Member changes or additions

will be posted in this section

Cards, calls and prayers are much appreciated by our homebound members:

Ruth Jones

Carol Kritsch

LCoP Prayer Chain

When you have any prayer concerns, please let our prayer chain pray for you by contacting Chuck Jordin at 661-873-9565 or email .

Online Calendar!

Did you know that our event calendar is online so you can access it anytime, anywhere, from the internet? Check it out at click on Info Center and Calendar. This will also be updated during the month as events change or are added! To update, please email .

Join Our Email List!

Are you on our email list to have the newsletter and event reminders delivered to your inbox? Subscribe by sending an email to .

In the Hospital?

If you find yourself hospitalized, I would like to visit! But rather than relying on the hospital to contact me, please give me or the church office a call with your information.

I’d be happy to stop by, share a word of Scripture and prayer.

If you have a planned surgery, I’d be happy to visit before the procedure. Just let me know the specific hospital as well as the time you are supposed to check in and the time of the procedure. I’ll do my best to be there in between those two times. Thanks! –Pastor Toenjes

God’s blessings to everyone on your special occasion. If you don’t see your name, please call the office to make corrections or additions. We want to include everyone!


Tim & Linda Hartnett


Mark Van Boening

Delores Markell

Delores Martell

Rachel Toenjes

Alexandria Munoz

Kathi Loudermilk

Marissa Espericueta

Jann Votaw

Madison VanRoekel

Zachary Arnold

Sharon Jacobson

We honor birthdays and anniversaries on the Second Sunday of every month. If you would like to help with refreshments for those who are celebrating, bring your treat to church that morning.

Easter lifts the fog
A friend stood one day where he could view the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. At first it was completely shrouded in early morning fog. But as the sun rose, the fog lifted between the upright piers of the bridge, leaving the land anchors still unseen.
Is it not so with life? We see only what is between the great piers called birth and death. But Easter lifts the fog from both. Easter is the time when we see more completely the anchorages that sustain life.
—George Mecklenberg

Kelly Moore Called as Wonder Window Director

At our special voters' meeting Sunday, March 12, our congregation voted to extend a call to Mrs Kelly Moore of Arlington, Texas, to serve as our next Wonder Window Director! Thank you for your prayers for blessing and guidance for her and her family as they consider this new calling. Thanks also for welcoming them as they visit Bakersfield, Wonder Window Children’s Center and Lutheran Church of Prayer the weekend of April 7-9.

Women’s Fellowship Guild

Our next Women's Fellowship Guild businessmeeting will be on Tuesday, April 4th, beginning at 11:00 A.M. in the Library at LCoP. Immediately following the meeting we will meet at Peking Palace at Fairfax and Auburn for a no host lunch. The hostess this month is Betty Jordin. All women are invited to attend the business meeting or just join us for lunch. If you are able to join us for lunch, please RSVP as soon as possible to Betty at 661-873-9565.
...let us walk in the light of the Lord. Isaiah 2:5
Betty Jordin

Save the Date for VBS!

This summer LCoP will host two weeks of Vacation Bible School!

June 12-16: Wonder Window (9:00-11:30 a.m.)

July 17-21: Church and Community (9:00-12:00 p.m.)

Prayerfully consider how you can be involved in one or both of these outreach events!

Questions? Please see Joyce Toenjes.

