Physical Science


A.  notebook /paper, pen or pencil, pocket folder or three ring binder, and a calculator

TEXTS – Physical Science: Concepts in Action, Prentice Hall: Earth Science

LAB FEE - $5.00

Please pay in the first three weeks of the semester.


A+ 99-100 A 92-98 A- 90-91 B+ 88-89 B 82-87 B-80-81

C+ 78-79 C 72-77 C 70-71 D+68-69 D62-67 D-60-61 F59-0


Tests and quizzes –You are allowed one retake per nine weeks. In order to do a retake, all homework must be finished and kept in a binder with all notes taken for the chapter. This needs to be done prior to taking the test. (50%)

Labs/Lab reports (10%)

Homework (10%)

Final (30%)


A. It is your responsibility to find out about assignments missed while absent.

B. Tests and quizzes will be made up before school.


A. You are expected to be in the room when the bell rings*. You need to find your seat when you come in, not stand around and talk. *First period students must report to the office when tardy.

B. No food or Drinks (drinks with a screw on lid are permitted i.e. Pepsi bottle)

C. “Be Prepared, Be Respectful, and Be on Time!!”

D. Ready Rule: Come to class ready to learn. You are to bring all necessary materials to class, this includes but is not limited to pen/pencil, paper, notebook, and textbook.

E. Respect Rule: Respect the rights and property of others.

F. Request Rule: Ask for help when needed.

G. Offer Rule: Offer help to others.

H. Responsibility Rule: Strive to act responsibly at all times.


2- Properties of matter 3- States of matter 8.1 & 8.2 –Solutions 4- Atomic Structure

5- The periodic table 10- Nuclear Chemistry 6- Chemical Bonds 7- Chemical Reactions 11- Motion 12- Forces and Motion 14.1-Work 15.1 & 15.2- Energy 16- Thermal Energy and Heat 17 & 18- Waves 20- Electricity 25- Universe

Tips for Maximum Success:

1.  Take notes that are legible and review these notes each night. Studying throughout the week is better than trying to cram just before a test. I recommend a minimum of 15-30 min/night.

2.  *READ* the chapter in your textbook.

3.  Regular attendance and active participation in classroom activities are factors that will improve your grade. If you are absent, call a friend in the class to find out what you missed.

4.  If you missed notes, get them from a friend as soon as you return.

5.  Always check the whiteboard for assignments, test dates, etc.

6.  Complete your homework every time it is assigned.