IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee
ADCOM A11-01 Meeting
Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort, in Board Room
Scottsdale, AZ
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Present: / S. Aggarwal, Chair / D. GoodneyG. Ballassi, Vice-Chair / D. Harmon
S. Fleger, Alt-Sect’y / J. MacDonald
R. Fuld / J. Parello, Sect’y
J. Gleason / M. Sanwarwalla
Absent: D. Brosnan
N. Burstein
P. Yanosy
1. Call to Order (Satish Aggarwal)
NPEC Chair Satish Aggarwal called the meeting to order at 12:40 pm CST and welcomed the NPEC ADCOM members and guests. A round of introductions was held. The following guests were in attendance:
John Carter Alan Rotz
J. Paul Bouard Jodi Haasz
Gary Johnson Soo Kim
A roll-call vote was taken and 10 out of 13 members (77%) were in attendance. 50% of the voting members are required to constitute a quorum. Therefore, a quorum was established.
2. Introductions and Approval of ADCOM Agenda (Satish Aggarwal)
2.1 Approval of Agenda and General Remarks
a. The Chair thanked all members in attendance. The meeting fee with lunch served at a cost of $55.00.
b. The draft ADCOM agenda was approved by motion with the following changes:
· Section 4.1, July 2011 meeting dates was change to 7/25-7/27 (Monday through Wednesday)
· Section 6.1, The following PARs were added for approval: P352, P1082, P62582-1, P62582-2, P62582-3, and P62582-4.
3. Secretary’s Report (James Parello)
3.1 Review and Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
The minutes for NPEC ADCOM Meeting A10-02 were approved by motion with the following amendments.
a. Section 4, July 2011 meeting dates changed to 7/25-7/27 (Monday through Wednesday)
3.2 Status of Action Items
a. See ADCOM Open Action Items table for results.
b. The 8/2008 NPEC OP manual has been approved by the IEEE Technical Council. The PES Standards Board within the next 6 months will be issuing a new template format for the manual and has approved the use of the existing NPEC manual for the next two year. The 08/2008 NPEC manual will be placed on the NPEC website.
c. Gary Johnson (Chair of IAEA Subcommittee SC45A) has request NPEC to review IAEA Guides to ensure consistency with IEEE standards. It is expected that the documents will be available in the summer and fall of 2011. The NPEC Chair requested the NPEC Secretary to submit the IAEA guides when received to SC Chairs for review and comments.
d. Soo Kim (Program Manager, Technical Program Development, Standards Association) has replaced Matt Ceglia as the NPEC supporting interface for IEEE standards activities.
3.3 Status of NPEC Membership (2011)
a. Present NPEC membership is 46 with 5 members being considered for resignation due to lack of attendance at two or more consecutive meetings. Twelve new members were added. The new members are:
Royce Beacom David Gladey Ted Riccio
Keith Bush Robert Hall Mark Santschi
Suresh Channarasappa Liming, James Masafumi Utsumi
Robert Francis Julius Persensky Michael Waterman
b. 10 ADCOM members out of 13 members (77%) were in attendance. The following are new NPEC ADCOM members:
Robert Fuld (Chair SC-5) Dale Goodney (Chair SC-4)
James Gleason (Chair SC-2) Mansoor Sanwarwalla (Chair SC-3)
c. NPEC Chair stated all SC’s should have a Vice-Chair. The SC Vice-Chairs are encouraged to become NPEC members and attend the NPEC meetings. This process will assist in the transition to Chair. All SC and WG members are also welcome and encouraged to attend NPEC meetings.
4. Vice Chairman’s Report (S. Aggarwal)
4.1 Meeting Schedule
11-02 July 2011 Dates: 7/25 - 7/27
Marriott Hotel, Dana Pt, CA
Reservation by calling the Marriott 800 number (800-228-9290)
12-01 Jan 2012 Dates: TBD
San Antonio, TX
12-02 June 2012 Dates: 7/23 - 7/26
San Diego, CA
Meeting will be held in conjunction with the ANS Human Factor (HF) Conference. There is an opportunity for NPEC to host a session of the conference and provide papers to present as along as it does not interfere with NPEC business during the same time period.