Easter Lily Purchase

For those wishing to purchase Easter Lilies, the price is $10. An order form will be inserted into your church bulletin on Sunday, April 2. You will be able to indicate the number of lilies that you wish to purchase and also any information that you want to include for a memorial or honor dedication. Payment should be made to “LCOP” for Altar Circle and can be placed in the offering plate, given to Patty King, Kristy Sturz or Carolyn Schaefer or sent to the church office. The beautiful lilies will decorate the altar area on Easter Sunday and be available for your pickup following the second service on Easter.
Our next meeting will be on Monday April 10th at 7pm and our next work day is Saturday April 15th at 8am. Help is always good. Update on the storage shed, we (thanks to Roy) had a set of plans approved so we are able to move forward in completing it.TomK. and Chuck P. we were able to have our first inspection on it and it passed with flying colors. If everything goes smooth we will have that completed in a couple weeks. Then get our finial inspection. Then onto our next project.We have a great God who is good to us.
God Bless
Don Votaw


(Service and Activities Ministry)

The SAM group had an active agenda in March. A dinner was provided for 65 college members of the Irvine Concordia Choir after their wonderful performance. They appreciated a home cooked meal. (No leftovers!) We also provided a casserole dinner for Lenten supper. The Parking Lot Sale was well attended. We had 27 spaces rented by 16 families from the congregation and Wonder Window. Any items that were not wanted were donated to the Torres family scholarship yard sale. Thank you to all who helped in these activities! If you would like to join in on some of the upcoming activities, please talk to a SAM person.

Save the Date! Saturday, October 21st, will be our Oktoberfest with a twist! More information on that later.


Linda Hartnett,

The SAM Committee

Work Day April 15th. All helpers welcome!

Wonder Window School Board

Praise be to God, Wonder Window continues to enroll students. As of April 3, we have 57 preschoolers and 11 school age children who attend elementary schools in our area and are picked up by Wonder Window for after school care.

We are looking forward to the visit of our

prospective Director, Kelly Moore and her family, April 7-9. Everyone will have an opportunity to meet them at some point during their visit and extend to them the gift of hospitality, friendliness and heart by which ourschool and church family are known.This month as we finish our Lenten walk together and celebrate the joyous Easter morning of Christ's resurrection, may we all be eternally grateful for the gift of salvation purchased by His body and blood.

Vivienne Kuster

Wonder Window School Board

Golf Tournament

Come join the fun at the 5th annual golf tournament Sunday, April 30th, at 1pm. Pairs modified best ball (format is explained on a sheet in the narthex). Singles will be paired to keep the game even. The cost is $65 per person which includes green fees, cart, and a dinner at the church after. If you are interested in sponsoring a hole, or verse there is a sign-up sheet in the narthex. Sponsorship's need to be in by April 9th to have time to make the signs. Hole sponsorships are $100, If you know of someone or some company that may be interested we have a letter we can send them and after the tournament we will supply them with a tax number for taxes. Verse sponsorships are ($50 for a sign near the green, $25 for a sign in the fairway).

This is open to friends as well as members, and we all know - someone is watching so we are sure there won't be any sandbagging.

Most of the funds raised comes from the sponsorship fees so the more the merrier, most of the entry fees go to the green fees and the dinner. If you are interested in helping and not playing there is plenty of things to do, like the putting contest, signing people in, putting out signs.

This year as we have lost two of our fellow golf members that did a lot for our youth many times over.

Funds will go toward the LCOP Youth Center Fund.

May God Bless

Michael Lehmann Golf Coordinator

Church Golfers, you need tocome andjoin us Anyone interested in golfing, we golf every Friday morning. For informationplease call or text Tim Hartnett at 661-319-8469.

Charla Herider


Dear Wonder Window and Lutheran Church of Prayer family,

He is Risen! He is Risen, indeed! Alleluia! For those who know the joys of Easter morn, the reminder that our Savior is truly risen means love, forgiveness, acceptance and the gift of an everlasting life. Jesus Christ is risen and wants to be accepted as your Savior. If you don’t yet know Him, it is easy to learn more. You can speak with Pastor Toenjes, the staff and of course you’re always welcome at Lutheran Church of Prayer. To that effect…

A new Inquirers' Class will be starting soon, so if you're interested in joining Lutheran Church of Prayer,if you'dlike to know more about what we believe and teach, orif you'djustlike a review of our church's teachings, contact Pastor Toenjes ( or 661-871-1289) or talk to him when you're dropping off or picking up your children. We'll set the day and time of the class based onparticipants' availability.

