course and be prepared to work for academic success
2. to follow class rules and not disrupt the class
3. to respect other people and their property. (school and personal)
Failure to comply will result in the following consequences:
STEP 1: Verbal warning.
STEP 2: Instructor must make personal contact with parent.
STEP 3: Counselor referral, a face to face parent/teacher conference. A two period class suspension.
STEP 4: Assistant Principal referral, parent notification and two period class suspension.
STEP 5: Assistant Principal referral resulting in student being dropped from the class and assigned RC for remainder of semester. Teacher will provide and grade student assignments.
Porterville High School Expected Classroom Learning Results
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