4.2 Honors & Awards S. Aggarwal
a. D. Brosnan was not in attendance. No awards with be presented during the
N11-01 meeting. Several awards will be presented at the N11-02 meeting.
b. NPEC will be receiving guideline from PES for awards for nominations. NPEC extended an open invitation to SC to identify members for awards.
5. Planning & Management
5.1 Review of Agenda N11-01 Meeting S. Aggarwal
The draft NPEC agenda was approved with the following change:
Section 4.1, July 2011 meeting dates was change to 7/25 - 7/27 (Monday through Wednesday)
5.2 Brief Discussion on NPEC Goals 2011-2012 S. Aggarwal
Eight international standards are expected to be completed by the end of 2012. Three condition monitoring international standards are presently in the recirculation ballot process. The recirculation ballot will be open for 20 days. It is expected that the standards will be approved by REVCOM in March 2011.
The Chair reminded the SC Chairs that all standards not recently revised need to be updated (All standards older than 2007). The SC Chair needing additional membership resources for standard development are requested to contact S. Aggarwal for assistance. International participation in standard development is encouraged.
5.3 Discuss Plans for Revisions of Standards S. Aggarwal
SC-2 has a number of international members. SC-2.1 in particular has eight international countries represented. SC-2 is working with IEC on five condition monitoring standards. Three of the five standards are presently being balloted. SC2.1 is presently working with IEC SC45A in the harmonization of IEEE Std 323 with IEC Std 60780. The group recently met together in Seattle WA to evaluate the differences in the standards. Technically the documents are presently 90% in agreement.
SC-3 has no international members. IEEE Std 338 will be previewed at NPEC and request will be made to proceed to ballot. P1819 is a new standard under development in the area of risk informed categorization and has international appeal. IEEE Std 352 dealing with reliability is an old standard going through the reaffirmation process. After reaffirmation a PAR will be prepared to update the standard. IEEE Std 577 and 933 are presently being balloted. A PAR for revision of IEEE Std 1205 is presently under review.
SC-4 has one international member and other potential corresponding members are being considered. SC-4 has nine standards including IEEE Std 690 which was recently transferred into SC-4. There are presently 6 approved PARs in process and a PAR is need for revision of IEEE Std 690. One of the standards is going through the reaffirmation ballot process at this time. IEEE Std 741 has been recently approved but a PAR for reaffirmation or revision is being considered.
SC-5 has one international member from Canada. SC-5 has four approved standards. Revision two of the standards is required. IEEE Std 1289 is under an approved PAR and is presently being revised. A Par for revision of IEEE Std 1082 has been submitted. Plans are in place for updating standards with the exception of IEEE Std 1023 which was revised in 2004.
SC-6 has one international member from Japan. IEEE Std 379 currently being revised and is planned to be previewed at the N12-01 meeting. IEEE Std 384 being considering for revision. IEEE Std 420 will be preview at the NPEC N11-01 meeting. IEEE Std 497 (Accident Monitoring Instrumentation) being consideration as a joint international standard. SC-6 planning for future I&C standards development (including cyber security area).
5.4 O&P Manual Discussion S. Aggarwal
NPEC O&P requires a roll-call vote for determination of “Permission to Ballot” of a standard with a recording of names to feel out any negative votes. Chair requested a roll-call vote for “Permission to Ballot” at the NPEC N11-01 meeting be given by a show of hands to reduce the amount of time.
ADCOM discussion the proposal and voted to require a roll-call vote at the beginning of the meeting to establish the meeting quorum and a show of hands for ballot voting. The name of negative votes will be recorded if they wish their name to be recorded.
6. Nuclear Standards Activities
6.1 Status of Balloting/ Standards Schedule
The following is the status of PARs review at ADCOM A11-01 meeting.
a. P383 9 voted to approve, 1 abstained, motion carried
b. P1205 10 vote to approve, motion carried
c. P1082 9 voted to approve, 1 abstained, motion carried
d. P352 10 vote to approve, motion carried
e. P334 PAR not approved at the ADCOM meeting
Electronic vote will be considered for the future use after resolution of the following comments:
· The word “Standard or Std” needs to be added document when referring to IEEE standards.
· Dates and duration need to be updated.