There are several important things we want to make you aware of. Easter parties will be held on Friday, April 7th during the morning. Be sure to check your child’s classrooms for sign-up sheets if you haven’t already. These will let you know items needed and the time of your child’s class party and Easter Egg Hunt.

Beginning Monday, April 10th, Spring “break” will begin. We have asked you all to turn in a form as to whether your child will be attending. If you’ve not returned it, please do so now. Staff vacations are being scheduled for this time. We are open Monday through Thursday for your child’s care. We are closed for Good Friday. During this week, your child may not be with their regular teacher as we combine classes. Rest assured we will have fun with arts and crafts, games and play.

Calling all golfers! We have some fun planned for you. Sunday, April 30th, at 1:00 pm, Lutheran Church of Prayer will be hosting the Fifth Annual Couples Best Ball Golf Tournament at Kern River Golf Course. Singles will be paired to keep the game even. The cost is $65 per person which includes green fees, cart and a dinner at the church after. Come and enjoy a time of golf and meet new people. For information, please contact Mike Lehmann at 835-1965 or Ms. Kathy In the office at 871-1289.

Our themes for the month of April include all things Spring. Birds and Butterflies, Rain and Rainbows and Plants and Gardens will all be covered by art projects, music, stories and observation. The children and I have already begun counting the butterflies we see on the playground and listening to the birds sing. We are all looking forward to Spring!

During Chapel, we will continue to learn fun songs with Pastor. The children enjoy that Pastor plays guitar and always has something new for us to sing. Maybe we’ll learn a song about Easter morning, doubting Thomas or a song about Jesus returning to Heaven. Our stories will teach your child more about the resurrection of Jesus. Encourage them by asking about the Bible story for the week or practicing the weekly memory verse. Perhaps they’ll surprise you and share something that you didn’t know.

In His love,

Charla Herider


Days to Remember: Monday, April 3rd, Registration begins Friday, April 14th,

Wonder Window CLOSED for Good Friday

Monday, April 17th, Registration opens to the public

Sunday, April 30th, LCoP Annual Couples Golf Tournament

Wonder Window is adding solar panels! Beginning the week of April 17th, the parking lot we normally use will be temporarily closed.

While it is, please park on the “playground” lot located on the Northwest side of the campus. We appreciate your cooperationand apologize for the inconvenience.

Miss Vanessa’s Class

Happy Spring The weather is warming up and the flowers are in full bloom. I love this time of year as we start having some beautiful spring days. This month as Easter approaches we will be learning about what Jesus did for us on the cross. This will be a very busy month for the 2’s class. We will be working on our letters V, W and X and the numbers 22, 23 and 24. We will also have our “He is Risen” party along with our Easter egg hunt on the 7th at 9:00 a.m. We will begin practicing our songs for our spring program this month. I pray each of you have a great Easter with your families

Miss Rachel’s Class

Spring is here and with it fresh air. The flowers are blooming and you can smell their aromas. In April, our topics will be birds, butterflies, rainbows, plants and gardens. All of these things remind of us of what God created. Our wise owls are learning and growing. We want to wish Andrew a very Happy Birthday! In addition, Ms. Vanessa will celebrate her birthday on the 12th. We wish God’s blessings on them. We wish you a Happy Easter. Remember that Jesus died for you on the cross. For those not attending Easter break, enjoy your time away and have safe travels. Remember those who are sick in prayer. God bless everyone!

Miss Stephanie’s

Happy April parents and families. This is the month we celebrate our Lord dying on the cross and His resurrection. What a glorious month it is. During April, we will be reviewing all of our phonics, colors, shapes and numbers 1-30. We will also be sounding out new words. Please keep reviewing everything at home. Our class will be having our Easter party and egg hunt on Friday, April 7th. Enjoy some fun with your child. We will begin at 8:50 A.M. and end at 10:30. Wishing everyone a blessed Easter season.