· Update the purpose. The purpose should be the purpose of the standard and not the purpose of the revision.
· More information should be provided to explain the need for the project.
f. P62582-1, P62582-2, P62582-3, P62582-4
The P62582 series PARs were discussed. All reflex the same change.
10 votes to approve, motion carried
6.2 Status of Balloting/ Standards Schedule
P. Yanosy was not available at the meeting. List could not be updated prior to the meeting because all SC Chairs did not provide him the need standard updates. SC Chairs will submit their standard status and schedules 30 days before the meeting. Two weeks before the meeting the Standards Administrator will provide his updated information for the NPEC meeting.
7. Unfinished/Old/Other Business:
7.1 NPEC presently as scheduler conflict in participating in the PES Super Session 2011 and possibly a conflict in 2012 because of the ANS conference arrangement.
8. New Business:
8.1 Need for new digital and I&C standards D. Harmon
· SC-6 presently looking for new areas to consider changes in digital I&C for Looking for topics for new standard work
· Cyber security for both safety and non-safety systems. Assistance is needed from other areas of IEEE PES.
· Smart sensors & actuators being considered
· Categorization of equipment between 1E and non-1E
· IEEE Std 692 has been approved but it is not consistent with certain regulatory bodies. Presently out of phase with international standard thinking.
· ADCOM agreed to the transfer EMI/RFI in IEEE Std 603 to IEEE Std 323
9. Recap of Action Items (J. Parello)
See open action items table below.
10. Adjournment (S. Aggarwal)
ADCOM Open Action Items (from Meeting A11-01)
To / Description / Due / Status /
A05-1-3 / SC Chairs / Send Secretary current officers as of 1/1/09
succession plans and the Names of the Working Groups’ Chairs. / 7/2008 / Closed
A10-2-1 / S. Aggarwal / Obtain IEEE Standard Association (SA) to move IEEE Std 690-2004 into NPEC. / 1/2011 / Closed
A10-2-4 / SC Chairs / Report Implementation plans for NPEC goals on Sept 30, 2010 / 9/10/2010 / Open
A10-2-6 / Satish Aggarwal / Talk to Tech Council regarding our O&P manual / Jan 11 / Closed
A10-2-7 / Satish Aggarwal / Send out IAEA docs and rules for review.
60 days turn around to SCs / Sept 10 / Closed
A10-2-8 / John Mac Donald / Ask Matt Ceglia to explain capturing WG members on Web site for WG mgmt. / 3/31/2011 / Open
A10-2-9 / George Ballassi / Forward NPEC/IEC 45A summary relationship and working process. SCs to review / Sept 10 / Closed
A11-1-1 / SC Chairs / Send Secretary current officers, succession plans and the names of the Working Groups’ Chairs. / 7/2011 / Open
A11-1-2 / SC Chairs / To review the latest WG P&P (2011) and implement and submit SC/WG specific P&P for approval. The NPEC 8/2008 OP manual will be placed on the website for use for the next two years. / 7/2011 / Open
A11-1-3 / John Mac Donald / Place the 8/2008 NPEC OP manual on the NPEC website. / 7/2011 / Open
A11-1-4 / SC Secretary / Submit to SC Chairs to review IAEA guides submitted by Gary Johnson (Chair of IAEA Subcommittee SC45A) for review and comments when received. / 12/2011 / Open
A11-1-5 / SC Chairs / To evaluation the possibility of revised SC and WG meeting schedule during the NPEC meeting week. / 7/2011 / Open
A11-1-6 / SC-3 Chair / Develop a broadcast introduction description to be used to advertise a call for membership to work on PAR P1819 in the area of risk informed categorization. / 7/2011 / Open
A11-1-7 / SC-4 Chair / Review the smart grid from the nuclear prospective and define where it can be expanded. / 7/2011 / Open
A11-1-8 / SC-2 / PAR P334 to be revised based on NPEC comments and resubmitted for electronic vote. / 3/31/2011 / Open
A11-1-9 / SC Chairs / Provide standard status of to P. Yanosy within 10 working days. Standard status submitted 30 day prior to NPEC meeting. Update status report to SC Chairs 14 days before meeting / 2/11/2011 / Open