Ms. Joyce’s Class

Happy April to you! This is a special month as we focus on Jesus’ suffering and death for us on the cross and His triumph over death on Easter morning! We know we wouldn’t be celebrating Easter without His death and resurrection for us. Easter bunnies and eggs remind us of our new life in Him. They will definitely be a part of our celebration! Please sign-up, if you haven’t already, for our Easter Egg Hunt and party on Friday, April 7. We are looking forward to a fun morning! During this month, we will also be working on addition and subtraction and reviewing our numbers through 20. We will continue to review our letters and their sounds through games and other hands-on activities. We have been working on building and sounding out 3-letter words and are enjoying reading them together. A special happy birthday wish to Kaleb this month as he celebrates his birthday on the 4th. God bless you and keep you all! Have a blessed Spring Break and Easter knowing Jesus did it all for YOU!!

Mr. Jacob’s Class

This year is moving right along. It’s hard to believe it’s already April. In April, we will start practicing our songs for our graduation ceremony. I will be sending the lyrics home so the children can also practice at home. We will also be having an Easter party on the 7th. I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Peter who is turning 12 and to Ryan who is turning 7. May you all have a blessed and happy Easter.

/ March 28, 2017
Greetings from Papua New Guinea! It has been quite some time since we’ve last written with a brief update and there is so much happening that we wanted to write about some of things going on with our family.
Last week we finished our six day biennial branch conference. This is a time where all of us serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators in PNG come together for a time of spiritual refreshment, celebration of what God has accomplished through us, and setting strategies for our work here. While Jonathan and Carrie were in these meetings all day, Leah spent her days helping with the grade one class during a VBS that was put on for the missionary kids so the parents can attend the conference. Leah had a great time working with the kids, but was tired at the end of each long day! Rachel was able to help out a few days with childcare during the conference as well. She spent one morning working with the 3 year olds and two other mornings she worked in the nursery with babies and toddlers. She loved it!
The day after the conference ended, Leah was up early to join with a group of high school students going on a mission trip. The group of about 25 students and about 10 adults drove to the coastal city of Lae. While there, they are spending much of their time working to help build a boys’ dorm at a place called Lae City Mission. They are also spending some time helping out at the Lae City Mission orphanage. Leah told us she was able to sit on the floor with a bunch of kids around her, play guitar, and sing some Tok Pisin (PNG trade language) Christian songs with them. Definitely a highlight for her! The group is returning to Ukarumpa today (Tuesday).
On Wednesday, Leah and Carrie will be leaving to head to Cairns, Australia. About a month ago, Leah developed a very painful Pilonidal cyst, which is a cyst that forms at the base of the tailbone. The only way to get rid of the cyst, and the tracks that lead further into the body, is to have it surgically removed. The sooner she can have this done, the better. Carrie and Leah will overnight in Port Moresby on Wednesday night and then fly to Cairns the following morning. Leah will see the surgeon for an initial visit on Friday, March 31st and is scheduled for surgery the following Monday, April 3rd. It was no simple feat to line up flights, accommodation, and dates for doctor appointments and surgery! But, we are so thankful for the way it has all worked out in the end. Carrie and Leah will be staying at Tree Tops Lodge while in Cairns, which is a place set up for missionaries needing to come to Cairns for medical or other reasons. We’re thankful to have a place like this to stay. Please pray for everything to go smoothly on the trip down, for the surgery to be successful with minimal pain for Leah, and for our family as we’re apart from each other for at least two weeks, and possibly longer, depending on how soon Leah will be cleared by the surgeon to return to PNG.
Thank you so much for your prayers for our family! We appreciate each and every one of you and how you faithfully support us with your finances and prayers!
Your partners in Christ,
Jonathan and Carrie Federwitz, Leah and Rachel

Federwitz E-mail Flyer